Writers Guild

Fri, 24 Sep, 2021

My Pet: A Guide to Caring for Your Pet


My Pet: A Guide to Caring for Your Pet

I have an adorable pet in my house. He is one of the most intelligent dalmatian dogs that one can imagine. His name is Alex.

It's been six years since we brought him home from our uncle's farm. Whenever I come home from my school, he jumps up at me as if asking where I was.

 It is a sign of affection from my canine friend. They are always present to greet you at the door, no matter how late or early you are entering your abode.

My pet, Alex, is sharp, husky, physically active, and always ready to play. The best part about him is that even if I am in a bad mood, he improves my mood tremendously and reduces stress.  

My Pet: A Guide to Caring for Your Pet

Earlier, my parents were not letting me keep a dog as they thought it was a big responsibility. 

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They were reluctant to get any other pet as well because of reasons like there being a lot of money involved in taking care of a pet, wiping or cleaning up after them, the mess in the house, scratching the doors/paint, and other activities involved to keep them happy.

However, I sat down with my family and told them that dogs are the most loyal human friends and give unconditional love. 

Unlike humans, they are non-judgemental, innocent, and bring joy to our lives. It took a lot of effort and mature conversations to convince them.  

My Pet: A Guide to Caring for Your Pet

Now, my parents love my dog more than I do. They are the ones who have taken his responsibility. They take him for morning walks, take care of his food, and treat him like their son, as my real brother.

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I often crack jokes and manage difficult situations with humour as it is the best way to ease the tense atmosphere. And I believe this is something I learned from my pet, Alex. He always cheers us up and elevates our mood to let us forget all the worries we have in life.

Even when a little argument occurs in the family, he always intervenes to break the tensions by seeking attention, making us forget about the argument.  

It is vital to give them complete attention and love if you have a pet to keep them happy and playful, just like we have kept our pet, Alex.


  1. Why Should We Keep A Pet? 

The major benefits of owning a pet are that it maintains a healthy lifestyle, increases opportunities to exercise, get outside and socialise. Moreover, they are the best companions and help you teach selflessness.

  1. How to handle your pets?

Ensuring that your pet gets regular exercise and proper care is imperative, including a safe shelter. Pet owners must also ensure their pets have access to fresh drinking water and healthy food. 

They also require regular visits to the vet and need to go out for a walk at least twice a day. 

  1. What is the power of pets?

Nothing can beat the feeling of coming home and being greeted by your loyal companions. 

The unconditional love of pets helps you decrease anxiety and stress, improve heart health, and maintain children’s well-being by enhancing their emotional and social skills.

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  1. How do pets make you feel happier?

Spending quality time with your pets increases your feel-good chemical oxytocin, which cheers you.

  1. Do pets boost serotonin?

Yes, it has been found that pets boost the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which decreases stress levels.


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