How to Create Memes: Methods and Tools for Crafting Viral Content!

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People laughing at memes

Memes increasingly dominate online culture, with prominent viral profiles on digital media. People across the entire globe are addicted to the memes every day, which brings a laugh to their faces. Memes, however, are considerably beyond simply a source of amusement in everyday life. An Ed-tech platform like PlanetSpark helps increase the children's creative capacity.

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Definition Of Meme

A meme is simply a text-enhanced picture that spreads virtually, frequently expressing thoughtful comments on famous figures, societal ideals, or hot topics. A meme is often a visual or video, even though this can also be a piece of text.  

Methods Of Making A Meme

A funny meme

  1. Research

It's an intelligent concept to check at memes that recently become viral, specifically the most recent ones. Doing research does not mean that you'll need to dig out every detail. It becomes easier for you to do research when you are active on social media and dedicatedly keep yourself updated on all the online trends.  

  1. Select content

If someone wishes to make a popular meme, one must first develop a fantastic concept. Then one will require an attractive image and technology to set it all together. Modify the color palettes, graphics, content, layout, and patterns as much as you like. Create a catchy phrase using simple yet powerful words.

  1. Create a meme using the necessary tools

You need to upload a picture of yours in editing software. Once it has been done, the image will appear on the editing page. You may adjust and rearrange the content here, among other things. Do not forget to name your meme. The most popular font for memes is Impact, and comic sans and Arial are also popular.

Some of the tools used for making memes are:

  • Imgur

  • Imgflip

  • Memedroid

  • GATM Meme Generator and many more.

  1. Share

The power and comedy of memes are realized when shared through social networking sites. You may publish a meme on your public networking profile or text with your families and friends.


Most of the memes are humorous, while others are charming; however, the most effective viral memes combine eye-catching images, friendly style, and intelligent content. Meme-creating software can assist you in creating a meme. After forming the memes, one will say experts have made this, and this ensures that your works must be unique on social networking sites. Memes, similar to inside jokes in the social realm, provide a small number of genuine connections in the virtual world that can often appear cold and isolated.

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  1. What type of font is commonly used in memes?

The most popular font for memes is Impact, and comic scans and Arial are also popular options.

  1. What should be the Size of a Meme?

Because memes are typically posted on social networking sites, the most common format is a square- 700px x 700px.

  1. What is the simplest way to make memes?

There are various tools, such as Canva and Imgur, that make it easier to generate memes.

  1. What was the first viral meme?

The dancing baby meme was the first viral meme on the internet in 1996.

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