The art of Public Speaking

Tue, 01 Sep, 2020

Public Speaking for class 1 students: A complete guide!

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About Public Speaking Course For Class 1

Today, every professional is graded on their ability to communicate and present themselves in the workplace and public settings. That's why general speaking skills for class 1 becomes an essential aspect of a child’s life in their formative years. Explaining oneself effectively and convincingly is a valuable advantage in whatever school or employment route a person may pursue.

It enables a person to exchange ideas, form connections, maintain a calm and confident demeanour, and do various other things. However, it is not as simple as it seems to be on the surface. The prospect of standing in front of a large group of people and attempting to mesmerize them with your words might be pretty intimidating, especially for younger kids.

PlanetSpark has crafted a Public Speaking Course for class 1 that covers all of the most important public speaking subjects for kids to make it as easy as possible for them to complete it. When it comes to public speaking, we realize its importance for children and adults.

As important as it is, captivating and confident public speaking is a beneficial talent that is frequently disregarded and underdeveloped in a child's formative years. We want to instil these qualities in children as early as possible, starting right from early childhood. Our English Public Speaking Course for 1st grade will provide your young ones with the necessary skills.

Book a FREE class NOW to have a deeper understanding of our teaching methods.

Benefits Of PlanetSpark Public Speaking Classes For Class 1 Children

Your child will study the following skills throughout the public speaking course for class 1 children:

  • How to unwind before making a speech or presentation?

  • Tips for organizing your cognitive process.

  • How to prepare for your presentation by seeing it on video?

  • What you can do to make your public speaking talents stand out to instructors, parents, and other childrens.

It is mainly via the medium of the oral lecture that this English Public Speaking Course for class 1 kids is provided. Because the skill your kid will be learning is connected to communication, it only makes it logical that you would understand it via all forms of communication.

In this course, the kid will study a practical skill that is both theoretical and academic. It is a talent that requires the development of physical habits. The kid will be required to participate in several tasks in which the child will be required to video film themselves speaking and then see themselves in action.

Learning how to give a presentation is similar to riding a bicycle. It's just a matter of practising several times and persevering through the wobbling and falling off portions until the child gets it perfectly.

There are multiple video lectures in this public speaking course for class 1 children and several additional books that you as a parent can read and help your child improve their public speaking skills.

The benefits of the public speaking course for class 1 children are

  • Entertaining and Engaging Projects

Using a lighthearted approach, we cover the basics of public speaking for class 1 children. A few of the fantastic projects that your kid will have the opportunity to participate in under the course include "Learning to deliver a TED Talk," "Master Debaters," and "Creating your podcast channels."

  •  A Comprehensive Module

The English public speaking course for class 1 children aims to assist youngsters in overcoming their fear of public speaking, gaining confidence, improving their presence of mind, improving their interpersonal skills, and developing their general personality to be 21st century ready, among other things.

  •  Programs designed by Experts

Certification programs are unique and produced by specialists from Harvard & XLRI. These experts have used public speaking and creative writing principles that have benefited them in their personal and professional journeys to develop them further.

  • Professional Trainers

Our instructors are competent, highly trained language mastering specialists who have passed the PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT). More than one lakh teachers take this test throughout the globe. 

Animal topics for public speaking  for Class 1 childrens

  • The life of deep-sea fish.

  • How to train your dog?

  • Did humans originate from monkeys?

  • Why Elephants Are Important

  • Do penguins have long legs?

  • Why do gods shiver?

  • What alligators eat.

  • How elephants swim.

  • Dangerous exotic pets you should not keep at home.

  • Ancient and Asiatic horse breeds.

Public Speaking Course For Class 1 Kids Curriculum Details

The public speaking course for class 1 childrens at PlanetSpark is part of the complete Communication Skills Program, which includes an activity-centric pedagogy combined with short learning projects. It is intended to foster the development of strong communication skills among children.

Curriculum details

  • Daily conversation skills

  • Good Manners

  • Going Out in Public Places

  • Social Interaction

  • Shopping

  • Seeing a Doctor

  • Eating at a Restaurant

  • Air Travel and Staying at a Hotel

  • Telephone Etiquettes

  • Solving Problems and Reporting Emergencies

Voice modulation

  • Emphasis and subordination

  • Change of pitch

  • Change of pace

  • Pause and power

  • Inflexion

Words for effective communication

  • Mispronounced words

  • Common phrasal verbs

Public speaking

  • Speech

  • Group discussion

  • Debate

  • Presentation

  • Extempore 

Active listening


Miscellaneous topics  for Class 1 childrens

  • Don't make me nervous

  • My life in a French School

  • Money can't buy you everything

  • First Class in Fiji

  • Leeches

  • New Zealand Rugby, sport and injury

  • Drugs

  • Are boys better than girls?

  • Car trips

  • Skateboarding

  • Celebrities

  • Thomas Edison

  • The amazing brain

  • Tigers

PlanetSpark provides the best public speaking courses for your child. Book a FREE class NOW and start learning today!

Importance Of Public Speaking Skills For Class 1 Children

Public speaking abilities are just as important as any other life ability to succeed in life. The development of these abilities at a young age appears to be helpful in the long term. Children's pre-teen years are incredibly eventful because, as they begin to develop into contributing members of society, they begin to form their distinct viewpoints and ideas on various issues.

When this occurs, most youngsters express an interest in sharing their opinions as well. English Public Speaking Course for grade 1 childrens provides them with a platform on which they may boldly express their beliefs and thoughts to the world.

Throughout their growth, children will encounter various scenarios in which they will be required to speak in front of an audience. Even though public speaking is an important life skill, some children are naturally at ease, while others are more apprehensive about standing and speaking in front of a group of people.

Following are the importance of the public speaking course for class 1 childrens:

  • A life skill that can't be overlooked

Almost everyone is required to speak in front of a group of people at some time in their life. A confident and skilled public speaker quickly has an advantage over many other persons who are hesitant to speak in front of a group of people. Additionally, every public speaking event provides a chance to improve and develop various other talents.

  • Increases the effectiveness of persuasion

The primary purpose of communication is to transmit a message clearly and understandably. Children learn persuasive abilities via public speaking, which are essential to persuade others. When youngsters master this talent, they can convince others and positively impact their lives.

  • Improves the ability to communicate

The public speaking course for class 1 children improves verbal and nonverbal communication abilities by allowing the kids to practice regularly and consistently. Successful communication with people is critical in many aspects of life, including personal connections, social encounters, and professional circumstances. When your kid participates in public speaking, they learn to communicate their thoughts in a cohesive and structured way, defend their points of view, and calmly challenge the opinions of others.

  • Increases self-belief

A child's sense of self-worth increases dramatically when they give a public speech. Every time your kid speaks in front of an audience, their self-confidence grows. And as your kid learns to be more comfortable speaking in front of a group of people, they will become more comfortable in social situations.


  • Increases academic performance in childrens

According to research, childrens who talk boldly do better in class. The act of public speaking has a statistically significant, favourable, and directly proportional influence on academic success. Moreover, children gain various skills via public speaking, including presenting skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, listening skills, and other abilities that allow them to express ideas with outstanding clarity and conviction to an audience.

  • Enhances the development of leadership abilities

One of the most crucial abilities for leaders is their ability to speak in front of a group of people. Attending seminars, reading public speaking books, and hiring public speaking coaches are expensive endeavours for many business leaders and executives. When this critical talent is acquired early in life, it may aid in the development of your child's potential as a future leader.

  • Dissolves apprehension

Children are likely to experience dread and self-doubt when exposed to novel settings. At a young age, public speaking may assist kids in overcoming this anxiety and losing such inhibitions as well.

  • Organizes and plans for the future

The effective transition of a kid into adulthood is dependent on the development of two essential areas: critical thinking and self-confidence. Whatever employment route your kid chooses in the future, public speaking skills for class 1 childrens will assist them in developing essential abilities that will set the foundation for their future professional success.

Visit PlanetSpark to book a FREE class for your child and experience the effects of public speaking classes for grade 1 childrens in person.

PlanetSpark Public Speaking Course Testimonials

"My decision to enrol my daughters in the PlanetSpark public speaking course must have been one of the finest decisions I have ever made. My shy daughter was able to open up with the assistance of this medium. As a result of their education, they've become well-rounded, eloquent, and outspoken individuals."

Mrs Ajitha Chandra's


"Taking PlanetSparks Public speaking lessons as a child is a wonderful educational opportunity. My introverted 4-year-old daughter started taking their programs a year ago, and I've seen a huge improvement in her ability to speak out loud. She can now speak out in front of a crowded lot more confidently, as she can now articulate and put forth her opinions much more clearly. Highly recommend PlanetSparks!"

Richa Shiomani


"In the Public Speaking course of PlanetSparks, my son showed a remarkable shift in his personality. The training offered confidence in public speaking, language building, and successful peer interaction. Thank you PlanetSparks, for making my child full of confidence. 

David Jackson



Food topics for Class 1 childrens

  • Various ways of preparing chilli.

  • Your favourite and trusted shrimp appetizer recipes.

  • Ancient Egyptian recipes for bread specialities.

  • Use beans, lentils and peas instead of meat.

  • Camping cooking tips for outdoor activities.

  • The best of the finest French cheeses.

  • Which condiments (sauce and seasoning dressing) when?

  • Junk food and its relation to obesity

  • Bake, coddle, boil, poach, and scramble eggs in minutes.

  • Use of herbs and spices.

Help Your Child Develop The Skills To Be A Confident Public Speaker!

When you assist your kid with public speaking, there may be occasions when they feel apprehensive, worried, or scared of speaking in front of others. Please don't allow them to keep these sentiments hidden. Remind them of the occasions when they have been successful; this will motivate and inspire them going forward. You will not be able to make their anxieties disappear, but you will be able to prepare them to conquer their concerns on their own 

Assisting your kid in developing public speaking abilities through English Public Speaking Course for class 1 kids will not only help your child become more confident and have greater self-esteem, but you will also be contributing to the development of a generation that is not fearful of speaking in front of a group of people. This is one of the most priceless presents you can offer your kid in their life.

You must be a source of encouragement and support for them while they travel this trip. With this guidance, we hope to have assisted you in charting the best course for your child's development. Book your child’s demo class for our exclusive public speaking for grade 1 children's course today. 


  1. What age groups do you teach?

We teach 1st-grade childrens to 9th-grade childrens to improve their English public speaking through our courses.

  1. What is PlanetSpark?

Using cutting-edge learning technology, the PlanetSpark platform offers live online lessons to K8 childrens in English communication, public speaking, grammar, creative writing, debating, vlogging, and other 'new age' skills. PlanetSpark is on a mission to make conventional and unstructured tuition obsolete via its virtual classroom technology.

  1. What are the three benefits of public speaking for class 1 childrens?

Following are the benefits of the public speaking course for class 1 childrens:

  • It helps them improve their social skills by being more comfortable in social situations. Public speaking enables them to feel more at ease in a group environment or when the spotlight is on them. This can help them feel more comfortable in social situations and make it simpler to create relationships.

  • In addition to meeting other children with similar interests, they will undoubtedly encounter audience members interested in what they have to say. It will give them the confidence to speak in more public settings like work events and conferences in the future.

  • It helps them learn and develop leadership qualities. In return for their efforts as good leaders, they will be provided additional chances in social situations and other facets of life.

  1. What are public speaking skills?

Public speaking skill is the ability to communicate successfully with an audience. Your public speaking ability is the clarity and confidence you can communicate or speak in front of a group of individuals you are familiar with or even a group of total strangers.

  1. Why is it essential to build grade 1 children's confidence?

It is more probable for youngsters to excel in school and accomplish personal objectives if they are confident and comfortable in their skin. As adolescents get older, they learn to deal with challenges and reject peer pressure more effectively. Having a good self-image is especially crucial since it helps a youngster feel joyful and capable of establishing intimate connections.

  1. Where do I get a free trial?

Open the PlanetSpark website to see a "Book a Free Trial" button. After clicking that button, you will be taken to a different page and be asked to fill up a few requirements like your choice of course and your child's grade. After that, you can book your free trial.

  1. What are the top 5 skills for public speaking for class 1 childrens?

The most important public speaking talents are self-assuredness, good articulation, presenting style, empathy, and endurance.

  1. How do you gain confidence in public speaking?

Here are some ways to boost your self-confidence while you learn to speak in front of an audience:

  • Be confident in your demeanour.

  • Maintain close eye contact at all times.

  • Don't obsess about your blunders.

  • Practice in front of a group of close friends or relatives.

  • Learn how to speak in front of a group.

  1. What is the art of public speaking called?

The ancient Greeks called the practice of public speaking "rhetoric." Oratory or oration is another name for it.

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