
Sun, 29 Dec, 2019

Explain Why Dogs are Better than Cats (or the Other Way Around)!

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When it comes to keeping a pet, we have to look into several things other than just the IQ of the animal. Dogs are good animals and are fiercely loyal. But cats are better as pets unless you need support services in old age or disability. 

They come with several benefits. The most important among them is that they do not need to be trained extensively. Another subtle difference between cats and dogs is that the former understands the concept of ‘space.’ They like to have their own space. Here are some reasons why a cat is a better pet.

Cats Are Affordable

Two cats

The first thing you ask yourself when getting a pet is how much it would cost to keep one. Cats are easier on the pocket when buying a pedigree pet. They also require minimal work in regular care.

Cats Can Take Care Of Themselves

A truly helpful trait in keeping a cat as a pet is that the felines can care for themselves. They fastidiously clean themselves. Dogs litter. Cats, not so much. Dogs need to be bathed regularly. They need to be taken out on walks for nature calls. Cats mostly manage on their own. Dogs can become uneasy if left indoors for long periods.

Cats Occupy Less Space

A little kitten

Cats being smaller in size compared to most dogs are manageable in a smaller area. Dogs are more comfortable outdoors. They need roomier spaces. Having a pet dog may not be ideal if you live with your family in a small space, such as a one-bedroom apartment. Cats, on the other hand, will make themselves home in a small area without troubling you.

Cats Can Do With Minimal Training

If you are not a very fussy pet owner, go for cats. A cat does not require intensive training. Dogs need to be trained. It takes time to get them to learn about behaviour around humans. Once trained, they are as good as family. Dogs love company compared to cats, who like to have their own space. Cats are not obsessed with your attention, unlike dogs.

Cats Keep Away Rodents

While dogs guard your home, cats are very effective pest deterrents. Unlike most dogs, cats will go after any rodent that accidentally manages to get inside your living space. Make sure you train your kitten not to eat a stray rat or a bird. Pests and rodents can smell a predator around. So, bringing in a cat will naturally keep them at bay.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. Can you leave a cat unsupervised?

While it is not advisable to leave any pet unsupervised for long periods, cats are better behaved when left alone than dogs. Dogs get restless after some time and seek company. Cats are comfortable having their space.

  1. Are cats quieter than dogs?

Yes. Dogs are noisier than cats. Dogs are impatient compared to cats and can draw your attention in numerous ways. Their barks are among the most easily identifiable sounds in the neighbourhood.

  1. What is the primary feed for a cat?

Cats are essentially meat-eating animals. They are carnivores. You should include a diet rich in fat and protein for them. If you are serving a balanced meal to them twice a day, it should take care of their food cravings.

  1. What is the life expectancy of a cat?

Cats start to get old around the age of 10. On average, they live between 12 and 18 years. Their lifespan is better than that of dogs.

  1. Are cats as loving as dogs?

Cats can be very loving. But unlike dogs, they love to have their space and may sometimes seem indifferent. Dogs like company. They miss people when left alone.

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