Grammar Fanatic

Mon, 14 Sep, 2020

How To Make Endings and Plurals For Kids More Exciting?

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Learning the difference between "s" and "es" or words that spell plural might seem like small potatoes. But as kids grow up, this common, basic grammatical knowledge sets the building blocks for understanding sentences. Kids must learn English endings and plurals skills to improve their hold on the language and become experts at constructing and comprehending sentences independently. Read on to understand the importance of teaching English endings and plurals to your kids.

PlanetSpark is the ideal place for starting online endings and plurals training for kids as we firmly believe in the philosophy of learning through activities that have a better retention rate among kids. We have created an engaging and interactive English language program where we help students master English through a fun-learning and activity-based approach.

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What Are Plurals and Endings?

Plural endings can be confusing for some kids. Ending a word with a vowel sound doesn't require adding an "s," but when a word ends in a consonant, the suffix "s" is added to make the word plural. Irregular plural nouns may confuse your kid further. Hence they need to know all the rules. The three most common rules for plurals are:

1) Find the letter on which the word ends and add "s" if it's a vowel

2) Remove the last letter of the word and add "es,"

3) Double every letter if adding "s" doesn't work.

Ending a word with a consonant requires adding "s" to make it plural. Some words use the ending "-es." Three general rules tell us whether or not terms need "es" at the end of them for us to know whether or not the word is plural. There is plenty of online endings and plurals training for kids, but they might not be able to set a good foundation for your kids. Hence, you must make them familiar with the endings and plurals.

Indeed, kids cannot memorize all the rules, but it gives kids more flexibility if we teach them to rely more on sounds than memorization. Kids write from the sounds they hear, so using sounds rather than memorization will allow them to be more fluent writers. Besides being fluent, kids need to avoid spelling errors as much as possible.

We, at PlanetSpark, make sure that your kid understands the difference between singular and plural words intuitively, for which we have designed our exciting curriculum. From worksheets to resolving queries at any hour, once your kid enrolls in our course, they will get all the necessary guidance and motivation to fine-tune their language skills.

Take our demo session to make a good decision.

Importance Of Plurals And Endings In Child Development

Kids are exposed to singular and plural words every day; it is used all around them. Although they may not be able to verbalize it, children learn linguistic concepts through repetition. From a young age, we teach our children plurals and endings like "legged," "holes," "puppies," and "toes." This is because children learn best when they repeat something over and over, rather than going through it only once in the textbooks. This is the reason why we need to introduce them to singular and plural rules to help them understand them better and learn quickly.

If you have not yet thought about online endings and plurals training for kids, here are the benefits that will change your perspective:

  • It helps your children develop their language skills

Kids learn words better when they can distinguish between plurals and endings. When you point out plural words like "dogs" or "hills" versus ending words like "sing" or "run," students are more likely to remember what you've mentioned. You may not have to teach 100 singular and plural words in English, but understanding the basics of plural endings develops their language skills.  

  • They'll become well-rounded readers

As children learn about plurals and endings, they will develop high levels of vocabulary and phonics skills that help them read further text. With regular, singular, and plural nouns exercises, your kids will start understanding sentence structure and improve their reading skills.

  • This will greatly improve reading comprehension

Through this course, your child will also become a better reader when they can recognize plurals and endings in words because they will then be more likely to pick out other vital words in sentences that may be difficult to understand.

  • It helps them distinguish and create new words

Sometimes if your child is familiar with the endings of new words, they will be better at thinking of other words that can be made or related by using their rules. This can be easily done with online endings and plurals training for kids, just like we do at PlanetSpark.

  • It aids in critical thinking skills

While a child may not look at words and try to figure out how they are spelt, they will nonetheless be very interested in thoughts that go through their head when they read outlandish descriptions in books. When they are well aware of the plural nouns list, they will be able to understand sentence structure better.

  • It improves reading comprehension

The more your little one absorbs vocabulary, the easier it will be for them to learn content within books. There are tons of different picture books out there with some great vocabulary words. They teach young children an expanded vocabulary which can help them later on in school, and you may even find yourself coming up with creative new ways to incorporate at least 100 singular and plural words in English during your normal day.

At PlanetSpark, we provide your kids with worksheets through which they can easily learn how to make sense of plural words and construct sentences through them.

Enroll your kid into PlanetSpark and avail all the benefits

Types of Endings and Plurals For Kids

There are a few different plural endings, and which one to use depends on the word type. Most nouns that end in s, z, or x will take es. Examples can be glasses and boxes. Singular and plural nouns are easy to understand, but it is essential to bring them into practice through real-life examples. Some nouns that end in f or v will take an en if singular and plural words have the same letters at the end, such as sheep and speak.

Some of the best examples of endings and plurals are given below:

1)Plural Y Endings

Many nouns that end with -y take i as the plural. Examples include baby, lady, and guy. Some words ending in y drop the y and replace it with ies, such as day (days), bay (bays), and slay (slays). Some plural y ending words have aspirated h sounds instead of an "s" sound. These endings include boyfriend to boyfriends, hostess to hostesses, Texas to Texans, etc. When your kid learns English endings and plurals skill, they will be able to construct them easily.

2)Plural X Or Z Endings

Many nouns that end with x and z take es for the plural. Examples include: box (boxes), fox (foxes), ax (axes). A few singular words such as hippopotamus and chimpanzee automatically become plural when you add an s or z, no matter the suffix.

3)Plural S Endings

Some English words now have their plurals using "es", but initially, they ended in -s. As you may know from your last quiz, these are all irregular! They include these common nouns: bus (buses), glass (glasses), and woman (women). Examples also include child (children), man (men), and woman (women).

With PlanetSpark, your kid can clear all the clutter related to singulars and plurals. We specialize in courses of singular and plurals for grade 1 to grade 5.

What are you waiting for? Get in touch with us for further inquiries.

Examples of Plural Endings

Most plurals end in "s." This can include "pants," "berries," and "gifts." Endings can depend on the noun that comes before them.

Endings can also be irregular. It is important to teach kids these endings, so they know how plural words work when they come to prep school. Teaching kids how to build plurals will make learning how to read later easier. Check out the examples of plural endings:

1) The noun "dog" changes to "dogs."

2) The noun "mouse" changes to "mice".

3) The noun "man" changes to "men".

4) The noun "pencil" changes to "pencils."

How To Make Endings and Plurals For Kids More Exciting?

Games are a great way to teach kids the different ways plurals end. No matter if you find out 100 singular and plural words in English to teach, if they are not enjoying the process, they will not grasp anything. They will be more excited about learning if they have fun, which is exactly what games provide. Choose one of the activities below to incorporate endings and singular and plural nouns into your lesson plan for kids.

1) Use flashcards or a dictionary. Flashcards that list singular and plural words and pictures are a fun idea that kids will enjoy. Have kids memorize examples and practice using them in sentences.

2) Divide kids into 2 or 3 teams and give them a plural nouns list for which they have to find the endings.

3) Divide students evenly into two teams and hand out flashcards, in front of which they'll stand. When you call out the color, they must go with another player on their team who fluently knows the word the student is holding up." You can use neon green and yellow paper if you want! You can also

What if we say that we will make all the efforts to make super learning fun for your kids? At PlanetSpark, we only believe in learning that is filled with fun and interactive activities.

Don't let this opportunity slip through your hands and avail our online endings and plurals training for kids. Enroll in our course!

Advice For Parents On How To Turn Their Children Into Good Readers

It is important to note that children should often be reading to be a reader. It may be helpful for parents to buy books that are both exciting and easy. Besides reading, a child should also practice sounding out words by looking at the letters on the page and saying them aloud. Make sure they have enough singular and plural words to read every day so they can understand the endings. It can help when the parent taps on the letters as the child are speaking them. The repetition will help build literacy. It is important to remember that being a reader is a process, and changes take time. Reading is easier when it becomes an enjoyable experience rather than something forced.

Tips for parents to make their child a good reader:

1) Find a book that the child is interested in and read it often.

2) Practice saying words out loud.

3) Repeat sentences often as you read or tell stories.

4) Find books with different pages, numbers of words per page, and familiar stories or ideas to help remember what word comes next and how they blend to create a longer vocabulary.

5) Encourage the child to look at the cover when reading an unfamiliar story.

6) Help the child pronounce new words by sounding out the word and then have them offer a guess before it is said.

7) When looking at pictures in a book, verbally ask where what you are looking at might be found, who else is pictured with them, and think of other things they like.

8) Leave time on the page to comment on parts read and not just after reading each page.

9) When hearing the alphabet sound out, its ABCs allow time for the child to remember what came before so that children can say them in order as well.

10) Always have a positive tone when correcting anything, and keep comments on task until then while your child is reading.

At PlanetSpark, our sole aim is to make your kids good readers and speakers by strengthening their language base. With our online endings and plurals training for kids, they will be able to understand the meaning and construct sentences with ease.

Give your kids the gift of expert reading with our course. Get in touch with our experts to know the details.

Why Is Grammar Knowledge Essential For Kids?

Children are naturally drawn to language. They love being read to, saying and spelling words aloud, playing with letters, and mimicking words on signs and in conversation before learning how to read. Learning grammar skills at an early age can help children make sense of everyday writing that use singular and plural nouns and common verbs. Here is why grammar should be an integral part of children's language skills:

1) It helps children figure out what a sentence is about.

2) It helps children understand how sentences go together and express ideas.

3) It increases comprehension of texts, vocabulary, reading fluency, and writing over the long haul.

4) It teaches necessary skills for good grammar and spelling.

5) It helps kids learn to write coherently and revise their writing to make it better.

6) It helps early writers chat about their ideas through multisensory dialogues

7) It teaches children how to summarize books and other texts.

Why PlanetSpark Is The Right Place To Learn English Endings and Plurals Skills?

  • Top Educators: We have aligned some experience and expert educators who are well-versed in honing the language skills of young talents and turning them into confident personalities.

  • Cutting-Edge Technology and Curriculum: Whether it is an upgraded curriculum or tech-enabled teaching methods, PlanetSpark will ensure ease of learning for your kids.

  • Individual Attention: We will offer individual attention to your child's growth and provide necessary support whenever and wherever required.

  • Fun-Learning Approach: We make learning fun and interactive for your kids, so they instantly fall in love with every aspect of the course and look forward to the classes.

Where can you find all these benefits under one roof? Don't think much. Enroll your kid to PlanetSpark today.

Contact us to know more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Irregular Plurals?

Irregular plurals. Irregular plurals nouns or words are used with a different spelling to indicate plurality. They cannot be easily predicted by using suffixes like we usually do in English.

What Are Bare Plurals?

Bare plurals are sometimes incorrectly called pluralia tantum. They are words such as "mice," which means more than one but does not use an extra letter to make the general sense explicit.

What Are General Plural Endings Rules?

There are many singular and plural rules, but the most general plural ending rule is for a word that ends in "e," the "es" after the final letter of the term to indicate its lack of an indefinite article. For words that end in "a," the normal rule is that they take an "s." For example, the car becomes cars.

What Are Plural Possessive Adjectives?

When making a plural of a noun, the ending needs to be changed to maintain the pronunciation. For example, "cucumber" would become "cucumbers," or "desk" would become "dresses." Generally, two different endings are used: s and es.

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