Importance and key features of English communication skill class for Class 7 students!

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In today's fast-paced and globalised world, there exists huge interdependence between individuals, organisations, and nations. With changing needs and times, effective interaction with others has become one of the primary requirements. Communicating appropriately and effectively with others is one of the much-needed skills for Generation-Alpha kids. As parents, you may have questions about your child's communication skills. Do you wonder if your child communicates efficiently? Is there a way to enhance the communication skills of your middle schooler kid? Is communication natural or an acquired skill? Will an English Communication Skill Course For Class 7 be helpful to enhance the communication skills of your ward? This article discusses the nuances and essentials of great communication skills. Read further. 

What is meant by communication? 

Communication is nothing but the act of sharing information. Sending and receiving messages through action, speech, or writing can be called communication. Such transfer or exchange of ideas and information from one person or a group to another forms the base of communication. 

Traits of a good communicator.

All of us communicate. However, there are certain characteristics of an effective communicator. 

  • Great communicators are the best listeners. They listen carefully to the other person's ideas, consider what is said, and respond appropriately.

  • Effective communication is not just verbal. Exhibiting appropriate body language and taking a confident stance are essential characteristics of good communicators. 

  • A good communicator conveys the message to the point and uses minimum words as necessary. Keeping the message short and meaningful works best, especially in formal communication. However, you may choose to elaborate and go deeper when necessary. 

  • Disagreements or differences of opinion are quite common in a conversation. A great conversationalist handles these differences tactfully by understanding the other person's perspective and empathising with them. Thus, communication is made more productive.

  • Good communicators contribute with a purpose and help keep the flow of the dialogue. They do not indulge in vague conversations. 

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Importance of communication skills in students:

Communication is one skill that serves as a backbone in this society. Effective communication is the key to making strong connections, motivating people, and influencing people. Be it the formative years at school or later at the workplace, communication always plays a significant role in bringing out the ability to progress and prosper in personal and professional life.  

Besides, for a student, communication skills are of great importance because

  • Enhanced communication skills are crucial to a child’s success in academic areas. It supports the child in expressing himself with confidence and clarity. As students, they would be required to participate in class group discussions, answer questions orally, or take part in symposiums or seminars. With a lag in communication skills, students run the risk of being overwhelmed and pressured emotionally. 

  • Building connections and friendships at school require one to be a good communicator. Students learn better and enjoy schooling when they are in the company of good friends. Strong communication skills help students make friends easily. Lack of communication skills leads to less socialising and withdrawal from peers, which can be stressful to students. 

  • Effective communication is essential for students to build their careers. Communicating clearly during a campus interview or a viva is crucial to get placed in reputed companies and pave a path for a flourishing career. Despite being skilled and knowledgeable and holding good academic records, some students might still not shine in their careers because of a lack of communication skills.

  • Good communication skills help students develop professionalism. They learn to exhibit appropriate body language and modulate their voice according to the place and need. Such attributes and soft skills will be a great advantage in their personal and professional life. 

Types of communication:

Based on how we express ourselves and exchange thoughts and ideas, communication can be of several types. It is a common misconception that communication skills refer to how we speak. In reality, communication can be of the following types.

Based on the channels used, communication can be classified as

  • Verbal communication:  In verbal communication, we use words to communicate. It includes oral communication and written communication. 

Oral communication includes face to face conversations, telephonic or online conversations, speeches, presentations, discussions, debates, etc. 

Written communication includes all forms of communication in writing, such as text messages, letters, essays, journals, and so on. It also includes creative writing works such as poems, stories, scripts of movies, plays, etc.  

  • Nonverbal communication 

Nonverbal communication is also known as manual language. It refers to the exchange of ideas and thoughts without using words. Nonverbal communication includes sign language, signals, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, paralinguistics such as voice tone, loudness, body language, eye gaze, usage of personal space, touch, etc. 

We need to work on both verbal and nonverbal communication to enhance communication skills.

Based on the purpose and style, communication can be classified as

  • Formal communication

Formal communication is the exchange of structured information through predefined and official channels. Official letters, e-mails, official records, legal documents, publications, speeches in the meetings, courts and other organisations, news reading, etc., fall under formal communication

  • Informal communication:

Informal communication refers to the casual exchange of ideas between family members, friends, or colleagues. It is built upon social relationships with others and doesn’t necessarily follow a structured flow of content. A casual chat with friends, text messages, unplanned speeches, etc., are informal communications. 

Unlock your child's potential with strong communication skills! Book a FREE class in our communication skill course and empower them to express themselves confidently!

English- The Global Language for Communication

In today's day and age, being proficient in a language that is spoken globally finds a lot of relevance and purpose. Although there are various types of communication, the language English plays a significant role in communicating with the world. As global citizens, today's children are required to be proficient with the English language to be great at interacting with people across the world. 

As per records, there are over 350 million native English speakers and over 430 million non-native English speakers in the world. Thus, English remains the most widely used language in the world. Mastering the language may sound challenging, especially for non-native English speakers; nevertheless, nothing is unachievable with consistent efforts and perseverance. 

To be a great communicator in the global platform, we need to gain a good command of English. To gain command over the English language, we need to have a sound understanding of the four skills of the language.  

The four skills – referred to as LSRW skills- form the base of any language. Enhancing multiple language skills enables language usage in various contexts, and it helps in being great at communicating. 

  • Listening skills refer to our ability to pay attention to and interpret what is being played or spoken. Good listening skills form the base of communication. Good listeners receive information attentively, provide feedback and provide responses appropriately. Lack of listening skills may lead to misinformation and a gap in communication. 

  • Speaking skills refer to the ability to convey our thoughts, ideas, and information verbally clearly. Effective speaking skills enable us to speak in a way that the listener can understand. When speaking skills are not great, we struggle to convey what we feel and think, which may result in miscommunication. 

  • Reading skills refer to the ability of a person to read, comprehend, and interpret written texts. If your reading skills are extraordinary, it works a great deal in understanding and assimilating textual content and responding to it appropriately. Inadequate reading skills hinder communication, especially in the professional areas. 

  • Writing skills refer to the ability of the writers to express their thoughts using the right words in a meaningful and structured form. Great writers create engaging written material, and their work is free of grammatical and spelling errors and has a logical flow. Insufficient writing skills result from a lack of basic knowledge in grammar and unclear organisation of thoughts. 

All four skills are very much essential to the language. Among these, public speaking and creative writing are two significant domains of communication. 


  • Public Speaking

Public speaking refers to the act of addressing a large gathering. It generally means a face to face live interaction with a large group of people. However, with changing times, public speaking also refers to remotely communicating with the audience with the help of technology.

It may be a formal or informal communication, delivered either live or as a recorded speech. 

  • Creative Writing

Any piece of writing that moves out of the boundaries of professional, academic, journalistic, or technical writing can be termed creative writing. As a tool of expression, creative writing generally involves character development, narration, poetry, etc. Creative writing can be categorised as expository, descriptive, and narrative. With enriched creative writing skills, any information can be expressed in numerous ways, such as poetry, prose, or exposition. A well-written piece of information stirs emotions and provokes thought. 

Creatively written material, including stories and poetry, enhances imagination and helps us appreciate the language. 

An endeavour to create confident communicators: 

In an attempt to create effective communicators who exude confidence, Planet Spark has come up with the Best Communication Skill Class For Class 7. The online program aims to train the students on various aspects of communication

Key features of the  English Communication Skill Course For Class 7:

  • The most extensive and complete program specially designed to enhance public speaking skills in kids.

  • Leading educators train the kids following a cutting-edge curriculum.

  • Interesting clubs such as Comedy Club, Poetry Academy, Writers Guild, Podcasting Studio, etc., provide the kids with an opportunity to express themselves in multiple ways. These clubs nourish the kids’ flare for written and spoken expression, enhancing communication skills. 

  • With a strong community and the pen pal program, it facilitates peer learning through writing.

  • The incorporation of numerous exercises boosts the confidence in children and unlocks the hidden potential in the children.

  • It involves a global community of learners from over 13 countries across the world.

  • It transacts the best content designed by industry experts or subject matter experts( SMEs) who are alumni of Harvard, XLRI, and Google. 

  • Instructors take rigorous training and are required to clear the PSAT exam before getting onboard with the course tracks.

  • To appreciate diversity in learners, a unique learning path curated for your child as per the learning needs and capabilities.

Want your child to become a confident communicator? Book a FREE class in our communication skill courses and start learning today!

Pedagogy of Communication Skill Building Course For Class 7

  • Activity-based pedagogy : 

The pedagogy of the English Communication Skill Class For Grade 7  is activity-based. The Class 7 Communication Skill Development Course includes numerous learning projects that enhance real skills in learners. 

  • Rich Exposure:

Besides, the English Communication Skill Course For Class 7 provides exposure to some extraordinary public speaking works such as that of author Dale Carnegie. 

  • Vocabulary Building:

With several opportunities to interact with each other, children benefit by picking up new words to use in their communication. This helps in enriching their vocabulary.

The English Communication Skill Course For Class 7 is a comprehensive program that focuses on the following essential aspects of communication.

Voice Modulation, the voice according to the requirement, is important in communication. Voice modulation means to fine-tune the tone or pitch of your voice so as to make your presentation or lecture easily understood by the audience.

In public speaking, voice modulation is essential to keep the audience engrossed in your speech. Appropriate modulation of your voice reflects your level of confidence, and speech with appropriate modulation convinces the audience about your beliefs and systems.

Planet Spark’s  English Communication Skill Class For Grade 7 focuses on the essential aspects of voice modulation. These include

  • Emphasis and Subordination

  • Change of Pace

  • Change of Pitch

  • Pause and Power

  • Inflexion

The program helps children appreciate and put to use the elements of effective communication. They also get proficient in conveying their thoughts and ideas in the most effective manner using the perfect pitch and tone.

  1. Daily Conversation Skills

Students wanting to learn communication skills for class 7 will find the course to be the best communication skill class for class 7  as it deals with various aspects of everyday communication. The learners benefit from the carefully and strategically designed conversation activities that involve social interaction in public places. For example, learners are trained on building the conversation while shopping or during travel, etc. 

Various scenarios of everyday activities that include conversations in a hospital or a restaurant are given to the learners to help them converse according to the place and person. 

Besides, students also learn good manners and telephone etiquette to display polite behaviour while communicating with others.  

  1. Body Language

Body language is a nonverbal mode of communication that involves the use of physical behaviour to convey or express information. Most common body behaviour includes body posture, gestures, facial expressions, movement of eyes and eye contact, usage of personal space, movement of hands and feet, etc. The human body language is also called kinesics. 

Body language is a critical aspect of communication because unspoken language is sometimes louder than words. However, many times, the expression of body language happens without conscious effort. 

As a part of the communication skill training for class 7, the learners are trained on exhibiting appropriate body language and also made aware of inappropriate body behaviour. That way, the students also learn to interpret others’ body language and take cues from the unspoken language. 

  1. Active Listening

Listening is one of the vital aspects of communication. Many times, the importance of active listening is not realised, and hence, it is taken for granted.

Hearing and listening are a lot different from each other. Most commonly, people hear others as they communicate but do not listen. Listening involves not just hearing but a conscious effort to grasp what is being said and to understand and digest it.  

Active listening helps us in many ways. 

  • Active listening helps in understanding things better

  • It facilitates better socialising

  • It helps us build strong connections with people

  • It enables us to understand the other person's perspective in case of a conflict in opinion. 

  • It makes us more empathetic.

  • People enjoy communicating with good listeners.

  • Thus, being a good listener is the first step to being a great communicator.  

The Class 7 communication skill development course from Planet Spark lays special emphasis on enhancing the listening skills in children. With carefully designed and interesting listening activities, children sharpen their skills at listening actively.

  1. Words for better communication

Choice of words plays a crucial role in communication. Words are the building blocks of the language, and using the right words in the right context is quite significant in making effective communication.  

Usage of words also depends on how rich our vocabulary is. We can make our communication interesting with the usage of enriched vocabulary. For example, instead of saying, "I like apples," we can say, " I'm fond of apples." Similarly, you can replace 'very beautiful' with 'adorable' or 'so angry' with 'enraged.'

Phrasal verbs are a combination of verbs and prepositions. These are extensively used in communication; however, they are the most confusing concepts in English. Often children end up using a wrong phrasal verb, which drastically changes the meaning of the sentence.  

For instance, if you intend to say, "He passed out", but say "He passed away," the meaning of the sentence completely changes and leads to a lot of confusion. Here the phrasal verb 'passed out' refers to becoming unconscious; however, 'passed away' means that the person has died. 

Thus, the right choice of words matters the most in conveying our thoughts and ideas effectively to others. 

Similarly, pronouncing the words in the correct way is significant in making communication effective. 

For example, the word 'minute' is a homograph, and it has two different meanings with different pronunciations. 

In the sentence, "Please let me take a minute," the word minute refers to the time. 

However, "There is a minute of damage on the floor"- here minute means very small. 

Hence pronouncing the word correctly is very vital to make sense in communication.

The class 7 communication skill development class at Planet Spark focuses on these essential aspects of communication. Children are taken through commonly mispronounced words and introduced to their right pronunciation. Activities on commonly used phrasal verbs challenge the children's abilities and guide them in the right way.

  1. Storytelling

Storytelling is an art of effective communication that uses stories and narratives. Many educational and corporate organisations have widely practised it as a means of building strong connections and relationships with each other. It has been a tangential shift from the conventional and formal means of communication to a lighter and more engaging style of conversation. 

The practice of storytelling has existed for ages in the form of religious, cultural, and folktales. Narrating a story in an engaging manner and keeping the listener glued to listening is an art by itself. 

As per psychological studies, learning, remembering, and participation is effectively done when the communication is engaging, and storytelling is one of the best ways to engage the audience. Stories narrated from the heart involve a lot of emotions and help you make connections easily. 

Whether it is an oration at the school or a political speech, capturing the attention of the audience is the foremost objective. Storytelling can be one of the most interesting ways to introduce your speech. It is also a wonderful tool to break the monotony, and it helps you recapture the attention when your audience seems to move off the track. 

The art of narrating stories can be mastered with practice. Students enrolling in the communication skill online classes for class 7 are exposed to fun-filled activities on story narration using various story elements such as the plot, setting, theme, characters, style conflict, point of view, and style. These activities help them master the art of storytelling and get great in cogently and coherently narrating engaging stories to the audience.

  1. Public Speaking

Public speaking skills are of great importance since words, when effectively put, have the power and ability to entertain, educate, inform, persuade and influence the audience. 

The art of public speaking also finds relevance in education and the corporate world. 

Effective public speakers keep the audience hooked to their oration. A great public speaker can motivate the crowd and bring about change in society. That explains the success of great leaders in their public life. 

As a student, making a PowerPoint presentation in front of the class also needs public speaking skills. It speaks volumes of your ability to capture the attention of the audience and keep them captivated in your presentation. 

Speaking to a larger assembly of the audience is also a much-dreaded form of communication. Not everyone is comfortable speaking in front of a gathering. Speech anxiety or glossophobia is a very common phobia that affects three-fourths of the population. Children are no exception to the inhibition of speaking in public. However, they can shine as extraordinary orators with appropriate practice, encouragement, and training.

Enrolling in the Communication skill online classes for class 7 at Planet Spark enables your child to communicate coherently to an audience and share their mind effectively. Students get to take part in debates, group discussions, extempore, and elocutions that encourage them to speak confidently and coherently. Regular exposure to a large audience helps them get over the stage fear and instil confidence in them, making them great public speakers.

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Skill-building requires consistent efforts and regular practice, and communication skill is no exception. The English communication skill course for class 7 from Planet Spark can be the best course for your middle schooler kid. It touches upon all the vital aspects of communication and polishes your ward's conversational abilities. The course offers a wide range of activities and areas that are worked upon and allows you the flexibility to choose the areas that your child needs to focus on. Upon completion of the course, an Advanced, Pro-Grad, or Merit Certificate is provided along with other accomplishments depending on the package that you opt for. 

Apart from English Communication Skill Course For Class 7, Planet Spark also offers Reading Comprehension, Creative Writing, Spelling and Phonics, Grammar Genius, Vocab Wonder, and English Olympiad programs to bring out the best in your children. These courses are carefully designed to cover all the four skills of language enrichment – Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing (LSRW). They help the students communicate with enriched fluency and confidence and transform their overall personality.

If you are tired of looking for the best communication skill class for class 7  and your search history is filled with 'communication skill class near me for class 7', fret not! The English communication skill course for class 7 from Planet Spark is an online program and allows you the convenience of taking it from anywhere. This program is regarded as the best communication skill class for class 7 and is highly recommended for your ward. It's time to unleash your little one's true potential to capture the world with words!

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