Creating Confidence

Thu, 06 Feb, 2020

Everything you should know about Beginners Confidence Building classes!

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About Confidence Building Training For Beginners Kids

The ability to be self-assured is defined as trusting one's own talents. It entails being aware of one's capabilities and putting those skills to productive use. And your kid can gain that confidence by attending our Confidence Building Class for Beginners kids. 

For many kids, being exposed to new information that they are unfamiliar with and being corrected and assessed frequently may erode their self-confidence. This leads them to begin doubting their intellect and capacity to succeed in school.

Kids often experience feelings of self-doubt when they are unable to grasp important ideas in class or when they score badly on an exam. However, kids must not stay in this frame of mind for an extended period. It is essential to reinforce the idea of them believing in themselves. 

Booking Confidence Building for Beginner's kids with PlanetSpark will help your kid to shine bright! Book a FREE class NOW! 

Confidence Building Training For Beginners Kids Activities And Worksheets

One of the most effective strategies to increase confidence among kids is to include them in a variety of self-esteem exercises in the  Confidence Building Class for beginner kids. In addition, kids who come from less-than-desirable family environments may develop skills that will help them create a feeling of belonging and respect to build their self-esteem. 

By ensuring that a kid's self-esteem is in good shape, you may transform the learning environment into one where education and learning flourish. Self-esteem exercises for kids are a fantastic technique to assist a child's self-esteem while also increasing their ability to study. As a parent, you can keep the following things in mind:

  • Applaud their efforts and encourage them to continue.

Even though this may seem simple, it is possible to lose sight of the progress achieved on a learning journey at times. As a result, compliment your kids on their accomplishments and emphasise the positive aspects of their work rather than the negative ones while correcting their work. If your child can see that they are making progress, it will be easier for them to remain motivated to continue studying - no matter how slowly they are going.

  • Refrain from correcting every word in free expression.

It is necessary to correct kids' mistakes; nonetheless, if you correct every minute detail, kids' confidence will suffer. Instead, make the required modifications – and remember to emphasise their talents – but avoid interfering too much with their performance activities by not interrupting too often. Kids should let go of their inhibitions and attempt to communicate in English.

  •  Inquire about their objectives.

Although young kids may be studying English as part of their basic school requirements, learning a new language might provide them with the opportunity to expand their horizons. So ask them what they want to achieve with their newfound abilities – and then assist them in achieving their goals.

  • Allow them to instruct you if you allow them to.

We've already discussed the importance of choosing things your kids are interested in to pique their interest in English language acquisition. These include the use of English-language songs with English lyrics and popular movies and television series. 

Confidence Building For Beginners Kids Curriculum Details

The Beginners Confidence Building training offered by PlanetSparks is a component of the broader Communication Skills Program offered by the organisation. An activity-centric pedagogy combined with short learning projects is intended to foster the development of strong communication skills among kids. 

Curriculum details 


Group discussion




  • Voice modulation

Emphasis and subordination

Change of pitch

Change of pace

Pause and power


  • Body language

Body movements and personal space

Facial expressions

Eye contact

Hand and feet movements

  • Words for effective communication

Mispronounced words

Common phrasal verbs

Book a FREE class in our Confidence Building for Beginners course for kids NOW and make your child a confident communicator! 

Importance Of Beginners Confidence Building Classes

Confident people have a strong sense of security, clarity, and self-trust. Confidence impacts work and relationships. Many things might shake children's confidence, but it's worth trying to regain it. Having this sense of confidence is important because:

  • Confidence aids in the process of decision-making.

Making choices is difficult for many kids. Whenever your kid lacks self-confidence, they try to reverse a choice or condemn them when things don't go as planned. Confidence helps in maintaining perspective. Your kids will be more confident in their ability to make judgments, and if the conclusion isn't exactly what your kid wanted, they will be more likely to adjust.

  • Confidence aids in the development of resilience.

Confidence may help your kid put setbacks into perspective and move on. No one likes making mistakes or being disappointed, but when your kids have confidence in themselves, you know that they can face any problem that comes their way, no matter how difficult they may seem. Increase your kid's confidence and resilience by taking on a variety of challenging situations.

  • Confidence helps in having better connections.

There are several reasons why confidence is important in relationship building. First, confident people are less reliant on others for assurance and acceptance. This allows kids to be more honest in a relationship. They are more likely to keep limits.

  • Confidence allows effective communication.

Self-assured kids are frequently excellent speakers. Their directness isn't a source of embarrassment, and they don't second-guess themselves while they're speaking. On the other hand, kids who lack self-confidence may have difficulty communicating their needs and desires because they aren't confident in themselves or fearful of how others will react to their needs and goals.

PlanetSpark Confidence Building Class For Beginners Kids Testimonials

  • “To help our son Jacob with his Confidence building, we enrolled him in a class at PlanetSpark. We've seen a big difference in him in only a few weeks. PlanetSpark has been a wonderful experience for us as parents.” 

Mrs Fatima 


For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How can I teach my 4-year-old to speak English?

The following are some methods to teach your kids English:

  • Develop a schedule for them to follow religiously. 

  • Involve fun activities. Playing games is a great way to get kids excited about learning.

  • Play a character. Add "role-play" exercises for a better understanding of the language.

  1. What causes our children to lose faith in themselves?

Low self-esteem may be caused by various factors, including an unhappy childhood shaped by the harsh criticism of one's parents (or other influential figures, such as educators). A lack of success in education brought on a lack of self-assurance—ongoing life stressors, such as a broken relationship or financial difficulties.

  1. What is the best way to overcome a lack of self-assurance?

Some techniques for boosting low self-confidence are:

  • First, recognise your strengths and use them to your advantage. Whether it's cooking, singing, solving riddles, or just being a lovely friend, we all have something to offer the world.

  • Establish trusting, mutually beneficial partnerships.

  • Self-love is the best gift you can give yourself.

  • Assert yourself.

  1. What is the minimum and maximum age range for a kid to join PlanetSpark?

For ages 4-14, PlanetSpark offers online public speaking training and a variety of other courses. 

  1. How do you boost our children's confidence?

Confidence may be boosted by positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge, and talking to others. Your self-esteem and conviction in your abilities and experience are the foundations of your self-confidence. 

Book your English Confidence Building training for Beginners kids free trial!

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