
Mon, 22 Mar, 2021

Is a plant-based diet better than a meat-based diet?

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Do you know anyone who grew up eating meat but is now a complete vegetarian? A large number of people, including public figures, are switching to a plant-based or completely vegan diet. In India, many communities are culturally vegetarian. But of late, people who turn vegetarian or vegan do it due to health, ethical, or environmental reasons. While the jury is still out on the benefits of completely switching over to plant-based diets, there is no denying that incorporating such a diet does come with its own health benefits. 

What Is A Plant-Based Diet?

People who follow a plant-based diet only consume fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, etc. and products derived from them. Vegans, on the other hand, also avoid all animal-based products and by-products like eggs and milk. A plant-based diet comprises only healthy, whole foods.

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Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet

Plant-based foods are packed with nutrients. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, fibre, water, and complex carbohydrates. High-fibre food keeps you satiated longer, lowering the risk of obesity as well as heart disease and diabetes. Eating meats, especially red meats, can cause high cholesterol. It has been proven that people who consume only a plant-based diet have lower Body Mass Index (BMI). Switching from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet also helps you lose weight. 

Are Plant-Based Diets Healthy?

While a plant-based diet offers many health benefits, simply cutting out meat does not always mean a person is eating healthy. Plant sources can provide enough protein for the human body. However, meat, fish, eggs, and milk are the best sources of Vitamin B12, with no comparable vegan substitute. People switching from a diet rich in meat to a vegetarian diet may end up with acute Vitamin B12 deficiency and may need to resort to taking supplements. Also, they tend to consume high calorific food, which can lead to various other health issues. 


Plant-based diets are healthier than meat-based diets if you consume a balanced amount of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds. However, a diet that brings the best of both worlds, wherein meat products are complemented with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, is perhaps the healthiest option.

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  1. Is a plant-based diet healthy?

Plant-based diets can be healthier than non-vegetarian diets. These reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even certain cancers. 

  1. What are the drawbacks of a plant-based diet?

A plant-based diet can be deficient in protein and Vitamin B12. Also, one may end up consuming more sugary and processed food if they switch from a non-vegetarian to a vegetarian diet.

  1. Do doctors recommend a plant-based diet?

You may be asked to cut down on meat if you are obese, have high levels of cholesterol, or face the risk of cardiac disease and type 2 diabetes. 

  1. What happens when you switch to a plant-based diet?

Switching to a plant-based diet can lower cholesterol levels, Body Mass Index, and blood sugar and help you lose weight.

  1. Do vegans age faster?

There is no link between ageing and vegetarianism or veganism.

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