Creating Confidence

Thu, 06 Feb, 2020

Best English confidence building course for advanced kids to develop optimistic and determined leaders!

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Confidence building is something that a child should go through during their formative years. Almost every aspect of a happy and satisfying life is tied to self-confidence. Building confidence entails taking little actions to acknowledge the achievements of a child to give them the realization that they are doing something valuable and being successful in it. That’s where English Confidence Building training for Advance kids comes in. As humans, we need validation and acknowledgement. If a child gets both, they can become more confident at what they do, and who they are. Kids who are confident and secure in themselves are more likely to thrive in school and attain personal objectives. They learn to tackle challenges and reject peer pressure as they get older. More importantly, having a good self-confidence assists a youngster in feeling joyful and capable of establishing personal connections. 

Confidence Building class for 11 year or 12 year old kids is available on PlanetSpark and enables your child to gain confidence from a very early age, building up their self esteem. 

 Developing children's self-esteem is a continual process. Allowing children to do activities for themselves helps them develop necessary skill sets to master the job.

Working hard toward a target and having their efforts pay off repeatedly helps children build good self-esteem. Achieving goals demonstrates to them that they have what it takes to confront new obstacles. Their achievement helps them to feel happy about themselves, and they understand that failing is also a part of learning.

English confidence-building training for advanced kids focuses on how to develop self-esteem via different activities and worksheets. With the use of advanced techniques, learning activities, interactive learning, and cutting-edge technology, PlanetSpark is sure to prepare your kids for a confident future. 

Book a FREE class NOW!

PlanetSpark’s Confidence Building Class For Advance Children  Can Propel Your Child’s Future In The Right Direction

Every child is unique. Some children may find it simpler to develop self-esteem than others. And some children are subjected to situations that might have a negative impact on their self-esteem. However, even if a child's self-esteem is poor, it may be improved. All you need to do is enroll your child in the English Confidence Building Course for Advance kids by PlanetSpark.

Being self-assured does not imply that you believe the world orbits around you or that your demands are more essential than those of others. Similarly, self-esteem is not the same as pride, narcissism, or entitlement. It is essential to balance your kid's self-esteem with other key qualities such as empathy, kindness, excellent manners, charitable giving, and a feeling of thankfulness. PlanetSpark’s curriculum covers everything that is required to bring that perfect balance in your child. 

Check out why you should opt for the courses provided by PlanetSpark:

  • All-encompassing curriculum 

A curriculum that covers topics and techniques that are essential for a child’s all-round development is essential. Professionals from Harvard, BITS, IIT, Teach for India, and XLRI develop our one-of-a-kind program, which is based on their expertise and experience in public speaking and confidence building. The curriculum is designed in a way that makes it interesting for children to look forward to those classes. 

  • Experienced Teachers

An experienced set of teachers is extremely essential for shaping your child’s future. At PlanetSpark, a rigorous 7-step program with a selection rate of 1% is followed. All teachers associated with PlanetSpark have a master’s degree. At PlanetSpark your child will definitely be in the best hands. 

  • Educative and engaging activities

While it is extremely crucial to have all the important topics covered in the curriculum, it is extremely essential to also make them engaging. Here at PlanetSpark, we make sure that the curriculum is attractive for your child. In order to teach children, it is imperative to design a curriculum that appeals to them. PlanetSpark provides the best Confidence Building Class for early year students with their TED talk-inspired classes. 

  • Live classes

Here at PlanetSpark, it is ensured that every child is given special attention. Every child has their own unique needs and shortcomings. It is catered to very efficiently by our faculty of experienced teachers. 

Hurry! Take a FREE trial today and experience how PlanetSpark’s English Confidence Building Course for Advance kids boosts your child’s level of confidence!

Curriculum For Confidence Building Class For Advance For Children

It Is Extremely Crucial For Parents To Start Helping Their Children Gain Confidence While Speaking From Their Formative Years. We All Are Aware That Children Are Quick Learners. Hence, If We Start Off From An Early Age, It Is Probable That By The Time They Grow Up As Young Adults, They Will Become Confident Individuals Both In Their Speech And Body Language.

The curriculum of the Confidence Building Class for Advance children at PlanetSpark is developed in a way that will help your child become confident about their communication skills. The curriculum is uniquely designed and it incorporates more and more activity-based classes.

 Activities And Worksheets For English Confidence Building Course For Advance Kids

Confidence can come naturally to some youngsters, but for others, developing and being optimistic, as well as viewing themselves as lively and capable human children, can be a difficult endeavor. The language we use and the mentality we inculcate in our children can help them develop self-confidence.

Communicating with confidence is a skill that your child may learn at a young age. You may assist children to expand their vocabulary and increase their self-esteem by engaging them in lively discussions, reading, performing, and constantly communicating with you and your family members in English. Here are some simple confidence-building activities for youngsters that may be implemented:

  • Make time to sit down with your kid and generate ideas about various objectives and strengths that focus on positive activities - this will result in the child's independence and learning to be more confident.

  • Concentrate on the child's strengths rather than their weaknesses. Encourage them to put their skills to work. Simultaneously, assist them in identifying areas of difficulty and devising strategies to address them.

  • Certain worksheets and group activities can instill a feeling of accountability and responsibility for their actions, as team members. Begin with easy choices before entrusting them with more big life decisions.

  • Older children will like the game of argument since it will help them build their capacity to think on their toes and understand to speak from both sides. A list of issues and challenge your kids to talk convincingly for 30 seconds in favor of the resolution and 30 seconds in opposition to the motion.

  • Learning how to converse in front of a camera is a valuable ability nowadays. Encourage your children to document their words, become acquainted with the camera, and boldly face the camera. Later, review the videos to see if there are any changes in body language, motions, or eye contact.

  • Explain the significance of various phrases and educate your youngster on how to utilize body language to indicate confidence. Encourage them to make eye contact, and stand straight with their shoulders back, and their arms on their sides.

Want your kid to become a confident person? Don’t wait anymore, book a FREE class NOW in our confidence building course and start your child’s journey today!

Why Should You Lay Emphasis On Enrolling Your Child In The Best Confidence Building Class For Early Year Students?

Self-confidence is an attitude or life view where one is aware of their own strengths and skills, can make choices based on them, and be confident about it. It suggests that you accept and trust yourself and that you have control over your life. It also means that one is aware of their own talents and weaknesses and has a favorable self-image. Having self-confidence means having the ability to set reasonable objectives and goals, speak assertively, and take criticism. Hence, enrolling your child in an English Confidence Building Course for Advance kids is a very good option if you want your child to grow confident about themself as they mature.

You must realize why a course on English Confidence Building training for Advance kids might be beneficial for your child.

  1. Children who feel good about themselves are more likely to attempt new activities. They are more inclined to give it their all. They are pleased with their abilities. Self-esteem assists children in dealing with constructive criticism and not being crippled by it - taking it as a positive thing that can be used to improve them further. It encourages children to try again even if they fail the first time. As a consequence, self-esteem helps children do better academically, at home, and with their peers.

  2. Speaking with confidence is also going to prove to be beneficial for children in the future as that may broaden their opportunities in their careers.

  3. If your child's stage fright develops into a worry that inhibits them from studying or socializing, consulting a professional can help.

You may help your child build positive self-esteem and leadership qualities by helping them to conquer public speaking fears.

  1. When a child is confident about themself, they begin to have emotional opinions and attitudes on things. When this happens, most children get the impression that their opinions and voices are being heard. The platform on which individuals may stand and confidently proclaim their thoughts and sentiments is shaped by their public speaking abilities.

Take a FREE trial at PlanetSpark to help build your child’s confidence with our best confidence building courses!

Testimonials For PlanetSpark’s English Confidence Building Course For Advance Kid 

  • “PlanetSpark not only helps in conceptual learning but also helps kids to understand the ‘why’ behind the concepts.”



  • “The teaching methodology, interesting and engaging learning strategies and the materials of PlanetSpark give wonderful, fun-based learning.”



  • “The team of PlanetSpark includes sparkling educationists who want to bring an innovative change in the education system.”



  • “The modules are engaging and focus on conceptual learning. Classes are a learning experience for kids as well as enjoyable for them.”




  1. How can I get my child to speak fluent English?

You must focus on inculcating a reading habit in your child. The more your child reads, the better will be his/her vocabulary. Make your child watch content in English. This will help your child develop communication skills faster. Make sure that you speak to your child in English and engage in group discussions. This in turn will help your child in becoming more comfortable with English.

  1. How do you encourage children who are not confident speaking in English?

There are numerous ways to encourage kids to speak in English. The first way is by not putting any pressure on your youngster to provide longer responses. If all they can speak for the time being is one word, that's OK.

While your child is speaking, do not interrupt or allow anybody else to interrupt. Encourage them to go further than one word and celebrate their achievement, however little it might be, so that they are excited to move ahead.

  1. How can we make English-speaking activities fun?

Encourage responses that are amusing, light-hearted, and surprising. Say the phrase in different ways. Have fun and use your creativity. Children are typically eager to repeat the phrase over and over again if the emphasis is not on talking but on making amusing faces.

  1. How should I correct the mistakes of my child if he/she goes wrong?

If you wish to correct your child, do not correct every error and never interrupt your child to rectify him or her. Wait till they have finished speaking before saying the phrase or sentence appropriately and encourage them to repeat. Don't say anything like, 'Not like that,' or 'It's incorrect.' Instead, pick 'Listen...' or 'Let's try once more.'

  1. How can I motivate my child to learn English?

Be animated and engaged. You should be enthusiastic about the language.

Make studying entertaining and enjoyable. Pay attention to your child's personality and hobbies. Allow your youngster to make his or her own decision. Evaluate your child's mood and that should be a good way to motivate your child to start communicating in English.

  1. How is PlanetSpark Unique?

The PlanetSpark platform uses cutting-edge technology to deliver live online lessons in Public Speaking and Creative Writing to K8 students. Through its virtual classroom, PlanetSpark is on a mission to make traditional and unstructured tuition redundant.

  1. How to help students gain confidence in English?

In order to help students gain confidence in English, you can go by the following rules 

  • Recognize their efforts.

  • When it comes to free expression, avoid correcting every word.

  • Inquire about their objectives.

  • Inspire them to ask inquiries.

  • Allow them to instruct you.

  1. What is the role of communication in building self-confidence?

Effective communication is essential for keeping good self-esteem, forming and sustaining friendships, relationships, social contact, and speaking up for oneself. As your child's abilities develop, your child will be able to converse more confidently, and your child's self-esteem will rise.

  1. How will PlanetSpark’s curriculum help my child gain confidence?

The methodology used here at PlanetSpark is activity-based, using short learning projects to help students build real-world skills. The emphasis is also on developing practical language while engaging with others. The curriculum is inspired by some of the most famous works on public speaking by writers such as Dale Carnegie.

  1. Why is confidence essential?

Confidence enables you to talk concisely and clearly. It helps them understand their skills and limitations, make choices based on their expertise and be more capable of achieving their goals. Effective communication is vital for job growth and must be taught to children from an early age.

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