
Tue, 13 Apr, 2021

How to Easily Peel an Avocado: Methods and Benefits!

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How to Peel an Avocado


Avocados are borne by the avocado tree. The tree is an evergreen, tropical tree with green, pear-shaped nutritious fruits. There are many different varieties of avocados found in the market. The tree comes from a flowering plant family (Lauraceae).

The avocado fruit is a large berry containing one seed. Avocado is not sugary, but it is a versatile and enjoyable source of high-fat and protein. It has a creamy and buttery texture and a bland flavour.

Benefits Of Consuming Avocado

Benefits of Avocado

  • According to a study, it has been found that the people who consume avocado have high nutrient intake. It helps in cutting down belly fat.

  • Few nutrients should only be eaten up with fats so our body can soak them quickly. A study released in The Journal of Nutrition says that consuming triterpenoids with avocado or avocado oil improves their soaking process in the body.

  • Avocation B, a mixture found in avocado, kills the leukemia cells (Cells responsible for blood cancer). Also, avocados' phytochemicals ( active compounds found in the plants) can protect us from cancer.

  • By consuming avocado, we can quickly reduce the risk of having heart disease. According to a study, consuming avocado can lower our cholesterol levels.

  • Avocados can also help us to reduce our body weight. It is observed that people have a 28% lower desire to eat anything in the next 4-5 hours after eating avocado than people who don't eat it.

Peeling Process Of An Avocado

Pieces of Avocado

  • Place the avocado in one hand or put it on the chopping board. Use a proper chef’s knife, cut it lengthwise from the center, and when the knife comes in contact with the pit, start continuously slicing around the pit until it meets its starting point.

  • Without removing the knife from the avocado, bend it gradually to detach the fruit into two parts.

  • Poke the knife hard on the pit embedded in the cavity. So when you move the blade, one half of the avocado with the hole will be removed from the pit.

  • Holding the avocado in your hand, bend the knife and remove it. This action will remove the pit of the avocado easily.

  • To remove the skin of the avocado, hold it in one hand. Then slide the spoon between the skin and the core (the portion which can be eaten). Firmly slice the spoon between every side of the avocado, remove its core. Do this process on the other half also.

  • If you undertake this process carefully, you can remove the core of the avocado in one swift move by using a spoon. You can also remove the stained part of the core.

  • The core or the pulp of the avocado gets stained very fast when it comes in contact with air. Use the peeled fruit spontaneously or wrap it with plastic to refrigerate.

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  1. Is it beneficial to eat avocados for cancer?

Yes, consuming avocados is beneficial because it kills the cells responsible for blood cancer.

  1. Can we store avocados in an open place after peeling them?

No, because avocado pulp gets stained when it comes in contact with air.

  1. Can we peel an avocado easily, or do we need a special cutter?

We can peel an avocado with a normal sharp knife only.

  1. Is the avocado skin edible?

It can be eaten, but it doesn't taste very pleasant.

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