
Sat, 12 Feb, 2022

Pros and Cons of Living Together Before Getting Married?

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A couple on the horizon

One of the hot topics in Indian society is living together before marriage. Many people still consider this a taboo. In comparison, many others have accepted the idea. The debate over this continues with the passing of time and changes in the ideas. Some families readily accept living together, while others shoo away this ideology.

Some families are moving forward with this concept and allowing their children to live together before marriage. Many couples have already found this beneficial and live happy marriages. However, some couples broke their marriage when they lived together.

Pros of living together

Not everyone will like the idea of living together because they fear parting ways after knowing each other. For many others, living together gave them a chance not to marry at all. Without much ado, let's consider the benefits of living together.

  • Working upon this idea will let you know if your partner is the right person for you. You have a chance to think about whether you both are ready for a long-term commitment.

  • Living together teaches you to share your responsibilities and handle the situations. You know what to expect from your partner after marriage.

  • Both the partners know each other's good and bad habits before marriage. This helps them develop a better understanding of each other.

  • The couple learns to fulfill their financial responsibilities. They can split bills and save money for their wedding.

  • Many shy people get to understand how it is to live with an unknown person. They know what their married life would be like with that person.

Cons of living together

Every idea comes with its own set of numerous benefits and certain disadvantages. Living together has certain drawbacks that one must know before trying it.

  • Only a half of the people who live together actually get married later on. Not everyone loves to accept their partner with their flaws.

  • A significant drawback of living together is you don't get the feeling of being newly-weds. As you lived together before, you live a normal life after marriage.

  • Many couples tend to call off their marriage after living together. A key reason is that they get very much comfortable, so marriage appears unnecessary to them.

  • Walking away is very common as you live together before marriage. On the other hand, you try to deal with problems in a marriage.

  • Divorces are pretty common in people who lived together before marriage. It's unsure that you will be happy and marriage will be successful.


Whether you live together or not, you cannot guarantee a successful marriage. The only thing that keeps the couple going together is their trust and understanding. If you are unwilling to sort the problem, even living together won't work. However, the couple will have a successful marriage without trying to live together if they have understanding.

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  1. Should couples try living together before getting married?

Yes, the couples must try living together before their marriage. They get to know each other and strengthen their relationship. The couple gets a chance to solve problems independently and deal with them.

  1. What do you call it when the couple lives together before marriage?

When two people or a couple lives together before getting married, it is called cohabitation. They live together to learn about each other's habits. This also allows them to prepare themselves for the long-term commitment of marriage.

  1. Why should couples not live together before they get married?

Some couples who live together before marriage tend to be dissatisfied. They will instead emphasize getting a divorce than compromising in their marriage. This is called the cohabitation effect, when the couple faces negative outcomes after living together before marriage.

  1. What are the benefits of living together before getting married?

The foremost benefit of living together before getting married is saving on your total expenses. You won't have to pay two rents for two people living in different places. This also helps to cut down on maintenance and other utility costs. Simply put, the couple will bear the expenses of just one person by living together.

  1. When should couples start living together?

It is usually advised that couples must move in together only after one year of getting introduced. Women tend to agree with the gap of one year before moving in together. However, men usually look forward to living together after six months.

  1. Does living together mean a commitment?

No, living together does not mean you must necessarily be in a long-term commitment. Living together allows you to know your partner well.

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