
Sun, 21 Apr, 2019

9 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Poetry Classes for Class 5 Students!

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Poems are one of the most beautiful contributions to English literature. It is a great way for a person to express their inner feelings, emotions, and heartfelt thoughts in an artistic and compact way. On the internet, you will come across hundreds of ways to write poems. You will also come across many poem writing techniques that will help you improve your poem writing skills. With these techniques, you will also learn how to express your inner thoughts correctly

A young man reading poems

English literature has a treasure trove of beautiful poems that can engage and amuse young minds. PlanetSpark’s best poetry classes for class 5 play a big role in teaching kids the art of appreciating nature, the surroundings, and various inanimate objects. Register at PlanetSpark and get the benefits of our poetry classes for your class 5 children!

PlanetSpark’s poetry course for fifth grade teaches kids some of the most significant, ancient, and contemporary poets. Studying English poems will help the students improve their vocabulary, and memorizing them will improve their memory retention capability too.

 Want to make your child develop their poetry skills. Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark and start their journey today!

How Will Your Kids Benefit From PlanetSpark’s Poetry Course For 5th Grade

  1. Improves Your Kids’ Writing Skills

Every kid must know how to write. It is essential for communicating with others, even for higher studies. A poetry class will help kids understand how words are used to emphasize a certain point. With the help of poetry classes near me for class 5, they will learn how to give words meaning and impact.

Online English creative training for class 5 will help students think about their work choices, and they will also learn the use of grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.

  1. Improves Memory

In PlanetSpark’s poetry class for 5th class kids, students might be asked to memorize and recite poems. If the kids are shy and not fond of public speaking, PlanetSpark helps them overcome these issues. Memorizing poems can also help students improve their memory. 

  1. Helps Cope with Negative Emotions

In PlanetSpark 's online English creative training for class 5, students also learn to foster emotions and build resilience. Our society does not encourage talking about mental issues and difficulties in life. However, reading the words of famous poets can help the students gain insight into their emotions. This will help them, in the long run, to deal with various challenges and problems they might face in life.

  1.  Helps Socialize

Poetry helps the students connect to each other and build a community. In their poetry classes, PlanetSpark trains students to form stories from their lives using symbolic language and metaphor and describe their experience. Poetry also helps kids to break the rules of grammar and find a voice and community.

  1. Motivates

Poetry classes open new venues for speaking and listening. Poetry attracts an authentic audience and also motivates reluctant and shy writers to express their thoughts.

  1. Inspires Creativity

PlanetSpark's online English creative training for class 5 inspires students to become poets themselves. The kids gain a sense of voice and learn to think carefully about a subject, language, grammar, and style of writing. They also learn to experiment with writing devices like alliteration and onomatopoeia, which make poems dynamic and interesting.

  1. Helps Develop Opinions

A poem is not a puzzle that the students need to solve. There is no right or wrong answer when a child is talking about a poem or sharing their opinions about what they are listening to or reading. Therefore, the children can express their views in class, and this boosts their overall confidence. The space between the lines and the stanzas provides pauses for the students to understand and make their own interpretations.

  1. Helps in Speech Development

Working with various sounds and rhyming patterns supports the overall development of the vocal operators in the mouth. This helps in speech and language development in the kids.

  1. Improves Kids' Interpretation Skills

PlanetSpark’s best poetry classes for class 5 enhance the interpretation skills of the students and improve their ability to infer and deduce beyond the words. From a short piece of writing, the kids can understand deeply what the poet is trying to say. They develop high-level skills both as a reader and writer.

Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s poetry class for class 5 students and get the benefits of our course today!


  1. What age group do you teach?

PlanetSpark helps students from various age groups learn poetry skills. They offer courses to students aged  6-11 years.

  1. What is PlanetSpark and what do they do?

PlanetSpark is an online platform that uses technology to offer online classes to students on various associated skills, such as English communication, public speaking, poetry classes, creative writing, debating, and other new edge skills.  

  1. How will the parents know if the child is progressing well?

The parents will be informed as often as possible about their child's progress. The teachers will also include their contact information in the progress card just in case you have questions and comments about your child's progress.

  1. What type of poetry would we teach to a class 5 child?

Poetry is a form of literature that involves imagination and emotions. A poet writes by carefully choosing and arranging specific words and lines to give them meaning, sound, and rhythm. In PlanetSpark’s poetry training for class 5th children, the students will learn different types of poems written by famous poets from different eras.

  1.  How does PlanetSpark help students write a poem?

  • First of all, the students will be asked to think of a topic

  • Then they will choose their words carefully.

  • Next they have to write a poem on the topic using the words.

  • The students will also use line breaks 

  • The last step is to revise

  1. How do you explain poetry to class 5 students?

  • In 5th class poetry training online, the teachers will first introduce poems that the students can relate to.

  • The teachers will read out each poem more than once.

  • The students will learn about the poet before getting to the poem.

  • The poem will be analyzed to understand what the author is really saying.

  • The students will learn new words and new figures of speech.

  1. Why is it necessary for students to learn poems?

Poetry is essential for students to learn because it helps them understand and appreciate the world and surroundings. A poem's strength lies in its ability to shed light on the world and its many aspects. Poetry helps students understand various aspects of life.. It stirs their emotions and enables them to express themselves without hesitations. It also helps them find their inner voice.

  1. What are some of the popular class 5 poems?

  1. What skills will you learn from poetry?

In PlanetSpark’s 5th-grade poetry classes, kids will learn to read poetry; it will also improve their vocabulary and syntax. When the student reads a poem, it improves their overall creative skills, sentence formation abilities, and fluency in the language. In simple words, the kids will learn to listen, speak, read, and write.

  1. How can poetry help students in their future careers?

Reading, studying, and writing poetry can improve the student's ability to conceptualize a word and communicate with it using presentations or their writing skills. With the help of poetry, they also develop an acute sense of empathy.

  1. How will the students benefit from learning poetry?

Each kid can benefit from reading and writing poetry:

  • It improves cognitive function.

  • It helps to heal emotional pain and trauma.

  • It leads the students to greater self-awareness.

  • It also provides inspiration to the students.

  1. Does learning poems make the students smarter?

When students enroll for PlanetSpark’s 5th class poetry training online, they learn to understand the sounds, meanings, and emotions of new words. When the young brain puts all these together, it strengthens cognitive health and improves the brain's function.

  1. What different types of poetry are taught in the classes?

In PlanetSpark’s  best poetry classes for class 5, students will learn different types of poetry. Some of the popular ones are:

  • Free verse: This is less structured and easy for students to write and understand.

  • Haiku: It is a Japanese poem consisting of seventeen syllables. Students will learn to concentrate their writing ability while expanding their vocabulary into concise and descriptive words.

  • Limerick: This is a humorous poem that includes 5 rhyming lines in the scheme of aabba. Limericks can be used to memorize scientific facts and important information.

  • Sonnet: A sonnet is a 14-line rhyming poem consisting of 10 syllables in each line.

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