Writers Guild

Wed, 29 Sep, 2021

Generational Divisions and Tensions Between Baby Boomers, Millennials and Generation Z

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Generational Divisions and Tensions Between Baby Boomers, Millennials and Generation Z


Baby boomers, millennials and Generation Z, what do these terms mean, and how are they different from each other? While the different terms given to signify the generational divisions today are a bit comical, it helps differentiate one generation from the other effectively. 

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Let us look at some of these terms to understand them better:

  1. Baby boomers: 

This is the term used for individuals born between 1946 and 1964. The term finds its origin in the boom in birth rates seen after the end of the Second World War.

 Baby boomers make up a substantial fraction of the world’s population, and it is the generation that preceded the silent generation. Today, baby boomers are nearing retirement age.

  1. Millennials: 

The millennials were born between 1981 and 1996. They are also referred to as Generation Y. Millennials are characterised by their fearlessness and ability to adapt to change. They grew up alongside technology and are considered the largest generation today.

  1. Generation Z:

 Generation Z is also referred to as zoomers. They are seen to be more ethnically and racially diverse than any other generation. The term Gen Z refers to individuals born between 1997 and 2012.

Tensions Between The Different Generations

Generational Divisions and Tensions Between Baby Boomers, Millennials and Generation Z


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There are several differences between the different generations. While the baby boomers aspired to live in suburban and pastoral areas, the millennials wish to live in big cities. 

The Millennials are trained to think quite differently from their parents and are also seen to be more competitive - they work towards getting the most out of any given situation. Generation Z is predominantly pragmatic and works hard to achieve what they want.

 They are more ‘woke’ and are accepting of diversity. While the differences in perceptions cause tensions between the three generations, they still manage to live peacefully together.  

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  1. What makes Generation Z different from other generations?

Generation Z is the first generation to have lived entirely in the digital era. They are educated in the matters of technology and incorporate technology in most, if not all, aspects of their life.

  1. What are considered the drawbacks of individuals of generation Z?

Generation Z is said to have shorter attention spans than other generations, as they are accustomed to getting information in short spans of time. They are also increasingly dependent on technology to carry out their everyday tasks.

  1. What are the biggest problems faced by Millennials?

Millennials had to deal with issues of racism, unemployment, and economic downfall. Millennials and Generation Z also have to face problems with regard to climate change and poverty.

  1. What generation is in between Millennials and Baby Boomers?

Generation X is the generation between the millennials and baby boomers. Gen X refers to the individuals born between 1965 and 1980.

  1.  What generation comes before the Baby Boomers?

The silent generation precedes the boomer generation. It is the demographic cohort that consists of individuals born between 1928 to 1945.  

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