Creating Confidence

Tue, 01 Jun, 2021

Personality Development Course For Class 2 Kids For Productive Growth & Upbeat Prospect!

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Why is it important to consider and learn personality development Classes for 2nd class kids?

As soon as a person with an upbeat and charismatic personality enters the hall, he or she is readily noticed by all others. People admire their etiquettes, ways of communicating, confronting challenges, body language, and presentation abilities. This tangible-yet-inexact element which we know by the name of "PERSONALITY," is the foremost thing that is probed and understood at almost every opportunity in life; for instance, employers tend to favour individuals with a confident personality. Indubitably, personality is a potential indicator that determines the first impression about a person, which typically lasts forever. 

It is defined as an entity that includes an individual's attitude, behaviour, and interpersonal traits. Personality is a multi-dimensional concept that changes consistently, especially during the early years of life. Having a strong personality paves personal growth, self-expression and enhances a positive mindset. Children have brains that are highly absorbent and receptive to new information, which facilitates rapid and effective learning. And personality development skill for class 2nd students offers it all in one comprehensive solution at PlanetSpark!

PlanetSpark's Personality Development Course for Kids for Class 2 aims to capitalize on this hard fact and groom your child's overall personality so he grows up to become a mature, understanding, self-reliant, and confident individual. The 2nd class personality development training Online includes countless fun activities and enthralling projects to help students polish their etiquettes and manners, such that they leave the other person impressed. 

Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits Of PlanetSpark Personality Development Classes For Class 2

Personality is an integral piece of an individual's existence. Refining a child's personality includes improving communication abilities, leadership skills, teaching phone etiquette, and working on overall appearance. Throughout the training sessions, kids pick up several other moral and ethical values like assertiveness, respecting others and their opinions, good optimism, concentration, professionalism, and much more. 

It often gets overwhelming and hectic for parents to support their kid's all-around development. And noticing the fast pace of the world, parents too covet incredible personalities for their kids to face the times ahead. Starting from things as little as tying shoelaces to engaging in a conversation with a senior personality respectfully and effectively, PlanetSpark's 2nd Grade Personality Development Course can ease off your load. The platform employs interactive and engaging content that highly qualified professionals curate to pique your child's interest in building better knowledge and skills to scale their future. 

Personality development training for class 2 offers the treasure of the following perks to its students:

  • Instilling confidence

Through different projects and activities, we not only groom the personality of your child but give them the tool to combat their nervousness, anxiety, and irrational fears. When the child can get over his fears successfully, he experiences a sense of competence and self-satisfaction, filling the kid with needed confidence in life. Thus, meeting new people, talking to them, and discussing solutions never appears a monstrous task to your confident and poised kid. 

  • Improving Communication Skills

Our way of communication largely determines our personality in other people's eyes apart from dressing style and body language. Engaging in a personality development course helps the child improve their grammar, vocabulary skills, pronunciation, and non-verbal aspects of communication to effectively express a message. 

  • Enhancing Dress Sense

Before we even talk to a person, we have etched our personality in their minds just by how we appear. Personality development training focuses on improving the way a child dresses himself or herself to improve their personality further. 

  • Ability to Deliver Presentations and Speeches

With effective communication skills developed during the intensive personality development training for class 2nd children, they acquire impressive skills to deliver speeches and presentations in front of the crowd without getting lost or nervous. 

  • Improve Critical Thinking 

The personality development improvement for children course assists the child in becoming self-aware. They are encouraged to grasp their feelings and manage them most productively. They are encouraged to think well before answering or speaking to others, which plays a great role in perking up their abstract and critical thinking skills. 

  • Builds Optimistic Attitude

Hope is the core feature of optimism, which becomes a drive to stimulate the person to achieve the biggest feats. Your child learns to stay calm, think better, become solution-oriented, and remain enthusiastic through a personality development course. This further supports the mental as well as physical wellbeing of your child. 

  • Increases Self-motivation

The trait of self-motivation is the common vein running through all behemoth personalities you can think of. Personality development training intends to equip your child with a mindset set to face the storms and great secure goals in life.

Book a FREE trial right now and help your child excel their personality development journey!

Personality Development Course For Class 2 Curriculum Details

PlanetSpark's Grade 2 Personality Development Training endows your child with crucial life skills such as anger management, leadership skills, conflict management, posing as a good host, optimistic thinking, and so forth. We meet our goals of comprehensive personality polishing through an enriched and updated curriculum that involves fun and exciting activities. 

Curriculum Details

Life Skills

  • Stress Management

  • Conflict Management

  • Anger Management

  • Dynamic Leadership Qualities

  • Enhancing Concentration

  • Boosting Self-Presentation Skills

  • Being A Good Guest

  • Eradicating Hesitation & Shyness

  • Being A Great Host

  • Remarkable Interpersonal Skills

  • Pleasing Mannerisms & Social Etiquettes

  • Improved Dress Sense

  • Personal Hygiene

Communication Skills

  • Building Confidence

  • Better Daily Conversation Abilities

  • Improved Public Speaking Skills

  • Storytelling

  • Enhanced Body Language

  • Impressive Presentation Abilities

Phone Etiquettes

  • Receiving a phone call. 

  • Making a phone call.

  • Attending and noting an important message on a phone call. 


  • Uplifting Body Language

  • Effective Facial Expressions

  • Optimized Gestures

Leadership Skills

  • Inculcating Confidence

  • Decision Making 

  • Managing Bullies & Peer Pressure

  • Building Leadership Qualities

  • Time Management

  • Etiquette Training

  • SWOT Analysis

  • Upbeat Mindset

PlanetSpark's best Personality Development for class 2nd entails the joy of learning crucial life skills such as indulging inappropriate interactions, social adjustments, positive attitude, body language, confidence, and more. Thereby helping to lay a strong foundation of a compelling personality of your child. 

Personality Development Course Activities & Worksheets

Personality development is crucial for the healthful growth of a child that instils values such as confidence, assertiveness, effective communication skills, pleasing etiquette, and agreeable dress sense. Having a good personality is a privilege that gives one child an edge over others in virtually all walks of life. This is because well-groomed children find themselves more confident and able to articulate their expressions and impress others with their incredible manners. 

Here's a list of captivating and fun activities that kids can involve in while honing their personalities simultaneously:

Creative and Artistic Activities

Art and craft, no doubt, are remarkable ways to stimulate children's creativity. You can ask your kids to paint, draw, or create something they crave to see or accomplish. You may even give them some safe waste materials and see how they forge an adorable piece out of that. Being able to express their minds optimizes their self-esteem and helps in personality development. 

Engaging In Music Training

Since children are great learners, they can learn anything they teach during this period. Learning a musical instrument brushes up and develops children's cognition and spatial reasoning. To light a spark towards the arena, you can give them a toy instrument and enrol them for some formal and serious training. 

Public Speaking Activities

  • While walking or driving, encourage your child to notice their surroundings and ask them to describe it in English in 60 seconds or so. This fun activity will help improve your child's observational skills as it increases their ability to articulate better. 

  • Encourage your child to forge an alternative conclusion to the show they have already watched. 

  • Ask your child to choose a random article in the room and fabricate a fascinating story about how that item got its name.

  • Collect a group of children where they have to choose three nouns. Further, select a speaker and ask them to speak on the chosen word for 1 minute. 

  • The cooperation game supports in raising the elocution skills of the child. A group of 3-4 children is required to play the game. Each child utters a sentence turn wise and constructs an interesting story with a pre-decided conclusion. 


Children love to hear stories, especially those that include repetition, rhyme, and rhythm. This activity fosters brain development regulation of sentiments and improves language and listening skills. 

Solving Puzzles

We all are aware of the benefits of solving puzzles on cognition; however, the activity while entertaining the kids also helps enhance emotional strength, hand-eye coordination, improve motor skills, and so forth. Get them some jigsaw puzzles to solve and keep raising the complexity levels to further crank their abilities. 

Involve in Role-Playing Games

Pretend play is a splendid and fun tactic to enhance your child's personality. Parents can engage with their child in the game to enact diverse common and uncommon scenarios around them like shopping at the mall, being on a plane, etc. Role-playing encourages the child to explore and understand the nuances of the world without directly engaging in them. 

To have a one-on-one engagement with the activities book a FREE class today!

Importance Of Personality Development Course For Class 2 Kids

PlanetSpark's Personality Development Training for Class 2 involves fine-tuning different aspects of the child's raw personality. This is done by focusing on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, communication skills, body language, debating, vlogging skills, public speaking abilities, building confidence, and other facets. With highly qualified instructors' children get to develop crucial life skills while enjoying the process. They grow up to become self-reliant, good listeners and speakers, gentle, confident, leadership attributes, and above all, inspiring role models. English Personality Development Course for class 2 kids helps them build a solid base that promises a better future with greater possibilities for your child. A personality development course is critical to prepare your child for competitive prospects ahead and make them confident and competent enough to actively participate in every opportunity. 

PlanetSpark Personality Development Testimonials

  • "I enrolled my Noah in PlanetSpark Public Speaking classes; their teaching staff is really good, they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities. 

Noah had been really enjoying the PlanetSpark events."

Mrs Emma Thobe

Mother of Noah

United Kingdom

  • "Manvi has been attending Public speaking classes for almost 4 months now. We have seen her change in these last few months. She has become more expressive and articulate. We hope she will continue improving with more of such classes with PlanetSpark."

Mr Sukhdeep

Father of Manvi


  • "We enrolled our son Liam in communication skills to improve his speaking skills. Within just a few weeks, we are already seeing an improvement in him. As parents, we are very satisfied with the PlanetSpark classes."

Mrs Daisy Fetch

Mother of Liam Fetch

United States of America

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  • How do you teach personality development to Class 2 children?

Teach your children to be great listeners, avoid comparing themselves to others, permit free playtime, limit screen usage time, avoid using labelling terms or stereotypes, and show them the right behaviour instead of preaching them directly.

  • What is a personality development course for Class 2 kids?

Experts design PlanetSpark's Personality Development skill for class 2 course to encourage children to become the better versions of themselves, augmenting their confidence, gaining leadership qualities, becoming better at socializing, gaining remarkable manners and etiquettes, and so forth. 

  • What is personality development for Class 2 children?

PlanetSpark's 2nd Class Personality Development Training Online is a comprehensive program to enhance their child's confidence and overall personality by engaging them in different fun activities such as storytelling, public speaking, etc.

  • How is a Class 2 child's personality formed?

A child's personality emerges gradually and is chiefly moulded and influenced by various environmental, genetic, social, and biological factors. 

  • What is a personality development course for Class 2  kids?

Child personality development course from PlanetSpark facilitates instilling leadership qualities, effective communication skills, improving public speaking, better dress sense, building confidence, and raising the concentration & self-motivation of the child. 

  • What is personality development?

Personality development involves organizing diverse patterns of behaviour and attitudes in an optimum manner that constitute a person's characteristic identity over time. 

  • How is a child's personality formed?

A child’s personality is formed and undergoes consequent developments by the consistent interaction of character, attitude, genetics, and temperament. 

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