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Tue, 28 Sep, 2021

Argue That Recess Should Be Longer: Tips for Making the Most of Your Time

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Argue That Recess Should Be Longer

I think recess should be longer because it is the only time students can play, rest, and interact with their friends. The break should be for at least an hour as it is critical to child development. 

Kids can learn so many things which they might not discover within the classroom, such as sharing, socialising, etc. 

As per a study, it was found that kids who get long breaks are relatively less anxious, more focused, nurture creativity, inculcate more brain connections, have better behaviour, and are more physically active.

The right amount of recess time usually directly affects students' capability to pay heed, self-regulate, fraternise intelligently, and master complex learning skills. 

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Here are some reasons why recess should be longer in schools:

Argue That Recess Should Be Longer

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  1. Improved performance: 

Kids need longer recess breaks to play, clear their minds, and absorb what they have learned in class. 

Children are more likely to perform better in academics when they have time off in between classes. Their motivation to learn also increases.

  1. Greater attention span:

 Recess can also improve behaviour and focus in the classroom by calming students. They are less likely to be fidgety or talkative and more likely to pay attention to the lesson.

  1. Physical stimulation:

 Recess and physical activity are essential for a child’s health and development. Moreover, playing outside is also a great source of vitamin D, which keeps children healthy.  

  1. Better social connections: 

Increasing recess times gives children a chance to make friends at school. Recess allows students to learn helpful social skills such as conflict-resolution, negotiation, leadership, sharing, and turn-taking.

  1. High attendance rates:

 Children look forward to school to interact with their friends, which can prevent attendance rates from falling. Improved socialising and playing increase a child's well-being and ability to learn.

  1. Reduced stress:

 Longer recess can help lower anxiety and stress in children. It gives students more time to build better friendships and feel included. Children can also indulge in playtime and creative activities to lower stress.


Argue That Recess Should Be Longer


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Recess should be longer as it is the most suitable time for students to connect with their peers and ease stress. Students are able to sit in class for longer durations and enhance their concentration. Longer breaks ensure that children have a positive learning experience in school. 


  1. Do longer breaks have a positive impact on learning?

Yes, a longer recess can have a positive impact on children's educational learning. A survey reports that 8 out of 10 principals believe adequate breaks are essential for kids.  

  1. What are the repercussions of short breaks?

If students do not receive an adequate break, they become fidgety and less attentive. 

  1. Should children be allowed to sleep during recess?

It is suggested that children should be given 15 to 20 minutes to rest or take a nap during break time. It provides them with physical and mental rest to study again with a fresh mind.

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