
Tue, 14 Jan, 2020

Should High School Students be Allowed to Have Cellphones in School?

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High school girl using phone

The cell phone has become an essential part of our lives. Thus, the question arises of whether students should be allowed to use cellphones in schools. High schools in some countries allow the restrictive use of cell phones for students on campuses. Others either prohibit cell phones in the classroom or ban the device.

Schools must stop the misuse of cell phones in classrooms or schools. But, enforcing a blanket ban is impractical and unwise. There are cons if the students use cell phones in school. But there are many benefits too.

Advantages Of Allowing School Students To Have Cellphones In School

High school students using cellphones

  1. Cell Phone Is a Convenient Mode of Communication in Emergency Situation

The cell phone is the most convenient mode of communication between parents and kids. With the help of cell phones, they can contact their parents and vice versa during an emergency. Students can also report untoward incidents like shootings or any other violence to the law enforcement authorities. Parents can check on their kids via mobile phones.

  1. Cell Phones Reduce the Burden on Students

The traditional method of teaching is witnessing major changes. The coronavirus pandemic prompted both teachers and students to join virtual classrooms. Schools have reopened, and physical classes have resumed. Yet, digital devices like mobile phones and laptops are unavoidable during learning.

Teachers give homework, assignments, projects, notes, etc., in digital form. Hence, cell phones in school come in handy to receive, check and study these online study materials. Students do not need to carry heavy textbooks and notes in their backpacks anymore. They can access it anytime and anywhere via their cell phones.

  1. Cell Phones Facilitate Online Learning

With the internet, mobile phones have also become a platform for learning. It emancipates students from an environment where learning means studying a few books. Usually, schools let students study a limited curriculum for at least a year.

A mobile phone with an internet connection lets students have a free hand for learning anything they want. It helps students study whichever topic or subject they like, regardless of their age or class. Free-hand learning is very important in today's competitive world. It is better for students if they learn more than their syllabus. Cell phones and other digital devices have expanded our area of learning. They have allowed us to study from the comfort of our homes. Online courses are a new reality.

  1. Cell Phones Can Help Students Save Money

Cell phones give easy and, many times, free access to books, notes, and other study materials. So, high school students can save money if they carry cell phones in school. They do not need to buy books, which often become heavy on the pocket. They can download learning materials and bring them to school to study in the classroom.

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  1. Can cell phones help students with mental health problems?

Cell phones help us stay in touch, which is very important for students with mental health problems. A student with anxiety can use a cell phone to talk to their parents or caretakers to assuage their anxieties. Students with mental health problems can stay calm and composed with the help of cell phones.

  1. Why should excessive use of cell phones be avoided?

Excessive use of cell phones in the classroom will disturb students' educational growth as well as physiological damage. Too much screen time can affect eyesight, cause chronic neck and back pain, affect coordination, and disturb the sleep cycle.

  1. How much screen time is good for students?

For students or adults, regulated screen time is a must everywhere. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends just about two hours of screen time for children and teenagers.

  1. What is parents' and teachers' role if students bring cellphones to school?

Parents and teachers must teach students how to engage with cell phones in school. They should put their mobile phones on silent mode or switch them off during class or study periods. This way, students can practice self-control.

  1. At what grade do students get a cell phone?

It actually depends on parents to decide when their children should be given a cell phone. On an average, children between the age of 13 to 14 are given a cell phone in school.

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