
Wed, 20 Nov, 2019

8 Reasons why PlanetSpark’s poetry classes are good for your class 2 children!

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About Poetry Course For Grade 2

Reading and writing poetry assists your child in development of vital language and literacy skills. IT allows students to view the limitless potential  of language in generating meaning and influencing expression. 

Do you know that reading poems has a special importance ? In simple words, good poetry generates a special pathway in your child's brain that other kinds of languages cannot. Learn 8 reasons why PlanetSpark offers best poetry classes for your class 2 child.

A little girl writing poetry.

Poetry assist in  developing some of the critical reading skills like

  • Phonological awareness

  • Strong vocabulary

  • Background knowledge

According to several speech - language therapists, it is important for your child to get exposed to various kinds of languages that are used in poems and rhymes. The unusual words, along with speech patterns, enriches your child's vocabulary. Rhythm, rhymes, and repetition help them to read and write easily later on.

Thus, enrolling your child in a good poetry class for grade 2, helps them better understand poems and enjoy them.

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Reasons Why Poetry Classes For Class 2 Are Good For Your Child

A lot of people nowadays think poetry is a lost art. But in this era of decreasing attention spans and reduced patience levels, writing and reading poetry can prove  to be a great way to slow down a bit and introspect. When your child starts reading and writing poems, they open up to a beautiful world of new perceptions, insights and self-expression.

Here are some reasons why poetry is good for your kids:

  1. Enhances Literacy Skills 

Kids having good rhyming skills turn into good readers and spellers as they focus on rhymes. It helps them look at patterns formed and utilized within words. Thus, a poetry class for grade 2 students exposes them to more poems, thereby enhancing their literacy skills.

  1. Increases Memory and Brain Power

As per various studies, poetry helps develop the brain in children as it sticks with readers for maximum time and makes them re-read and learn all words. It is also believed that poetic words are more straightforward to remember than non-poetic words. Therefore, it enhances a person's memory, thereby making them more receptive to retaining more information in their life.

  1. Speech Development

When a child reads a poem, the wordplay helps develop their vocal apparatus, nose and pharynx. It triggers the development of speech and language. It enunciates phonemes that encourage your kid to tackle phonetics.

  1. Improves Reading Skills

Reading poems assist your child with voice, volume, pitch, and inflection. These are primarily all speech functions, but they are very important for a child who is learning to read properly. Poetry helps young leaders with various speech patterns, thereby offering them various cues to words on any page.

  1. Assist in Placing Their Own Opinions

There is nothing like wrong or right whenever your child shares any of their opinions on the poem they have read. This gives a boost to their confidence in expressing their views. Also, forming their ideas about various things and telling them is one of the essential things for the development of personality. Thus, poetry can help develop a good character in kids.

  1. Enhancement of Vocabulary and Grammar

Poetry plays with language in a very creative manner. Poets make all deliberate choices so that words and punctuations are utilized to add a lasting effect on those who read the poem. Therefore, when your child reads a good poem, it allows your child to study various ideas to efficiently use the language. This ultimately enhances vocabulary and increases your kid's knowledge of English grammar. Therefore, poetry skills for class 2nd are essential for increasing grammar and vocabulary.

  1. Inspires Creativity

When your child is introduced to any well-written poems, it inspires the sloppy writer in them. They better understand all writing styles, language, voice, and grammar. Writing poems also encourages them to reflect on their experience and creatively recreate it.

  1. Escaping from Reality

In this changing world where global and local events have a lasting effect on your child, poetry is required for helping them in navigating and making sense of all experiences while also offering them much-required entertainment and escapism. The best poetry class for 2nd class helps your kid in mastering poetry.

You know, learning poetry writing helps in developing creative writing in your child? So, what are you waiting for, without further ado book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark!

Tips For Teaching Poems To Your Kids

  1. Make it a Fun Activity

Never make poetry learning a boring class for your child. Instead, introduce them to poetry gradually and with a lot of fun.

  1. Read It Aloud

Reading the poem loudly assists your child in appreciating the art of poetry and improves their speaking skills. When they read poems in a loud voice, their awkwardness will disappear slowly.

  1. Moderate Your Voice

Voice modulation is essential for poetry as it piques your child's interest and efficiently helps them in learning poems.

  1. Enact Characters

When a poem you are reading has several characters, try to enact them. This helps in increasing your child's memorizing abilities.

  1. Erase Words

After your child has recited a poem many times, you can offer them a fun activity for testing their memory. First, write the whole poem and then erase a few words from in between. Next, tell them to fill up those blank spaces for completing the poem.

  1. Break into chunks

When your child is facing difficulty memorizing the whole poem in one go, try to break the entire poem into small paragraphs and when there are no paragraphs, try breaking sentence by sentence. This eases the whole process of memorizing the entire poem.

  1. Repeat

There is nothing better than repeating while you are trying to memorize something. So, keep on repeating poems until your child memorizes them.

  1. Explain to Them the Whole Meaning of the Poem

Giving some logical explanations to your kid assists them in understanding the whole poem very rapidly. Then, they can easily remember it when they completely understand it.

  1. Age perfect poems

Make the whole process of poem learning age perfect. Stick to those poems having four to six lines and enhance the number of lines with a period.

  1. Encourage similes and metaphors.

In complete poetry, metaphors and similes are two solid literary techniques. When you encourage metaphorical thinking in your child, you assist them in building some new connections between objects, ideas and concepts. It helps them think more creatively when the matter is about writing poems. Best poetry class for 2nd class in PlanetSpark encourages your child to feel more metaphorically by asking questions like as beautiful as what. 

PlanetSpark offers the best Poetry classes for class 2 students. So, don’t wait anymore and book a FREE class NOW!

Types Of Poetry That Kids Usually Love

It is not easy for your kid to write or understand all types of poetry. While teaching kids writing and understanding poetry, it's essential to choose poems that they like to write and read. PlanetSpark, in its 2nd-Grade Poetry Class, encourages your child to write those poems that are interesting to them.

  1. Rhyming Poems

Not every poem has to rhyme. But when you introduce rhyming poems to your kids, your child should start writing lyrics. In English poem writing, rhyming often challenges children and then makes poetry writing very fun.

  1. Haikus

It's a poetry writing pattern that started in Japan and has adapted well to English poetry. It follows a rule of 5 – 7 – 5, which means five syllables is the first line, then seven in the second line and five in the third.

  1. Acrostic Poems

These are fun for teaching kids to write amazing poems. First, ask your kid to select a word that will also be the subject of their poetry. Then ask them to write the comment vertically down the page margin in every line. Then each line of the whole poem should start with a letter written on that line.

  1. Free Verse

It is no rule way of writing poetry, and it offers your child the complete freedom for expressing themselves.

  1. Limericks

It is a fantastic way to introduce poetry to your kids. Generally, Limericks are English poems written in simple language that are also witty and are limited to only five lines. They are easily understandable and best for piquing a child's interest in writing poetry.

Poetry training for 2nd-grade children introduces all kinds of the poem as described above.

Poetry writing on a paper

Ideas for your kids to write poems about

One of the big problems in writing poetry is deciding about the topic. In grade 2 poetry training at PlanetSpark, we always think of some new issues that are related to your child or the world around them.

Some of the best examples are

  • Notable events in any child's life include a child's birthday, a festival they like, or something they might have seen in the news.

  • Daily things like the food they like to eat, or your child's favorite color, toy or animal.

  • Nature such as flowers, birds or rivers. 

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Four Simple Skills That Allow Your Kids To Write Excellent Poems 

  1. Making Use of Line Breaks

They are splitting a text line into two or more than two short lines. This helps the reader slow down or draw their attention to those words present at the ends of lines.

  1. Similes

Make use of "like " or" for describing something by making a comparison with something else. This assists children in seeing things in a very new way, precisely similar to what any poet does.

  1. Personification

It describes something that is not human by offering it human traits.Similes, along with personification, assist your child in seeing things in a very new as well as a different way.

  1. Alliteration

It uses similar sounds for two or more two words that are near each other. This is one of the best ways to make poems sound interesting.

Poetry is a vast area of literature that offers both teachers and kids an opportunity to dip their toes or fully dive into creativity. Poetry course for class 2 kids assists children about voice, volume, inflection and pitch. Not only has that, but it also taught young readers about speech patterns.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What is the age group that you enroll in?

PlanetSpark assists children of varied age groups in learning necessary poetry skills. They provide courses to kids age group 6 – 11.

  1. Tell something more about PlanetSpark and its work.

PlanetSpark is an online platform that uses some powerful technology to offer classes to students.

  1. How can I know if or not my child is progressing?

We always keep parents well informed about their child's progress. In addition to that timely report card, PTM are some of the best ways through which you can know how much your child is progressing.

  1. What are the different types of poetry that you will teach my child?

Poetry always includes emotions and imagination. There are various kinds of poetry that are taught in PlanetSpark class.

  1. How will PlanetSpark assist my child in writing a poem?

In the following way, we help our children to write a poem.

  • First, they are asked for writing their name

  • Then they select their words very carefully.

  • Students have to use line breaks.

  1. How to explain to class 2 kids about poetry?

In a Poetry course for class 2 kids, teachers first recite poems related to the poem.

  • The trainer needs to read every poem multiple times.

  • The poem is then analyzed for understanding what the author is trying to say.

  1. Why is learning poems important for my child?

Poetry is a vital part of English as it assists in helping students better understand the world and their surroundings. In addition, it assists them in expressing their emotions in a very controlled and regulated manner.

  1. Will poetry assist my child's future?

Reading, writing and learning poetry can enhance any kid's capability for conceptualizing any word and communicating with it.

  1. How do kids benefit from learning poetry?

Every kid benefits from learning poetry. Some of the significant benefits are:

  • Enhances cognitive function

  • Assist in healing emotional pain as well trauma.

  • Help a child in developing greater self-awareness.

  • Offers inspiration to students.

  1. Will a 2nd-grade poetry class make my child supportive? 

When students enroll in courses, they better understand sounds, new words, etc. When their tiny brain brings all these things together, it improves cognitive health and brain function.

  1. What are four different kinds of poetry?

In poetry for grade 2 class, your child will learn about kinds of poetry.

  • Haiku

  • Limerick

  • Haiku

  • Sonnet

  1. Is learning poetry challenging for my kid?

It is not a secret that poetry is a challenging activity. Some of your kids might struggle to generate a poem, while others might find it challenging to analyze. And some might work with both.

  1. How can I teach my 2nd grader to write poetry?

Here are a few tips for writing a poem

  • Select all words very carefully.

  • Write your poem

  • Make use of line breaks

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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