
Tue, 04 May, 2021

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthier Life!

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Importance of Food

basket full of vegetables

Food is an essential element of human life. It helps in the growth of the cells in the body and gives us the strength to perform different actions like running, walking, talking, or even sleeping. The nutrition provided by the food we eat ensures that we are able to carry out different activities in the best possible manner. 

Whether it is the digestive system helping us digest the food we eat and produce energy or the circulatory system that takes nutrients to different parts of the body, all the different life processes are governed by the food we eat. Thus, it becomes extremely important that we take care of what we are eating.

Changing Food Habits

Traditionally, the food choices around the globe have included more fruits, vegetables, and other natural products like dairy and cereals. However, in the recent past, food choices have been changing drastically. People are leading busy lives, and are rarely left with time to choose what they eat. Food items readily available in stores are chosen over the options that require cooking efforts. Less time availability and convenience of using ready-to-eat meals is a big cause for this shift.

However, this choice comes with its own set of challenges. An increase in lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, and heart-related ailments is one of the major side effects of these changed dietary choices. Thus, doctors and nutritionists around the world are encouraging people to include more fruits and vegetables in their diets. Going ahead, we discuss some important benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables.

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Benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables

First and foremost, fruits and vegetables consist of nutrients that are essential for the growth of cells in our bodies. They are a rich source of the different types of vitamins and minerals, as well as micronutrients. Various vitamins help by supporting unique body functions, allowing us to lead a healthier life. Eating more fruits and vegetables allows us to get all these essential vitamins and minerals in a natural and easily digestible manner.

Next, fruits and vegetables are extremely fibrous and help improve gut health. It helps in flushing out toxins from our system, making us healthy internally. A body that is healthy internally leads to a happier lifestyle, as we feel fresh and energetic. Thus, including the right amount of fibers is essential to keep our digestive system healthy. Eating more fruits and vegetables is a great way to include this critical element in our food.

A very important reason for eating more vegetables and fruits is that they protect us against some very dangerous diseases like cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and even irregular blood pressure. The phytochemicals present in fruits and vegetables make them one of our best defenses against diseases like this.

Another reason that is generally ignored whenever we talk about eating fruits and vegetables is their appearance. Yes, the different naturally-occurring colors, textures, and flavors of the fruits and vegetables are equally important. The different sensory experiences triggered by these properties provide a wholesome experience when eating the food. The satisfaction of eating natural food items like fruits and vegetables helps us avoid overeating.

Whether we consider the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, or simply the satisfaction and happiness in connecting with nature by eating them, it is a great experience either way. When we eat food, we expect it to be a happy and fulfilling experience that nourishes our body and soul. As we just saw, including fresh fruits and vegetables in our regular diet, helps us achieve all of this. With this idea in mind, it is important that we include more of these gifts of nature in our daily meals.

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  1. Are fruits and vegetables essential in our food?

Yes, fruits and vegetables must be an essential part of our food as these help us get a lot of health benefits like improved nutrition, avoiding lifestyle diseases, and feeling satiated after a meal.

  1. Can fruit replace refined sugar in our meals?

Refined sugar has been found to have a lot of negative health effects. Fruits, on the other hand, are naturally sweet and help beat sugar cravings. Filled with natural goodness and health benefits, they are a great replacement for refined sugar like the one used in cakes and biscuits.

  1. Does eating fruits and vegetables help in losing weight?

Yes, when eaten in correct quantities, fruits and vegetables can help those looking to lose weight. They are naturally rich in fiber, don’t have cholesterol, and are a great low-calorie option when hunger pangs hit.

  1. Can fruit replace the convenience of readymade snacks?

Most fruits naturally occur in a form that is easy to carry when one is in a rush. They can be eaten on the go, provide the required nourishment, and avoid the calorie overload and sugar crash associated with readymade snacks.

  1. How can one eat more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis?

It is very easy to include more fruits and vegetables in our daily diet with just a little planning. Plan out your meals for the week and shop accordingly, include salads in your diet, and experiment with your favorite recipes by including unconventional vegetables. The uniqueness will make it an even more wholesome experience.

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