How to Teach phonics level 2 sound to your preschooler?

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What are Phonic level 2 Sounds?

From a very tender age, students are taught how to read and write, and using Phonics is one of the best ways of doing that. English phonics Level 2 skills are a great way to teach youngsters how to hear, recognize, and employ distinct sounds in English; it helps kids distinguish the different sounds from each other. Because written language is a code, once a kid starts learning the sounds of every individual letter and then starts once your kid starts learning how those letters sound when combined can aid youngsters in different ways, one of the majors being decoding words as they read. Understanding English phonics Level 2 sound also aids youngsters in determining which letters to utilise when penning words.

Phonics is matching spoken English sounds to individual letters or groups of letters, which creates phonics Level 2 sounds in English. For example, the sound k, can be written as c, k, ck, or ch, also known as the ckehrmd Jolly Phonics.

By teaching youngsters to mix the sounds of different English letters, they can sound out new or unknown words. When a youngster begins to learn or completely learns the sounds for the different English letters t, p, a, and s, they may begin to form words like "tap," "taps," "pat," "pats," and "sat." This will increase their knowledge of English phonics Level 2 words and sounds and make them much more comfortable with blends of Jolly Phonics.

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What are the different Phonic Sounds?

Let us look at the different phonic sounds that will help your kid understand phonics Level 2 sounds in English.

  • Analogy Based Phonics: Children analyse phonic components, and they analyse based on the phonograms that are present in words in this sort of analytic Phonics. A phonogram, also known as a rime in linguistics, is the vowel and all the sounds that follow the vowel, such as –"ake" in the cake. These phonograms are used by children to learn about "word families," such as cake, make, bake, and fake. Learning Analogy Phonics is one of the ways that will help your kids understand and become more fluent in phonics Level 2 sound training.

  • Synthetic Phonics: The most common method for teaching reading, in which phonemes (sounds) linked with certain graphemes (letters) are spoken separately and combined (synthesized). Children are taught, for example, If a single syllable word like CAT is to be broken down into all the three letters that it has, we would need to pronounce a phoneme for each letter in turn (/k, t/), then mix the phonemes to produce a word. Once your kid understands the breaking down of words, it will become easier to understand and comprehend English phonics Level 2 sound online.

  • Analytical Phonics: The method practised mainly in Scotland for teaching involves the phonemes associated with certain graphemes not being spoken in isolation, which is known as Analytical Phonics. Children detect (analyze) the common phoneme in a group of words, each containing the phoneme under consideration. For example, the instructor and students explore how the terms pat, park, push, and pen is similar. Once your kid starts with their phonics Level 2 sound training Online, it will become clearer to them.

  • Embedded Phonics: A method of teaching where reading is taught to the kids, especially in which Phonics is one component of a larger language program. Embedded Phonics differs from previous techniques in that the abilities to be taught are selected opportunistically rather than methodically. The training is mostly in the context of time literature rather than in separate courses.

Once your kid is well aware of all the different types of Phonics at the very beginning of their reading learning journey, understanding English phonics Level 2 sound training will become a cakewalk for them. As soon as the phonic sounds are clear to them, understanding ckehrmd words and how they are used will also become easy. Also, you can try out online English phonics Level 2 training for children for your kid.

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Uses of Phonics level 2 sounds for your child's communication skills

The skill to communicate in an effective way is one of the most fundamental and valuable abilities we can impart to our children. According to research, children who are capable of using language fluently and confidently obtain better grades in classes and are more likely to thrive later in life. Let us now learn how English phonics Level 2 sound training will help your child. At its core, this means having confidence in your ability to read, understand, and spell words.

This connection between Phonics, vocabulary, and spelling is critical. Children who are enthusiastic about learning different new words and different new spellings will continue to grow their vocabulary, allowing them to take on new learning in various areas. Children afraid of unknown words tend to limit their learning and capacity to interact effectively with others by sticking to the language they already know and can spell. You can be the first teacher of English phonics Level 2 sound for your kid, and it will also improve your child's communication. 

  • Your kid will pursue a phonics reading curriculum at school. Each week, they concentrate on a different sound and the letters used to produce it. Please keep track of which sounds your child is learning and have them practice them at home. Have fun spotting things in your house that begin with the sound /b/, such as bed, beans, or book; if they learn the sound /b/made by the letter 'b.' Encourage your youngster to draw a letter or a collection of letters, then surround it with pictures that begin with that sound. Using a phonics dictionary, you'll notice that the words are arranged by sound. Once your child notices these, it will become easier to learn phonics Level 2 sounds in English. Ckehrmd words will also become clear to them. You may utilise the /s/ sound to teach your youngster that both 'sun' and 'Cinderella,' although they start with the same sound, will be spelled with either 's' or 'c.' Let us consider more words that start with the /s/ sound and how they are spelled.

  • Your youngster will learn about the different short vowel sounds and long vowel sounds as well as the beginning (first) sounds in words, which are generally consonant sounds. These can be found at the middle and end of words, although not usually. Some of the sounds that we have discussed above can be written in various ways. The long vowel sound /ee/, for example, can be spelled with the letters ee (see), ea (cream), ey (monkey), ie (chief), y (sunny), or e(be). This will make your child's ckehrmd words knowledge clear. Have fun recognizing that sound; in other words, once you know that sound, your youngster is focused on at school. This way, their knowledge of English phonics Level 2 sound will become clear, which will clear up their communication.

  • Some words are difficult to spell, and their spelling must be memorised. Many common terms, such as the are friend, one, or stated, may be encountered by your youngster and need to be learned. It is best to pick out most of those words that your child has trouble spelling and come up with fun methods to assist them in learning the ckehrmd words much faster. These fun methods will help your child clear up their English communication skills with the help of learning phonics Level 2 sounds in English online. Some youngsters have a habit of learning words by saying and repeating the same words multiple times. In contrast, others find it useful to associate movements with letters to recall spellings. Inventing a rhyme or phrase to assist children in recalling spellings, such as 'because,' is one example (big cats can always understand small cats).

Want your kid to learn Phonics Level 2 Sounds? Enroll your kid at PlanetSpark NOW!

Once you start following these methods for your kids at home and school, phonics Level 2 sound training will become an easy task. With the help of ckehrmd worksheets and ckehrmd jolly Phonics in English, the communication skills of your kids will get enhanced quickly. You can book a demo class for our courses on online English phonics Level 2 training for the extra motivation that they need.

Importance of understanding c/k, e, h, r, m, d sounds

Phase 2 phonics and its position in the National Curriculum are discussed here. You can easily learn how to teach Phase 2 Phonics in English and how Jolly Phonics Phase 2 can be taught to your kids. Letters and their sounds are presented one at a time in Phonics Phase two of the DfE's Letters and Sounds program. Each week, a new set of letters is taught. Jolly Phonics Phase 2 will help your kids learn English phonics Level 2 sound.

The following abilities will be developed in Phonics Phase 2 Letters and Sounds:

  • At least 19 letters are known and understood, which will make Jolly Phonics Phase 2 understanding very easy for your kid.

  • Practice letter identification and recall for reading and spelling, making English phonics Level 2 sound an extremely easy learning experience.

  • Practice oral segmentation and mixing making ckehrmd jolly Phonics in English an easy catch.

  • Reading VC and CVC words while practicing blending will also make learning ckehrmd jolly Phonics phase 2 extremely quick.

  • For spelling ckehrmd jolly Phonics, using VC and CVC words makes it easier.

  • Practicing frequent words with a high frequency will help kids understand the differences between English phonics Level 1 sound and English phonics Level 2 sound.

  • Reading exposure to two-syllable words will also make your kid an expert in understanding both English phonics Level 1 and Level 2 sounds.

Nineteen new letters are taught in Jolly Phonics Phase 2, and these letters are taught in five different sets. The sets in which they are taught are:

  • Set Number 1 - s, a, t, p

  • Set Number 2 - i, n, m, d

  • Set Number 3 - g, o, c, k,

  • Set Number 4 - CK, e, you, r,

  • Set Number 5 - h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss

Once your kid has all these sets, during the different levels of online English phonics Level 2 training for children or physical English phonics Level 2 training or at home, it will become easier for them to become master communicators.

Want to check out different online English phonics Level 2 training for your kid? Get your kid enrolled with us online at PlanetSpark NOW!

Why PlanetSpark?

PlanetSpark is a new cutting-edge platform that has been specially designed to help your child develop and understand English phonics Level 2 sound. PlanetSpark wants to make traditional and disorganised tuition obsolete with the virtual classroom that will help them understand and become experts in phonics Level 2 sound in English. Kids may take online English phonics Level 2 training for children, public speaking, grammar, creative writing, debate, vlogging, and other "new age" skills through the PlanetSpark platform. PlanetSpark will also help them develop their ckehrmd jolly phonics knowledge, using different programs with ckehrmd words and ckehrmd worksheets embedded in them.

Planet Spark's mentors use a range of activities to help your child master physical and mental abilities. When they develop their abilities, capturing English phonics Level 2 sound will become easier. Your children will be educated and gain confidence as a result of PlanetSpark. PlanetSpark's teachers and educators use online English phonics Level 2 training for children, training in English phonics Level 2 sound video for kids, ckehrmd worksheets to improve ckehrmd words skills, which can help you raise a confident kid while also benefiting your child's creative thinking and problem-solving ability and make them a future leader.

Want to help your child upskill their knowledge about ckehrmd words? Enroll your kid at PlanetSpark NOW!


  • What are the first group of sounds?

The initial set of letters (s, a, t, I p, n) may be joined to form the simplest three-letter words. Letters often mistaken, such as "b" and "d," are grouped. Some sounds, such as 'ee' and 'or,' are always written with two letters and are referred to as digraphs. 

  • What is the ckehrmd order in phonics level 2 sound?

The ckehrmd order is as written below:

1. s, a, t, i, p, n

2. ck, e, h, r, m, d

3. g, o, u, l, f, d

4. ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or

5. z, w, ng, v, oo, oo

6. y, x, ch, sh, th, the

7. qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar 

  • What are the 42 phonics sounds?

Phonics is matching spoken English sounds to individual letters or groups of letters. By teaching youngsters to mix the sounds of letters, they can sound out new or unknown words. For example, in phonics level 2 sounds, the sound k, can be written as c, k, ck, or ch. 

  • What age groups do you teach?

Students of any age group are taken care of in PlanetSpark; however, English phonics Level 2 sound programs are mainly for kids who ate in their growth phase and are learning English. 

PlanetSpark is a new cutting-edge platform that has been specially designed to help your child develop and understand phonics Level 2 sound in English. Kids may take online English phonics Level 2 training for children, public speaking, grammar, creative writing, debate, vlogging, and other "new age" skills through the PlanetSpark platform. PlanetSpark will also help them develop their jolly phonics cvc words knowledge, using different programs with ckehrmd words and ckehrmd worksheets embedded in them. 

  • What is the total course duration and fees of the course on jolly phonics phase 2?

Check out the Planet Spark trial class to know more about how PlanetSpark will help your child improve their skills in English phonics Level 2 sound. You can check out the PlanetSpark website to find out details. 

  • How will parents know if the child is progressing well in phonics phase 2 skills?

To understand if your children are performing well or not, you can speak to the trainers of PlaneSpark that will be working with your child and help them understand English phonics Level 2 sound. Our self curated handbooks on English phonics Level 2 training for children, ckehrmd worksheets improve ckehrmd words skills, which can help you raise a confident kid while also benefiting your child's creative thinking and problem-solving ability and make them a future leader.

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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