Writers Guild

Tue, 08 Dec, 2020

From tradition to progress: Empowering India's Agriculture for a prosperous future!

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Farming is the heart and soul of the Indian economy. Farming has been done in India for a long time and over the years, it has made a lot of progress. The use of modern technology and equipment in agriculture has replaced almost all of the old ways of farming in today's world. There was a lot of growth in the country's other industries as well as the agricultural sector thanks to this progress.

Agriculture is a big part of the Indian economy. Agriculture hasn't progressed for a long time even though it has been done for a while now. We are, of course, doing our best. Our food grains came from other countries after we became a country of our own. However, with the green revolution, we became self-sufficient and began to sell our surplus to other countries, which made us rich.

We used to rely only on the monsoon to grow food crops, but now we have dams, canals, tube wells, and pumping stations to help us get the water we need. Furthermore, we now have more fertilisers, pesticides, and seeds to choose from, which means we can grow more food than before. 

Significance Of Agriculture

Agriculture is a big part of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and revenue. It needs a lot of people, with employees making up more than 80% of the workforce. In addition, agriculture makes up about 70% of our total exports. This country is a big producer of everything from cotton to tea to tobacco to sugar to jute goods to spices to rice. 

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Importance Of Agricultural Biodiversity 

Biodiversity in farming is important for humanity to stay alive. Biodiversity is the reason for big changes and gives people food and raw materials for making things. Clothing, cotton, shelter, and fuelwood are some of the things, as well as medicinal plants and roots, biofuels, jobs, and income.

In addition to protecting soil and water, it also provides ecological services like pollination, soil fertility, and biota preservation. All of these are important for humans to be able to live. It is because humans have been managing biodiversity that plants and animals that have been domesticated are the result. This is because humans are always adapting to new challenges in changing ecosystems in order to keep and increase productivity. 


A lot of countries have a big source of income being generated from farming. Although it takes a lot of time and hardwork, the country's food safety and health are bound to improve. Agriculture was the only source of income before the industrial revolution. Humanity's best source of life and one of the best sources of money are both found in water. Agriculture is a big source of income for a lot of people in developing and under developing countries.

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