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Benefits Of Enrolling For PlanetSpark Best Self-Esteem Course For Kids
Why It Is Essential To Learn Self-Esteem Course Online For Children
PlanetSpark Worksheets And Activities To Uplift Self-Esteem In Kids
PlanetSpark Online Self-Esteem Class For Students Testimonials
About Self-Esteem Course For Kids
Speaking in front of an audience can be a major challenge for most children as they find it difficult to articulate their thoughts, feelings, and opinions in a coherent manner. One of the predominant reasons behind this shortcoming is the lack of self-esteem. Self-esteem is important for kids of all ages. Our online self-esteem class for children not only aids in building confidence and a sense of self-worth but also offers a platform where they can outgrow all the deterrents that impede future success. Public speaking is one of the best methods to build self-esteem in kids.
Public speaking much like any other skill only improves with practice. Even great orators and world leaders like Martin Luther King, Winston Churchill, and others spent hours honing this craft so that they can have the ability to influence nations. Seasoned pros in the field regularly rehearse and modify their speeches from performance to performance so that they too can keep improving.
If your child is enrolling in an online self-esteem class for kids and stepping into this quest to improve their self-esteem, they need to follow in the footsteps of the greats and practice. The short projects and workshops are designed to refine the communication skills, body posture, fluency, and other attributes that would directly build self-esteem in children. We believe that every child has the potential of being an icon, they just need proper mentorship and guidance at the right time. With PlanetSpark’s efforts, you can prepare to see your child as the next youth icon!
Benefits Of Enrolling For PlanetSpark Best Self-Esteem Course For Kids
Have you seen the confidence and attitude with which Greta Thunberg, a youth environmentalist, had swept the world with her powerful speech in 2018? She was just 15 at that time! In modern society, even children are not spared of the cut-throat competition that exists in the academic, cultural, sports, and other sectors. In many cases, they develop fear and aversion towards interactive activities that can actually add wings to their dreams. In such a scenario, high self-esteem becomes the real game-changer for every child.
Not every kid is naturally endowed with the potential of self-expression. As a result, many develop anxiety issues, slip into depression, and struggle to face society. Therefore, imbibing the correct attitude while presenting the self is necessary while dealing with people from all walks of life.
High self-esteem renders innumerable benefits which are listed below -
The first and the most important advantage of boosting self-esteem is learning to believe in the self. Self-belief helps to come to terms with imperfections and embrace originality and uniqueness.
Exceptional communication prowess
One of the benefits of high self-esteem is that it improves fluency and articulation. Fun self-esteem activities help children to present their arguments and opinions with logical reasoning.
Purpose-driven approach
Self-belief and practical knowledge help children to find purpose or goals. Self-esteem aids in identifying and analyzing the viability of those goals.
Clarity of thought
High self-esteem offers mental clarity through experience and knowledge. Clear-headedness is essential for proper decision-making.
Perceiving and analyzing ideas and events with practicality comes from clarity of thought mixed with a sense of righteousness. Children with high self-esteem tend to have a clearer perspective of life as they are aware of their flaws and open to people’s opinions.
Strong interpersonal bonding
Kids with low self-esteem usually prefer to stay aloof from large gatherings and family occasions because they can’t express their views properly and are scared of being judged or misunderstood. Therefore, they fail to form strong relationships. Boosting self-esteem helps to overcome these insecurities.
Acceptance is a significant feature of high self-esteem. Acceptance of the flaws and imperfections helps to understand the true value of the self. Acceptance is necessary particularly when innumerable children fall victim to bullying and public humiliation. A child with self-esteem would readily acknowledge and own his or her disabilities with pride.
When children are exposed to the bigger picture of the world, they have access to an enlarged avenue. Self-esteem teaches children how to imbibe an open-minded outlook where they won’t scorn upon and dismiss opinions.
Resilience comes from high self-esteem and self-confidence. Failures are insignificant in the long run and it is therefore important to put the setbacks aside and pick up the pace for the upcoming challenges.
Confidence to brave new challenges
High self-esteem offers immense courage and confidence to put up with new challenges and head for unforeseen battles in life. Kids with low self-esteem tend to be reluctant to take risks or challenges.
Leadership qualities
World leaders like Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela serve as perfect examples of exceptional leadership skills and high self-esteem is what sets them apart from the ordinary crowd. Self-esteem activities for kids are meant to foster leadership qualities that would gradually lead them on their paths to success.
Moreover, you just got lucky as you can enrol your kid with PlanetSpark and learn self-esteem courses online from the ease and comfort of your home. So, without any further ado, hurry up and grab the FREE trial now!
Curriculum Details For Best Self-Esteem Course For Kids
Planetspark offers a plethora of creative and fun self-esteem activities and exercises to build up the communication skills as well as confidence in every child. Through our curriculum, children get ample opportunity to be involved in both formal and informal communication via debates, classroom presentations, and other activities that strongly focus on personality development.
One of the activities we engage our kids with are the impromptu speaking sessions which help them to present spontaneously improvised speeches with confidence. The speech topics also seek to bring out the leadership potential in children. When kids are offered proper guidance and mentorship, they turn out to be excellent communicators.
Effective communications ensure that problems like stage fright, anxiety, and low confidence that serve as major hindrances are nipped in the bud. All these programs are specially crafted to cater to the needs of the children so that each kid can come out with flying colours, just like our nine-year-old star slam poet, Shanvi Mehta.
Our curriculum is structured uniquely to accommodate the requirements of children of all ages. For instance, we have specially designed self-esteem games and activities for elementary students while we also offer self-esteem-building activities for middle school students.
Why It Is Essential To Learn Self-Esteem Course Online For Children
What is self-esteem for children?
In psychological terms, self-esteem refers to an individual’s sense of self-worth. To put it in simpler terms, self-esteem implies appreciating, valuing, and loving the self despite the shortcomings, inherent flaws, and prevailing circumstances. However, self-esteem for children means the love, pride, and belief in the self that makes them feel good and confident.
A child doesn’t possess a sense of self-esteem from birth, it needs to be developed while growing up where they gradually learn to feel happy, proud, and satisfied with themselves.
However, self-esteem shouldn’t be misinterpreted. Inculcating that extra zing with high self-esteem doesn’t necessarily imply being boastful, selfish, arrogant, pompous, or even indifferent towards others. It is all about striking the right balance.
How To Identify Kids With Low Self-Esteem
The signs of low self-esteem among kids include
Lack of confidence
The feeling of incompetence with respect to other kids
Anxious and hesitant toward new opportunities
Obsession with failures and negative criticisms rather than success or positive feedback
Panicky at facing new challenges or difficulties
Berating the self
Importance Of Self-Esteem For Kids
High self-esteem plays a vital function in every individual’s life. In current times, exploring self-esteem in kids is all the more important because they have to prepare for and face unknown challenges at every juncture of life.
Healthy relationships
Self-esteem determines the bondings and relationships of every individual. A child with low self-esteem would fail to maintain good connections with their peers and as a result, children often end up feeling isolated and lonely. High self-esteem allows kids to form strong bonds with friends and family. A kid with high self-esteem wouldn’t shy away from family gatherings. Contrarily, they would make the most out of the opportunity.
Mental wellbeing
Self-esteem directly impacts the mental health of people. It is crucial to build self-esteem in children from the early stages so that issues like stress, anxiety, fear, and depression can be kept at bay. Children with high self-esteem feel confident in their skin and are ready to undertake risks and challenges, even if they’re unsure of what the future holds. This also installed in them great leadership skills and the potential to tackle difficult situations with composure.
Children with low self-esteem often turn out to be poor decision-makers because they lack the confidence and insight that high self-esteem offers. A child with high self-esteem can make instant decisions with clarity of thought, while also dealing with failures gracefully without feeling remorseful and learning from experience.
Physical wellness
It goes without saying that when the mind is happy, the body remains fit. Self-esteem exercises seek to improve body posture, tonality, and gestures among children. Moreover, a positive outlook is the by-product of self-esteem that adds to mental as well as physical health.
Boosting self-esteem in children can create successful individuals out of them as they’re armed with positivity, confidence, self-worth, acceptance, and open-mindedness. PlanetSpank’s best self-esteem course for kids is aimed at moulding children into someone that the world would revere and look up to.
Tactics To Build Self-Esteem In Children
Building self-esteem can be a daunting process - especially if your child has never tried out public speaking before. Having the confidence to make the self the centre of attention and having an expectant crowd looking up can often send shivers down the spine.
Higher self-esteem is a trait that everyone can acquire with practice and perseverance. Here are a number of proven ways and tactics that can save your children from a nervous wreck on stage every time they have an audience in front.
Do not wait for an occasion
Jerry Uelsmann was a photography professor at the University of Florida and in one of his newer batches, he decided to try out an experiment. He divided the batch into two sections and decided to grade them separately. The first section had to take as many photographs as they could for their term assessment and their grades were dependent on the number of photos they would take. The other section was asked to plan and think and to provide only one photograph at the end of the semester and they would be judged on the quality of that one photograph. Contrary to the professor’s expectation, it was the first group that produced the better photographs by the semester end even though the second group had more time to plan and perfect their photos.
The reason for mentioning this anecdote is that it proves that people learn faster through repetition than through planning and waiting for the right occasion. It is important for your kid to embrace every small opportunity to boost their self-esteem no matter how small and insignificant the occasion may seem to be. Whether it be talking to a senior at school or giving a speech at a friend’s birthday party, children must be prepared to take up any opportunity that presents itself instead of waiting for that big occasion to deliver the long well-planned speech.
Choose the right company
We are the amalgamation of the five people we hang out with the most. This statement has been said time and again by men of great wisdom and it holds true even to this day. Our company will shape what kind of person we are most likely to become and hence it is vital to surround ourselves with positive people who believe in self-development and growth.
Much of your child’s self-esteem can be boosted if their peer group constantly encourages and supports them in their efforts. It will instill in them the confidence to take up bigger challenges because your kid will know that he or she will always have an audience rooting for them.
Often we find ourselves surrounded by negative forces - people that dissuade us or ridicule us for every mistake made. Even if your child stays connected to them, teach them to zone out from any toxic criticism that might come from such people.
Owning the flaws
When your child is commencing their self-esteem journey, there might be lots of insecurities - “my voice is too squeaky”, “my content is too cliche”, or “my body posture and gestures look funny”. There are two points to note from these insecurities. Firstly, these flaws don’t exist or they just impose them by convincing themselves about their existence. Secondly, even if these flaws are legitimate, very often it is easy to get over them with conscious practice.
Fans of comedy shows or America’s Got Talent might be familiar with Drew Lynch. Drew has a heavy stutter and can hardly go a couple of words between each stutter. Despite his flaws, he is loved by audiences all over because with high self-esteem he still manages to deliver great content and does so in his distinctive style. He even makes jokes regarding his own stutter - jokes that no other comedian could have pulled off so confidently. So, ensure that the self-esteem activities for kids make them comfortable with their flaws because acceptance is the key to success, not repression.
PlanetSpark Worksheets And Activities To Uplift Self-Esteem In Kids
The true reflection of your little one’s nature is their self-esteem. Some kids face no issues while conversing with adults or peers but most of them exhibit a timid and reticent nature. With the help of our mentors and tutors, we, at PlanetSpark, have curated tasks and worksheets to serve the singular requirements of each child.
Active listening
Our listening activities not only help to imbibe invaluable skills in communication but also trains young minds to build strong connections with people. So, the next time you ask for a little assistance from your child, they will greet you with eagerness. Your child might even be ready to cater to the needs of the guests at a family gathering or party.
Our story-telling activities not only offer the opportunity to mingle and interact with people but also enhance cognitive skills and help to build self-esteem in children. Through story-telling, your child would overcome stage fright and the fear of being judged. This would not only offer a sense of independence, but it would also gradually make him self-reliant.
Conversations and debates on real issues
Our worksheets and activities offer a first-hand experience of handling a challenge where kids would need to brainstorm action plans. It evokes a sense of self-worth, belonging, and capability. It would also make your child grounded in reality. Debates, arguments, and conversations on realistic issues help to enlarge your child’s worldview and improve the problem-solving potential. You might even be surprised to see how your child remedies your problems when you ask for suggestions on space management or garbage disposal.
Innovation and experimentation
Our experimental activities are designed to build self-esteem in children, encouraging and preparing them to take up responsibilities without fear. At home, you should motivate the children to take up daily roles like feeding the pet or nurturing the plants. This must be followed by appreciation to make them feel confident in their tasks. Moreover, our mentors take the necessary efforts to point out the mistakes in a constructive way. We tutor them to not brood over failures by focusing more on the positive outcome and help your child to identify opportunities, rectify their mistakes, and improvise on their knowledge.
PlanetSpark Online Self-Esteem Class For Students Testimonials
Manvi has been attending Public Speaking classes for almost 4 months now. We have seen her change in these last few months. She has become more expressive and articulate. We hope she will continue improving with more of such classes with PlanetSpark.
Mr. Sukhdeep
For more information, talk to our experts NOW!
What are some self-esteem activities?
Some regular activities and habits help boost self-esteem. Fun self-esteem activities for kids like packing for an outing, serving the guests, preparing an experimental dish, and even simple chores like cleaning the room, watering the garden plants, and walking the pet help to build positive attributes.
How do you teach students self-esteem?
Parents and mentors must implement certain strategies to augment self-esteem among students. Encouraging participation in activities and acknowledging the accomplishments help to overcome the fear of embracing new opportunities. Creating a realistic, competitive environment is necessary but comparisons with fellow students must be avoided at all costs.
What activities boost kids' self-esteem?
Activities like asking kids for their suggestions, engaging them in experimental tasks, and giving them duties and responsibilities help in exploring self-esteem in kids. Acknowledgement of their effort and praise help to boost self-esteem.
What are 5 ways to improve self-esteem?
The five ways of enhancing self-esteem include identifying the competencies as well as shortcomings and building upon them, learning to cope with negative criticism, accepting compliments, avoiding self-criticism, and lastly, valuing the self.
What is self-esteem in students?
Self-esteem in students can be defined as the extent of satisfaction felt by the students where they feel confident, valuable, and deserving of appreciation, respect, and success.
How can I help my teenager with self-esteem?
The best option is to seek professional guidance for your teenager who would be able to channel his or her growth in a better way. Besides, you can encourage your teenager to engage in activities like self-talks or self-assessment where the child can analyze the performance and rectify the mistakes with your supervision.
How can I help my child with low self-esteem in school?
If your child suffers from low self-esteem then you need to focus more on the strengths, steer clear of harsh criticism, and try to set an example by being the role model. The ideal option, however, is to opt for fun self-esteem activities for middle schoolers by PlanetSpark.
How do I build my self-esteem and confidence?
Self-esteem and confidence can’t be built in a day. It requires perseverance and regular practice. Courses and activities help in boosting self-esteem. Simple tasks like presenting a birthday speech at a party can build confidence.
What are the 3 keys to positive self-esteem?
Knowledge, respect, and care are believed to be the three keys to positive self-esteem.
What are examples of low self-esteem?
Underconfidence, negative self-criticism and feeling of low self-worth are a few examples of low esteem that you should keep a regular check on.
How do you boost someone's self-esteem?
As mentioned earlier, self-esteem can be enhanced by participating in different kinds of confidence-building activities and exercises. It can start right from the home. For instance, you can boost someone’s self-esteem just by listening to their opinions patiently and valuing their points of view.
What are self-esteem examples?
Examples of high self-esteem include acknowledging mistakes and flaws, accepting criticism with positivity, addressing self-worth, receiving compliments with comfort, and most importantly, being content with the self.
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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.

No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.

No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.

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