
Sun, 11 Jul, 2021

Racism: The plague of our society

Racism is the discriminatory behavior of a man toward others based on their skin color and place of origin. Racism has existed in our society since ancient times. People belonging to communities with darker colour skin are prominent victims of racial discrimination.

At times, people make jokes about them because of their looks. Sometimes people are excluded from some groups or activities because of their origin.

In any place like workplaces, neighborhoods, schools, shops, public transport, etc., we can witness racism.

Many famous personalities like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela have faced racial discrimination in their life. Mahatma Gandhi, in his early days in South Africa, was once thrown out of a train due to racism.

Racism is a barbaric practice that has been in vogue worldwide for a long time. A vast majority of the population has been suffering in the name of racism. As a result, they have been constantly deprived of their fundamental rights. Many corrupted people use racism as an excuse to justify horrific behavior toward others.

Now the time has changed with the spread of education, and a new awakening has occurred. People have recognized their rights. They have stood up with a new strength to fight for their rights.

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Social reformers and many political parties have come to support these communities. They have raised their voices marking several revolutions and reforms in various fields worldwide. As a result of their continuous struggle, they have been granted most of their rights.  In most countries, racism has been made illegal. Still, it continues in some parts of the world. It deserves more struggle to be uprooted completely.

There are several forms of racism:

  1. Individual or internalized racism

  2. Interpersonal Racism

  3. Institutional Racism

  4. Structural Racism

International Day to eliminate racism is celebrated every year on the 21st of March.  The theme of racism in 2021 was ‘Youth standing up against Racism’.

We all need to raise our voices against this discrimination because it is a very unfair belief. Only because of their skin color and look do people of darker skin color face significant bias and unfair treatment in many aspects of life. Racism is an evil on earth that has taken many lives and must be destroyed with the combined efforts of people and governments.

To eradicate racism, the thinking and mentality of people need to be changed first. This openness should pass on to the next generation onwards so that not a single person suffers from racism in the future.

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