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Sun, 19 Sep, 2021

Hybrid Vehicles: Their Impact on the Environment

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Hybrid Vehicles: Their Impact on the Environment

Automobiles or the transport sector is significantly contributing to the irreversible damage to the environment. Know all about the hybrid vehicles, the working of the hybrid vehicle, and their impact on the environment.

The advancement in technology has also taken a setback on the environment. With the increased demand for a cleaner and greener environment, it is becoming essential to look for the leading causes of its destruction. 

Automobiles or the transport sector is significantly contributing to this irreversible damage, and hence developments are going on to make vehicles cleaner for the environment. Let us learn about hybrid cars and their impact on the environment.

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Hybrid Vehicles And The Environment

Hybrid Vehicles: Their Impact on the Environment

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A major development in the transport sector to protect the environment is the development of the hybrid vehicle, which runs on both fuel and electric power.

 While these vehicles have reduced emissions when compared to traditional cars, the overall results are still beyond satisfactory levels. 

The hybrid vehicles may release reduced emissions (21 tonnes of CO2e) when compared to gasoline-driven vehicles (24 tonnes of CO2e), but the challenges present in hybrid vehicles make them lie on the same side of the coin due to the following reasons:

  1. Hybrid vehicles use nickel-metal hydride batteries, which are more toxic than lead batteries in traditional automobiles. Hence, it becomes challenging to recycle or decompose these toxic batteries.

  2. The electricity pumped into the plug-in hybrid vehicle may increase the load on the sourcing power grid, which runs on oil or coal. Hence, these vehicles put pressure on the environment.

  3. Hybrid vehicles use copper in large amounts, which leads to aggressive copper mining, causing deforestation in the areas.


Thanks to the increasing awareness among the modern generation, multiple organisations are coming together to save the environment from aggravated damages. 

While the use of hybrid vehicles can be thought to be a game-changer, the results are not as satisfactory as expected to be. Hence, it is recommended to use hybrid vehicles after knowing all about their environmental impact. 

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  1. What are hybrid vehicles?

Hybrid vehicles are the ones that run on both fuel and electricity. Hence, these vehicles are equipped with twin mechanisms that can be used based on the user’s choice. 

Usually, the electric power is used for mild applications, while the fuel is used for heavy applications.

  1. Is there any environmental impact of hybrid vehicles?

Hybrid vehicles may not contribute to air or noise pollution such as traditional vehicles, but still have a significant environmental impact. The use of combustion engines in these vehicles does cause environmental pollution.

  1. Is it safe to use hybrid vehicles?

Hybrid vehicles are safe for usage as they are quiet and smaller than traditional vehicles. Thanks to engine-idle technology, energy recycling, and fuel efficiency boasting mechanisms, these vehicles have high mileages. 

Hence, the use of hybrid vehicles can significantly contribute to environmental savings.

  1. How do we limit the environmental impact of hybrid vehicles?

The environmental impact of the hybrid vehicles can be managed with the suitable use of the power mechanism. For heavy applications, the electrical mechanism is not suitable, while the fuel mechanism is not suitable for light applications.

 Hence, the electricity mode can be switched for lighter applications, while the fuel mode can be used for heavy-duty applications.

  1. Can I use a hybrid car for a short journey?

Hybrid cars can be used effectively for small journeys such as travelling from one place to another in the same city. The efficiencies of these cars reduce with a rise in travelling distance.

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