Can your Class 8 kid solve these Practise Questions on Prepositions?
Linked table of contents:
Class 8 English Grammar Prepositions – Definition Of Prepositions
Class 8 English Grammar Prepositions – Types Of Prepositions
Class 8 English Grammar Prepositions: Unique Usage Of Some Prepositions
ASSIGNMENTS FOR PRACTICE - CBSE Class 8 English Prepositions
Preposition for Class 8 can be tricky, but it is manageable once you are familiar with certain rules. A simple way to learn Class 8 English Prepositions is to observe carefully how prepositions are used in a sentence. For this, read the examples given here. Solving Preposition Assignments for Class 8 independently without taking any help from your friends, parents, and teachers will further enrich your knowledge. Feel free to check your solved Assignment with the Answer Key provided at the end and also BOOK a FREE Class with our Language Expert!
Let’s get started!
The basic definition of prepositions in English Grammar remains the same whether you are in Class 8, Class 6, or Class 10.
Class 8 English Grammar Prepositions – Definition Of Prepositions
Prepositions are those words that combine with a noun or pronoun and play a crucial role to establish a relationship with other elements in a sentence.
Examples –
Hard work is the key to success.
Suraj has no sympathy for street dogs.
He is proud of his daughter.
We sat on the floor.
You must have noticed that the Preposition gives a logical meaning to a sentence in all the above examples.
Prepositions are primarily used before any noun or pronoun. Hence, these nouns and pronouns are often referred to as objects of Prepositions.
Some frequently used Prepositions are – on, in, of, from, for, to, with, without, through at, by, etc.
Other examples of Prepositions are – before, after, between, among, above, about, below, upon, within, etc.
Class 8 English Grammar Prepositions – Types Of Prepositions
There are two types of Prepositions:
Simple Prepositions – You will find one single word in a Simple Preposition like – for, from, above, under, besides, between, etc.
Compound Prepositions – You will find a group of words used together in Compound Prepositions like – by means of, apart from, out of, according to, in front of, etc.
Class 8 English Grammar Prepositions: Unique Usage Of Some Prepositions
Sometimes, wrong Prepositions are inserted in a sentence.
Ben took revenge from me. Incorrect Sentence
Ben took revenge on me. Correct Sentence
Open your book on page 65. Incorrect Sentence
Open your book at page 65. Correct Sentence
It is 7.30 on my watch. Incorrect Sentence
It is 7.30 by my watch. Correct Sentence
I was invited in the party. Incorrect Sentence
I was invited to the party. Correct Sentence
Send this parcel on Monica’s address. Incorrect Sentence
Send this parcel to Monica’s address. Correct Sentence
Such mistakes often happen due to confusion. If you keep in mind some simple rules that govern the usage of Prepositions, you will never use Prepositions incorrectly. Here are the rules with examples:
Since, From and For
SINCE represents a point in time. It should be used in Perfect Tense or Perfect Continuous Tense only. Example – She has not eaten anything since last night.
FROM also represents a point in time. However, it can be used with all Tenses. Example – The workers will resume work from tomorrow.
FOR represents a period of time. Example – My cousin is going abroad for four years.
At and In
AT is used for small places or a particular spot. Example – I was waiting for you at the theatre.
IN is used for large places like a country or a city. For example – the Indian cricket team is in Australia now.
In and Into
IN is used when the object is at rest or stationary. Example – That book is in my bag.
INTO is used when the object is moving. Example – The fox jumped into the well.
On and Upon
ON is used when the object is at rest or stationary. Example – The dog sat on the doormat.
UPON is used when the object is in motion. Example – The lion pounced upon the deer.
Beside and Besides
BESIDE means by the side of or next to. Example – A toddler came and sat beside me.
BESIDES means moreover. Example – Besides the job, I run my own business.
Between and Among
BETWEEN is used when there are only two people or objects. For example – I had to choose between the sea and mountains for my next vacation.
AMONG is used when there are more than two people or objects. Example – Distribute these chocolates among your friends.
Sometimes, Prepositions are inserted unnecessarily. You must avoid it. Here are some examples.
I fear from my father. Incorrect Sentence
I fear my father. Correct Sentence
I accompanied with my sister. Incorrect Sentence
I accompanied my sister. Correct Sentence
The officials regretted at the delay. Incorrect Sentence
The officials regretted the delay. Correct Sentence
We have ordered for some food. Incorrect Sentence.
We have ordered some food. Correct Sentence.
Arjun often picks up a fight with others. - Incorrect Sentence
Arjun often picks a fight with others. - Correct Sentence
Ask from the cook if the dinner is ready. - Incorrect Sentence
Ask the cook if the dinner is ready. - Incorrect Sentence
ASSIGNMENTS FOR PRACTICE - CBSE Class 8 English Prepositions
Choose the correct Preposition to fill in the blanks
1. Come and sit __________ me.
2. ___________ rice she had curry.
3. The frog jumped __________ the river.
4. He married _________ wealth.
5. I hesitate ____________ trust him.
6. Cloth is sold ___________ metre.
7. The Gateway _______ India is a tourist attraction _________ Mumbai.
8. Seema leaves ________ school _________ 8 am.
9. My grandfather was born ______ a small village _________ Tamil Nadu.
10. Ranjan has been absent __________ school ___________ last week.
Make a sentence using the following Prepositions.
a. Among
b. Upon
c. Above
d. Through
e. Within
Rewrite the following sentences correctly.
1. I work in night.
2. I go to school at the morning.
3. He will be in hostel since two years.
4. There is no cure of diabetes.
5. There was no oil on the lamp.
6. He was selected captain with his teammates.
7. The yogurt is delicious beside being healthy.
8. I am writing through a pen.
Q.1. Which is the easiest way to remember Preposition words?
Ans. Read more sentences with Prepositions. Write more sentences using Prepositions. You will get familiar with some words which are followed by a particular Preposition. This will help you to memorize many Preposition words.
Q.2. Can a sentence end with a Preposition?
Ans. In conservative English, ending a sentence with a Preposition was considered wrong. Present-day English Grammar is quite flexible, and we can end a sentence with Prepositions. For Example –
Here is the ice cream that you asked for.
The wonder boy dislikes being talked about.
Q.3. Can we start an interrogative sentence with a Preposition?
Ans. Yes, we can use a preposition at the beginning of an interrogative sentence. It is more commonly used in conversations than in literary English.
For example – At what time are you coming here?
Q.4. Can we use two Prepositions together?
Ans. You cannot use two Simple Prepositions together. However, there are some Compound Prepositions that consist of two Preposition words. For example – at around, out of, from within. When this kind of phrase is used, it is considered one Preposition.
Q.5. How to identify Compound Prepositions in a sentence?
Ans. Compound Prepositions are a group of words put together which have one meaning. For example – “in favor of”, which means agreeable or supportive.
Choose the correct Preposition to fill in the blanks - Solved
1. Come and sit by me.
2. With rice, she had curry.
3. The frog jumped into the river.
4. He married for wealth.
5. I hesitate to trust him.
6. Cloth is sold by the meter.
7. The Gateway of India is a tourist attraction in Mumbai.
8. Seema leaves for school at 8 am.
9. My grandfather was born in a small village in Tamil Nadu.
10. Ranjan has been absent from school since last week.
Make a sentence using the following Prepositions. - Solved
a. Among – Jay is the best bowler among us.
b. Upon – The box was placed on the table.
c. Above – Your performance in school has been above average.
d. Through - We walked through a dense forest.
e. Within – I shall finish my homework within an hour.
Rewrite the following sentences correctly. - Solved
1. I work at night.
2. I go to school in the morning.
3. He will be in the hostel for two years.
4. There is no cure for diabetes.
5. There was no oil in the lamp.
6. He was selected captain by his teammates.
7. The yoghurt is delicious besides being healthy.
8. I am writing with a pen.
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