Writers Guild

Wed, 29 Sep, 2021

My Mother Speech: A Story of Strength and Resilience

Hello everyone! Today I am here to present a speech to my mother.

My Mother Speech

The best creation of God in this universe is Mother. Words are not enough to describe her. My mother’s name is _____ . She is the person who has had the most impact on my life. I believe every mother has this influence on her child.

When I think of sacrifice, kindness, affection and love, ‘mother’ is the only word that resonates in my mind. Today, when I see where I stand, I can see the sacrifices my mother has made for me. Everything that I am today is thanks to you, my mother.

You are the person who occupies the greatest place in my life and my heart. You are the pillar of strength in my life. I hope to make you proud someday by serving my country and land because this is how you brought me up.

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My mother, you are a precious gift to me from God. When I am in pain or trouble, you provide that heaven where I can forget all my worries. You are the medicine for me in sickness, a source of inspiration for me if I fail, a source of nourishment for me when I am hungry and the ultimate comfort in my pain.

My mother, you are my first teacher who gave me the first lessons of early education. You taught me all about this world, all about its people and all about my country when I knew nothing.

You take care of the entire family, and it is only through you that my house is a home. You are not a housewife; you are our wonderful homemaker. You work 24 hours on-call without a salary, and all we receive from you is prayers and blessings in lieu of our misgivings.

My mother, you are my pillar of strength. You taught me how to live life, groomed me, stood up for me, supported my dreams and most important of all, loved me unconditionally.

My Mother Speech

You are a real blessing of God to me. You are the love of my life. No one can replace you, my mother.

I love you, Maa.

Thank you!

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