
Mon, 06 Jul, 2020

Should Dr. Kalam’s face be printed on the newest banknote?

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Whose Face Should be Printed on the Newest Banknote?

Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam is also known as APJ Abdul Kalam Azad. His name is the first name that comes to my head when I thought about whose name would be printed on the newest banknote.

The Indian Rupee note has been adorned with the image of Mahatma Gandhi for decades since he is the father of the nation who gained our independence from British rule.

For decades, India has wished for a leader like Mahatma Gandhi to lead, inspire, and reform the country—if not physically, then mentally, and intellectually. He was the one who motivated the youth to dream of grand ambitions and strive for the nation using simplicity, good thinking, and secularism. APJ Abdul Kalam also played a similar and significant role in the development of India.

Dr. Kalam's Achievements

The late APJ Abdul Kalam played an essential role in the development of India. His achievements as a scientist also make him worthy of being the face of the new banknote.

Dr. APJ started his career as a scientist and helped build India's first indigenous hovercraft. He was a Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) member. ISRO still launches rockets with the help of TERLS.

APJ also led India's first Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV). Dr. Kalam was popularly known as the "Missile Man of India", after the launch of the Prithvi missile and the Agni intermediate-range ballistic missile. As the Chief of the DRDO, he led the Pokhran II explosions. 

The tests successfully achieved their primary goal of providing India with the ability to construct fission and thermonuclear weapons. This event became celebrated and covered by the media and this contributed to making Kalam a name loved and admired by every house in the country, and he became the country's best-known nuclear scientist. Kalam was India's first scientist to be elected President. During his presidency, he was everyone's favorite and was known as the People's President because of his lovable nature. 

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Kalam's Nature

After his presidency, he served in a variety of educational programs. Kalam's main aim was to motivate kids. He frequently spoke to children and the youth. He had always believed that kids are the ones who can be responsible for a better India, and they should participate in India's future development. So, Kalam spent most of his time attempting to motivate them to achieve better things for the nation. 

Because of his achievements, APJ Kalam Ajad has won the hearts of many people all over the world. His entire character has always been filled with purity and simplicity. He is a character of endless dignity and natural goodness. The role model APJ Abdul Kalam was, with his hard work, patience, and a positive attitude always inspiring and motivating us. 

His character taught us that we must have dreams, that we must be confident enough to chase our dreams, that we must devote ourselves to our work, and that we must not be afraid of hurdles. 

APJ always wanted all of the country's religions to be united and treated with the same affection and love. Once we start thinking beyond religion, there will be peace in every society of the country, and we will achieve a lot as one united nation.


APJ is a gem of our country and is an easy choice as the personality whose name should be printed on the newest banknote. In the future, his face will serve as a reminder. We should work for the progress of our country with the same purity that he showcased during his life. Also, he always wanted a corruption-free India. His thoughts may transform India from a developing country to a developed one. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. When did APJ Abdul Kalam Azad become President?

Ans. In 2002, APJ Abdul Kalam Azad became India's eleventh president. 

  1. How did APJ begin his career?

 Ans. He had a bright career as a missile, rocket, and space scientist, and technology consultant. 

  1. What did he remark during his lecture at the Government College for Women? 

Ans. He stated the bridge of love should unite all religions; he started his speech with the salutation, Assalamu Alaikum. Religion, he says, is a flower that develops bliss in a person's body and spirit. He compared different religions to blooming gardens, connected by the bridge of love and compassion. 

  1. What was APJ Abdul Kalam's message for kids?

Ans. He was always attempting to teach the youngsters the importance of never losing hope for a better future, no matter what. He told children to always remember his words: "Whatever happens, happens for good; whatever has happened, has happened for good, and whatever will happen, will happen for good."

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