
Mon, 13 Sep, 2021

One of My Earliest Childhood Memories: Gratitude and Life Lessons!

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happy kids at elementary school

We wake up every day and hope that we have a great day ahead. Sometimes it's good, and sometimes it is not so good. But every day has one common thing – that we get to learn something new each day. Sometimes, these lessons are simple and short, and you learn them by getting a piece of advice from a friend or your teacher, but sometimes you learn that lesson the hard way.

I won't say that I feel sad or happy today; instead, I would say that I feel grateful. Why? I am glad that I woke up and had a normal day with my family. It sounds not so exciting, right? Let me explain. 

So, the pandemic has taught me these two things, and for me, they are the most important lessons in life:

  • What you have is NOW

  • Future is unpredictable

You might think you already know this fact. Yes, you definitely do, but have you really felt them lately? Let me elaborate on my perspective—maybe then you can decide whether you feel them too.

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What You Have Is NOW!

Children enjoying in nature

In my experience, I have learned that you don’t get many chances to do the same thing, and there is never a perfect moment to do what you really want. We may have lost someone during the pandemic, and we may have some things that were left unsaid. So, what you have is NOW, and you should do all that you want and say all that you wish to the people you care about.

Future Is Unpredictable

two girls having fun in nature

We plan our future for a better tomorrow. However, the thing we don't realize is that the future is unpredictable. The trip you have planned may get canceled due to another lockdown. The hobbies that excited you during your childhood may not find time or space in your schedule once you are in a higher class or you get a job. There are so many examples of it.

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Final Words

But the question is, what should we do? Should we stop dreaming and thinking about the future just because it is unpredictable? The answer is NO; never stop dreaming or thinking that you will have a long life. However, before making plans to make yourself happy in the future, learn to make yourself happy now—at this moment. 

After having a bad day, don't think that everything is over; count the things you are grateful for and know that the future is unpredictable. You never know when the times will change and how many good things are planned for you in the future. This is how you make your day a good one and feel satisfied daily. 

10 percent of our lives are based on the things that happen to us, and 90 percent of our lives depend on our attitudes and perspective. So, I would conclude by saying that I feel satisfied and grateful today, as every day is a blessing either way.

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