Confidence Building

Wed, 06 Feb, 2019

Everything you should know about the Leadership course for beginners!

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About Leadership For Beginners

The seeds of certain qualities can be sown early on to start leadership training for beginners. Traits like confident communication, trustworthiness, and self-motivation can really help your child shine academically and otherwise. 

A leader is a person who inspires the trust of others and guides them toward a common goal. Leaders must have the ability to set an example for others. PlanetSpark is your go-to platform to teach your kids t required to lead. 

We use the highly effective STEPS methodology to teach leadership at the beginners level. This methodological approach to developing leadership skills in children has proven highly effective. It involves a 5-phase method to teach beginner students problem-solving, critical thinking, and other leadership skills.

Our approach teaches communication skills, personality development, public speaking, and other necessary leadership qualities to children from age 5 to 7. 

Looking for the best course to grow your child’s leadership qualities? Don’t wait anymore, book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark and start learning today!

Benefits Of Leadership Course For Beginner Kids In English 

It’s important to nurture their interests and give them the confidence to carve out their leadership path. 

The role of adults in teaching beginner kids leadership skills is to show them the way. However, the kids must be able to do things their way to be authentic leaders. This individuality and confidence can be taught to children in an engaging and fun way through our leadership course for beginner students. 

  • Live 1:1 Leadership Training for Beginners

Our educators will give your child 1:1 attention while training them in leadership skills for beginners. They will customise their teaching methods according to your child’s specific needs and learning styles. The teachers at PlanetSpark’s leadership training for beginner students will combine multiple methods and approaches to teach your child essential life skills and cultivate qualities required to take the lead.  

  • STEPS Methodology Used for Creating Leaders

PlanetSpark uses its research-backed and tested STEPS (Spark, Think, Explain, Practice, Share) methodology for leadership training of beginner students. This approach is created using inquiry-based, game-based learning and spaced repetition techniques. The entire methodology is put together using science-backed insights from child cognitive psychologists. 

We entice children to be curious in the “spark phase.” The “think phase” encourages kids to learn through games and activities. In the “explain phase,” your child will observe and analyse the problem, and the “practice phase” will teach them to apply knowledge. Finally, in the “share phase,” we encourage kids to reflect and share their newly acquired skills. 

  • Leadership Program Created by Experts

PlanetSpark’s beginner's leadership training in English is curated by experts from Harvard and XLRI who have tried and tested the skill development measures in their own personal and professional journeys. Our course applies methods approved by child cognitive psychologists, which help them in their physical, mental, and emotional development. 

  • Fun and Engaging Approach 

We intend to make learning fun and exciting at PlanetSpark’s beginners' leadership classes in English. Gone are the days of rote learning and boring teaching methods. Our educators use role-play, games, and other activities to teach kids how to be the leaders of tomorrow. 

  • Holistic Approach to Leadership Training for Beginners 

PlanetSpark’s beginner's leadership classes in English do not take a rigorous and static approach to teach leadership to beginner students. We understand that every child has a unique set of skills, personalities, and learning styles. We incorporate holistic and personalised methods to teach your kids confident communication, taking the initiative and responsibility, public speaking, and other essential life and leadership skills.  

  • Skills Developed in Leadership Training for Beginners 

We teach children to take responsibility and ownership, show courage in challenging situations, and practice creative and critical thinking with self-confidence. 

Book a FREE demo class now and help your child become a leader from an early age!

Importance Of Learning Leadership Online For Beginners

  • Helps Children Develop Strong Communication Skills

Confident communication is the foundation of leadership. In every area of life, we need leaders to communicate with us. If leaders fail to communicate with their audience, they are not cut out for leadership. Clear, concise, and charismatic conversations with people are key to effective leadership. We will help your child achieve that in our leadership lessons for beginners. 

  • Teaches Kids the Power of Persuasion

After all, what is a leader who can’t persuade people to follow them? Be it in a professional capacity or personally. Persuasive dialogue can make things a lot easier for your child in the future. Convincing people to follow you is not a thing that comes naturally to many people. Planetspark’s leadership training for beginners helps children cultivate allied skills such as confidence, communication, and public speaking to persuade people. 

  • Helps Them Get Rid of Inhibitions

PlanetSpark’s leadership training for beginners uses simple methods to help your child come out of their shell and interact freely with others. We help them find their voice and use their own words to communicate with people. 

  • Helps Kids Identify Their Talents

We know your child is unique. They bring their personality and quirks to the table. Our leadership classes for beginner students will help your child identify their skills and strong suits. We encourage children to be confident in their skin and carve out their paths. It gives the child enough room to experiment, find out what they’re good at, and use it. 

  • Improves Self-Confidence

Developing skills like public speaking, effective communication, and cultivating linguistic prowess will help your child become more confident. Every time they express themselves publicly will instil a sense of accomplishment in them and increase their self-confidence. 

  • Creates Leaders of Tomorrow

At PlanetSpark’s leadership training for beginners, we create junior leaders who are responsible, effective, and persuasive communicators, courageous, and good decision-makers. All these qualities are bound to steer your kids to academic success. These skills will also come to their aid later in life when they need to take on leadership positions. 

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How do you teach leadership to children?

PlanetSpark’s leadership training for beginners uses the STEP methodology to teach leadership skills to children. It has proven extremely effective in teaching kids foundational life skills like public speaking, personality development, and creative writing. 

  1. How do you explain leadership to a child?

For school-going children, leadership could mean taking ownership in certain situations, using their time and resources effectively to come to a decision everybody accepts. They could be class captains, captains of their sports teams, and public speakers. 

  1. What do you teach in a leadership class?

PlanetSpark’s leadership training for beginner students includes teaching skills like public speaking, clear communication, time management, persuasion, and other essential life and leadership skills. 

  1. What leadership skills are needed in early childhood?

Your child needs to learn how to take responsibility and be courageous in situations that demand these qualities early in their life. With certain leadership skills, we help your child set an example for others that they are compelled to follow. With leadership training for beginner students, they will learn to take ownership, persuade others, speak publicly, express themselves freely, and take charge of situations. 

  1. How do you identify leadership qualities in children?

Some children are naturally confident and shine in situations where they are in charge. Whenever your child takes ownership, makes effective decisions, and shows the ability to lead other children their age, you know you’ve got yourself a junior leader. 

  1. What does leadership look like in an early childhood setting?

Young children aren’t out there to make life-altering decisions for others on a mass scale. However, they can show leadership skills when performing certain activities, like academics and playing sports. 

  1. How old does my child have to enrol in leadership training for beginner students? 

At the moment, PlanetSpark’s leadership training for beginners students enrolled children from 5 to 7 years of age in the leadership program. 

  1. How experienced are the teachers at PlanetSparks leadership classes for beginner students? 

Experts and child psychologists curate PlanetSpark’s leadership classes for beginner students. Our teachers hold good experience in teaching life skills to younger children. 

  1. Is my 5 to 7-year-old child too young to learn leadership online for beginners? 

Leaders aren’t born. They are made. Starting them early on in leadership training for beginner students can positively impact your child's overall attitude and life skills. 

  1.  How can leadership training for beginners help my child academically? 

Leadership isn’t limited to professional skills. Academic success is tied to certain leadership qualities. This leadership training early in life can set the stage for a better future for your child. 

Enrol your kids now

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