Writers Guild

Tue, 14 Sep, 2021

Should Guns Be Illegal in the US? A Closer Look

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Should Guns Be Illegal in the US?

In January 2022, there were 22 reported cases of school shootings in the US. Each time a school shooting takes place, conversation and debate about gun control is brought back into the limelight. There are several arguments for and against whether guns should be illegal in the US.

Some people argue that guns should be illegal in the US. This would lower the number of gun owners and subsequently lower the rate of gun-related crimes in the US. 

However, this argument fails to take into account the sheer number of people who are passionate about their Second Amendment rights or the “right to bear arms”.

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Banning guns could also lead to an increase in the illegal trade of guns. This is much harder to police, and the likelihood of gun-related crimes skyrocketing once again is very high. Thus, banning guns is not the answer to the US’ growing gun problem.

Since the government is unable to ban guns as a whole, gun control is required to help regulate the possession and acquisition of guns.

Should Guns Be Illegal in the US?

 Gun control refers to legal measures that exercise control over the possession of guns. Firearms, in particular, need to be heavily regulated to work towards a safer America.

While gun control exists in every country, some countries, such as the US, view it as a fairly controversial issue. Many people believe that the police need to be fully armed to protect their community. 

However, firearms are easily replaced with several tools–tranquillisers, tasers, batons, airsoft guns–that do not cause fatal harm to people.

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Stricter Control Is The Way Forward

The same measures can be applied to personal gun owners. There is no real need for a firearm when an airsoft gun can be used for protection. Proper gun control would greatly reduce the number of innocent lives lost to gun violence.

Every year, the US is subject to several school shootings, drive-bys, deaths by misfires, and a staggering number of racist hate crimes–often fatal. Banning guns would only lead to a thriving illegal gun market because American citizens stand by their right to own arms. 

The answer to reducing gun-related crimes is not to ban guns; instead, gun control needs to be reformed to regulate the selling, buying, and possession of guns.

At PlanetSpark, we ask our students to observe an issue by considering all possible arguments. Our unique online learning experience can help your children understand why gun control is just the tip of the iceberg to reduce gun-related crimes.

Should Guns Be Illegal in the US?

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  1. What is Gun Control?

Gun control refers to legal measures that exercise control over the possession of guns.

  1. Why do school shootings occur?

School shootings are often a result of bullying and stress encouraged by easy access to firearms.

  1. What is the Second Amendment?

The Second Amendment was added to the constitution of the US in 1791. It protects the rights of US citizens to keep and bear arms.

  1. Why is gun control important?

Without gun control, gun-related crimes will continue to see a rise in numbers. With proper gun control, the US can regulate the sale and ownership of firearms.

  1. Should the police own firearms?

The police don't need to carry firearms, especially since there are alternatives available that are non-fatal to criminals. This includes batons, tasers, airsoft guns, and tranquillisers.

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