The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 28 Jun, 2021

Embracing life's kaleidoscope: A journey of love, growth, and endless possibilities!

What is life? Defining it as a singular entity is an injustice to life itself. There are so many things. It is beautiful, but it can be just as challenging. It is happy, but it can be just as hard. It’s course is completely out of our hands, yet we live and plan it so that we can make the most out of it. It’s like running to a destination you know nothing about! It is almost impossible to define life in a set of finite words. Yet, I will try.

Life is a series of ups and downs. It’s a gift, even if it may not feel like it at times. Many people look at life and think of it as a list of things to achieve, prove, and do. But, in reality, life is an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to be, to live.

Many times, you will feel you’re at your lowest, but it’s important to remember that once you’ve hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up. It's not about accomplishing certain goals by a specific age; it's not a race with anyone else. It's just about trying your best and being assured that you will be happy as long as you try your best. The life you’re living now, what you consider your life, will change many times as you grow up. The only constant will be you. So, the only thing you should try your best to do in life is love and understand yourself.

Life is funny, it’s never as long as you think it is, and at the same time, it’s never as short as you think either. So, seize the moments. Don't let them pass you by, but don't fret over a single incident for too long.

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Life is a journey, sometimes incredible, sometimes a pain, often easy, sometimes challenging. But, life becomes much better if you have people on your side who go through it with you. So find your tribe, friends, loved ones, and partner to walk with you and enjoy this journey. Remember to appreciate that you have this life and try your best to achieve what your heart desires.

So, make the most of this life. After all, who knows, you may not get another one!

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