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Sat, 28 Mar, 2020

How to Create the Perfect Social Media Avatar: Tips and Guidelines for Effective Branding!

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Creating the Perfect social media avatar

A social media avatar

Social media has become a tool to gain popularity, acquire potential clients, and communicate with your near and dear ones. But to get attention from people around you, you need to create a profile with an avatar. But what is an avatar? A social media avatar refers to the image that is used to represent your profile. You can relate it to the display profile (DP) used on apps like WhatsApp for a better understanding.

  1. Keep the purpose in mind.

The type of image that you should set as your social media avatar depends on its purpose. For example, if you create an avatar for a personal account on Instagram, you should set a picture that shows your "funny" side. But suppose you are creating a social media avatar for the platform that will help you connect with your teachers. In that case, you should set a presentable social media avatar that can show the "sincere" side of your personality.

  1. Stay consistent with your avatar.

To make people recognize you on different platforms easily, it is important to keep your avatar image consistent. Also, refrain from changing it every day. It may confuse your connections. But you should also refrain from using your logo, as it rarely describes your business. And the size of this logo should be small, and it should be uncluttered.

  1. Make your social media avatar a tool for branding.

Many people design their logos according to their convenience and end up using a simple word as their logo. Consider a logo with just "R. Pearson Electricals" written like normal text in colors. Without icons or creative elements, this logo looks like a simple text. When a creative logo is set as an avatar, then it will be able to engage more people.

  1. Your avatar image should be able to tell its story.

When it comes to brand building, people plan their avatar image and cover image in such a way that they complete each other's meaning. But your potential clients are not always going to see your cover image. For instance, when you scroll on Facebook, you aren't able to see the cover image of every profile. In your feeds, you are just able to view the user's name, avatar image, and post.


An avatar should represent your brand, and you should maintain the size of this avatar to less than 80 pixels. Remember that it is a part of your identity on the social media platform. So choose it wisely!

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  1. What makes a good social media Avatar?

A good social media avatar refers to a picture that describes your brand and its functioning correctly.

  1. What are the steps for creating a perfect Avatar?

For creating a perfect Avatar are researching demographics, identifying goals, understanding the decision-making process, and then using a template.

  1. What can be termed an avatar in branding?

Avatar helps in motivating competition by providing a flexible alter ego that behaves as a voice and personality of your brand.

  1. Why should we avoid using logos and text as avatars?

Choosing text and brand logo as a social media avatar will show your insincere efforts towards your brand and may affect you negatively.

  1. Why is an avatar important?

People usually recognize you or judge your personality on the basis of this avatar. It will help you build brand recognition.

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