Writers Guild

Mon, 20 Sep, 2021

Recycling: A Comprehensive Guide to How It Can Help Us

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How Can Recycling Help Us?

How Can Recycling Help Us?

The term recycling is very well known to us. It is breaking down used materials and then creating something new out of them. It is very important to know the three R’s- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in today's world. 

The environment is becoming polluted every day, leading to a series of problems such as global warming and deforestation. So to prevent all of this from happening, it is essential to know what recycling is. 

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There are many ways in which recycling helps us:

  1. Recycling is a process that can help in sustainable development. We are not the only humans on the planet; around 1 million babies are born every day. So to make the world a safer place for them and us, we need to conserve our environment. 

  2. Recycling helps save the forests that give us wood, paper, fuel and other things. If we reduce the use of non-biodegradable items such as plastics, we can prevent many environmental disasters from taking place. 

  3. Industries and factories produce a lot of toxic waste that goes into the rivers, which are supplied to the houses. It is not only detrimental to the health of the people but also to the entire ecosystem. Thousands of fish and other animals die everyday due to the consumption of toxic water. 

So, if one takes a pledge to segregate between dry waste and wet waste, then many disasters might be prevented. One can start using metal straws instead of plastic ones and resort to using paper bags instead of plastic to prevent environmental disasters from taking place.

How Can Recycling Help Us?

 There are different processes to recycle different things: 

  1. Paper:

 paper is first converted into pulp using different chemicals that can wash out the ink. Later on, the pulp is dried and straightened out to form paper again. 

  1. Glass: 

Glass is broken down into various pieces and then melted and reshaped into a new object. 

  1. Plastic: 

Recycling plastic is the most complicated of them all. Different grades of plastic available can get mixed, and the process turns out to be a failure. So the lesser it is used, the better. 

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If you want to contribute to recycling, start being conscious about what you buy. Stop using plastic, start waste segregation and do not throw waste on the road or into the river!

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