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Mon, 14 Feb, 2022

9 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Descriptive Writing Course for Class 5 Kids!

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About Descriptive Writing Course For Class 5 Kids

Descriptive writing for class 5 kids

Motivate and assist your children in pursuing their love for writing while guiding them through the process. Unlock your child's potential with PlanetSpark's Descriptive Writing Course for Class 5 kids. Explore 9 compelling benefits today!

The Descriptive writing course for class 5 kids curriculum in PlanetSpark is explicitly designed for kids who desire to be proficient and prominent writers in their future careers. Your kids will be mentored by PlanetSpark's writing mentor, in order to assist them in developing tales that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

When it comes to writing, PlanetSpark helps kids learn about all parts of the craft, including how to write descriptively. In order to write something more fascinating and thorough, this Descriptive writing  Course for class 5 kids will aid kids in the writing process.

With this curriculum, kids have a well-rounded learning experience while also being encouraged to employ new vocabulary phrases. You can book a FREE Trial to have an in-person experience of the class. 

Benefits Of Planetspark Descriptive Writing Course For Class 5 Kids

Descriptive writing for class 5 kids

It has been shown that descriptive writing may aid in the improvement of grades in a variety of courses. This is due to the fact that such writing helps kids strengthen their critical thinking abilities while also allowing them to understand more about themselves as writers. 

If you are searching for methods to help your kid improve his or her grade level, one of the most effective things you can do is to encourage them to write in a descriptive manner. In this, we'll talk about how descriptive writing may help kids improve their grades, as well as some pointers on how to get your kid started with their own imagination through online English descriptive training for class 5. 

  1. The learning process is beneficial.

Descriptive writing may be a fun and educational method to express oneself while also learning new skills. It is not just about employing imaginative language, but also about enhancing the way the brain functions while learning new things. 

The process of producing descriptive work is similar to that of problem-solving: you begin with a beginning point that brings up an issue or question, and then you must come up with a solution that fulfills the problem or provides an answer.

  1. It is beneficial to children in all topics.

In addition to knowing how to write, interpreting and evaluating what other people are writing is an important part of being a writer. The act of writing descriptively helps your kid enhance their reading abilities since they will have a better knowledge of new terms as they read through tales with engaging themes.

Math abilities may be improved via descriptive writing as well. For example, it has been shown that many children conceive of numbers in terms of tales and characters and that the descriptive process might assist them in developing a more intuitive knowledge of arithmetic principles.

Descriptive writing course for class 5 helps to enhance your child's study habits since when they are already thinking about their descriptive projects at home, they are more likely to pay attention in class.

  1. Confidence in one's ability to learn comes through descriptive writing.

This sort of writing encourages children to be more self-assured in their own skills. Because of this, they are able to explore other worlds and ideas without fear of being evaluated, which may be tough when it comes to homework. 

The Descriptive writing course for class 5 teaches kids how to express themselves in a unique and imaginative manner using language. As a result, it encourages kids to study and learn more about how to express themselves artistically.

  1. Multitasking is made easier via descriptive writing.

It may aid your youngster in his or her efforts to learn how to multitask. For example, researchers discovered that creative writers are better at switching between activities than their counterparts who did not write descriptively. They also performed higher on tests of working memory in one research.

  1. The ability to communicate improves.

kids learn how to articulate their thoughts clearly and succinctly via the process of descriptive writing. In any school situation, but particularly in the upper grades, when verbal communication abilities are more heavily dependent upon, it is critical to have strong oral communication skills. 

Your youngster will have excellent communication skills and will get along well with his or her peers. This will allow them to learn from their other kids while also teaching them something new. As a result, the boost in grades will benefit all of the kids in the surrounding area.

  1. Creativity in writing improves social and memory abilities.

Children may learn about teamwork via the publication of their descriptive work. It may prepare kids for working on group projects later in life or even launching their own firms later in their careers. 

It improves memory and intellect by increasing the number of neurons in the brain. kids will be more attentive in class because they will be wondering about what will happen to the characters that they have constructed in their imaginations.

  1. The ability to comprehend increases.

Writing requires kids to develop their reading comprehension abilities, as well as their mastery of grammar and vocabulary terms. Creative Writing is one of the most vital skills your kid may master in school, yet it is one of the most difficult.

  1. Exposure to a foreign language

A descriptive writing course for class 5 gives kids the ability to experiment with various sorts of vocabulary, forms, and sentence structure patterns. In addition, it broadens their perspective of the world by exposing them to a variety of experiences instead of just reading a tale about what they did that day or portraying themselves as a person.

  1. Children learn to empathize with others.

Student writing allows them to better empathize with the protagonist of a tale and better understand their thoughts, motives, and responses. When kids are pushed to develop characters with their own ideas and emotions, they are more likely to be able to enter the mind of another person - even if it is just for a little period of time. 

This practice will be carried over into their everyday lives as well. As a result of their positive disposition, they will understand how vital it is to do well in school and assist other kids. 

Book your FREE Trial Class today and discover how our Descriptive writing Course for class 5 kids makes kids think creatively and critically!

Learn Descriptive Writing Skills Curriculum Details 

  1. Section 1: Reading Comprehension 

  • The setting, Mood and Characters

  • Key Events and Sequencing

  • Main Idea

  • Compare and Contrast

  • Cause and Effect

  • Plot (Conflict & Resolution)

  • Summary and Prediction

  • Conclusion

  • Fact or Opinion

  • Point of View

  • Inferences 

  1. Section 2: Creative Writing

  • Composing with Pictures

  • Developing a Writing Identity

  • Generating and Collecting Ideas

  • Focus / Meaning

  • Organizing and Structuring Ideas

  • Elaborating on Ideas

  • Word Choice

  • Grammar and Punctuation

  • Collaborating with Writing Partners

Descriptive Writing Course For Class 5 Kids Activities & Worksheets

This kind of descriptive writing activity works best when done alone, while you may also enable kids to collaborate in order to discuss and refine their thoughts. A descriptive writing course for grade 5 exercises will help you lead your middle school kids as they employ their observational abilities, investigate their own experiences, and stimulate their senses in order to improve their writing skills and overall writing performance. Writing examples of your own or writing alongside your kids is vital in these exercises and may considerably assist kids as they progress in their writing careers.

  1. Tour in the open air

This assignment in the Descriptive writing course for grade 5 requires kids to take a stroll around campus and take notes on what they observe. However, the classroom is where the majority of the training takes place before moving outdoors. 

Begin by providing them with a clear explanation of how descriptive writing is organized and structured. Show a picture of nature to your kids. Then, provide instances of how a basic description of an image may be improved to become a powerful piece of descriptive writing by using details from the picture.

  1. Transformation of Non-Descriptive Sentences into Descriptive Sentences

Prepare a worksheet that has a variety of sentences. The phrases should be straightforward and devoid of any descriptive language. It is the kids' responsibility to rewrite these statements in a more detailed manner. Remind your kids to make use of their five senses as well as literary strategies in their writing.

  1. Describe the image and make a match between it with the description

Make a pick of photographs and print them out. You might utilize well-known artworks or images as inspiration. Give each kid a different picture to look at in class. Kids should be asked to describe the picture using their five senses, literary methods, and adjectives, among other things.

Please provide them with a reasonable amount of time to explain the picture. After that, gather the photographs again and show them in front of the classroom again. To complete the assignment, kids must read their descriptions, and the rest of the class must attempt to guess which picture the student is describing.

  1. Describe a restaurant in detail.

Kids may begin writing their own paragraphs after they have begun the fundamental literary strategies and the value of using all five senses. Inquire about their favorite restaurant and ask them to explain it. 

The senses are all engaged at a restaurant, and your vision may be obscured by the aromas and noises that surround you. Before collecting kids' work at the conclusion of class, ask them whether they would be willing to volunteer to share their descriptions.

  1. Describe your best and worst vacation experiences.

This project encourages kids to carry their reading material along with them on their trips. They must include a description of the scene, the sequence of events, and the persons who were there.

If you have the opportunity, urge them to write about both a wonderful and a terrible trip. This will force them to use descriptive language and terms that have good and negative connotations. Kids will benefit from these exercises because they will be encouraged to write descriptively about writing lively. Don't forget to use your imagination!

Book a FREE class NOW in our descriptive writing course for class 5 kids and help them in becoming a great writer. 

What Are Descriptive Writing Skills 

Kid learning descriptive writing

Descriptive writing helps the reader see something in their mind. Therefore, when something or someone is described precisely and in a manner that makes it come alive for the reader, it is considered adequate.

When it comes to the Descriptive writing course for grade 5 learners, practicing descriptive writing may not only improve their writing skills and prepare them for future English pursuits, but it can also be a fun and descriptive approach to practice the English language in a fun and engaging manner as well.

Writing requires kids to use all of their language skills, accurate grammar, a varied vocabulary, and literary techniques such as similes, personification, and alliteration when they write. Descriptive writing Training for class 5th children exposes kids to some of the most delicate and beautiful English language features, which they may not have otherwise encountered.

Importance Of Best Descriptive Writing Course For Class 5 Kids

Emotional abilities may be developed via descriptive writing as well. Children may learn to regulate their emotions and channel them into the creation of a tale by observing and acting on their own experiences. Examples of such abilities include demonstrating empathy with a character, portraying various emotions experienced by characters, and handling a tough circumstance that a character is experiencing. 

This may assist a youngster in expressing their feelings and understanding the feelings of others. In addition, the child's speech and narrative talents may be able to display self-discovery and self-expression.

In addition, Descriptive writing Training for class 5 kids will aid in the development of intellectual abilities. In comparison to peers of the same age who do not engage in descriptive writing, their sentence structure, vocabulary, and use of punctuation will be noticeably more advanced. 

The practice of descriptive writing helps to strengthen writing abilities that are becoming rarer in a society where text talk and emoticons are commonplace. In the case of a youngster who cannot communicate successfully when still a child, the issue may worsen as the child grows older. 

When children share their ideas with others, they are able to build their tales and work collaboratively with others. Encouragement of descriptive writing may assist a youngster in communicating successfully in a technologically-driven society.

When a youngster starts to write down their thoughts, the process of finishing the tale helps them to acquire a variety of critical life skills. Writing as a means for your kid to express their descriptive side enables them to concentrate better, boosts their devotion and commitment, and helps them to become more independent. All of these are qualities that prospective employers look for in a candidate. 

Descriptive writing Training for class 5th children also helps kids build descriptive thinking skills by encouraging them to use their imaginations, offer alternatives, and widen their understanding of the thought process and problem-solving talents.

It also allows the children to express themselves and create their own voices. It also helps them to develop their reasoning abilities. Once these abilities have been acquired, they may be applied to other topics, such as mathematics, science, and foreign languages. Because of the development of these core abilities, the kid will be able to use them in other areas of learning and succeed, which will aid in the development of their self-confidence.

Check out PlanetSpark right now to know more about our diverse writing clubs that your child can participate in to improve their writing skills.  

PlanetSpark Descriptive Writing Course for Class 5 Kids Testimonials 

  • Thank you PlanetSpark, for helping my kid bring his thoughts onto a paper descriptively. Your online classes for descriptive writing classes helped my kid to express himself confidently. Kudos to PlanetSpark! 

Pooja Desai 


For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What is descriptive writing?

Descriptive writing is a literary method in which the author employs details to build a picture with their words. 

  1. How would a Descriptive writing  Course for class 5 kids assist my child?

This Descriptive writing  Course for class 5 kids will concentrate on a range of skills, including descriptive writing & reading, self-expression, thinking skills, and also presenting skills. 

  1. Is the professor leading this program sufficiently qualified?

In fact, PlanetSpark is quite proud of its teacher members. Almost all of our mentors are highly talented and well-trained people who may be regarded as experts in their respective areas of expertise.

  1. Is there going to be a free trial class?

Yes, you can enroll your kid in the FREE trial class to make sure that your kid is getting comfortable or not. 

  1. What are the many forms of descriptive writing you can do?

Personal essays, poetry, fiction, journal writing, and speeches are examples of several sorts of descriptive writing that may be done. Taking online English descriptive training for class 5 is a good option if you want to improve your kid’s writing abilities. 

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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