
Mon, 01 Feb, 2021

Equality in the Military: Why Transgender individuals should be recruited!

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The world has been binary in its outlook towards the sexes until now. A child is usually identified as male or female based on the reproductive organs at birth. The world order is based on this segregation of sexes. From enrolment in schools to applying for employment, an applicant is required to identify as male or female. Things have now changed with the recognition of transgender as a new gender. Transgender people are also known as trans.

Who Is A Transgender?

To understand this debate on the admission of transgenders to the military, let us first know more about them. Most of us associate with the gender identity given to us at birth. Our physiological attributes align with the gender nomenclature given to us, and we take to them, like fish to water. There is a minority of the population that feels differently about the sex assigned to them at birth. They are unable to align themselves with the physical characteristics of their body. To elaborate, a person born as a boy may associate with feminine attributes and vice versa. Such people do not associate with the sex assigned to them. They may not even identify with any of the existing genders (male or female). People who do not identify as male or female are called non-binary. 

Should The Military Recruit Transgenders?

Both men and women are serving in the military across countries and continents. Trans people are just like other people. Unless they have a physical or mental disability, there is no reason why they cannot serve in the armed forces. The military has been a predominantly male bastion. At one time, even women found it difficult to enrol for active duty in the military. Things are changing now. More than 20 countries are recruiting transgenders for active military duty. Trans people are allowed to participate in sports and athletic events. It is only reasonable that trans people also get their fair share of opportunities to offer their services to the military while earning a respectable livelihood. 

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  1. Who are transgenders?

Transgenders or trans people are individuals who do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. They can transition into a gender different from the one assigned to them at birth. 

  1. Does the military take in transgenders? 

More than 20 countries are recruiting transgenders for the armed services. These include the US, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the UK. 

  1. What is the rule in India regarding their enrolment in the armed forces? 

India has amended its law to recognise transgenders as the ‘third gender’. However, a proposal to allow trans people to apply for the armed forces is being studied. 

  1. Do transgenders have to get their documents updated?

Once you have officially been documented as a transgender, you may have to update your identity cards such as passport, bank records, and driving licence. The rules are country-specific.

  1. Do all transgenders suffer from gender dysphoria

No. Gender dysphoria is reported only in a fraction of trans people. It is not a prevalent symptom and is considered a form of emotional distress. 

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