The art of Public Speaking

Fri, 22 Apr, 2022

8 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Storytelling Courses For Class 5 Children!

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About Storytelling Courses

Some of the earliest evidence of storytelling are cave paintings and rock carvings. Communication has evolved since then, leading to language skills tuning into a medium for storytelling. Planet spark offers the best storytelling classes for class 5, learning about 8 benefits of our storytelling course for class 5 children. The evolution has been a long but steady process.

 A group of students telling stories

Storytelling is an art that has been in existence for several hundred years. We provide online classes to kids through planet spark to sharpen these skills. When framed through words, stories are created in one’s memory and become a listener's new world. Storytelling is a perfect skill that makes listeners think, get ideas, and build emotions, which is what Planet spark intends on teaching the kids. Word power.

5th class storytelling training online provides the kids with a plethora of new insights they get to carry with them every day. The storytelling course for 5th grade creates a path of new things, which makes kids see the world in a whole new light. This course is an online English creative training for 5th graders, teaching them to see the world in a new way. It would be a smart move for you to engage your kids in our storytelling class for our 5th class kids. The 5th class storytelling training online will prove that your kid has always had it in them, but it took a simple course to bring their talent out.

Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits Of 5th Class Storytelling Training Online!

Stories are not confined to certain age groups. Everyone loves stories, especially children. Stories make us smile, cry, laugh, play, and likely more emotions are mixed with it. Kids have always been good listeners, imagining things beyond limits. 

They learn to jump out of the box and think broadly. Children would be flooded with a lot of ideas and innovations with our storytelling course for 5th-grade kids. Kids are fond of stories because, in a story, they are no longer 5th graders but can transform into explicit characters.

Stories create magic. It transforms the already existing place into a whole new place of one’s dream. Stories are everywhere. 

The children's rhymes that our kids sing have stories in them. An orator's speech or a reality show has stories in them. Kids, adults, everyone loves to imagine and make impossible things possible. PlanetSpark offers 5th class storytelling training to kindle these attributes in your children to see a better future and a better world than the usual one every other see.

  1. Encourages Children to Communicate with Emotions and Thoughts

Grade 5 storytelling training develops emotions and understandings among kids at a young age. Kids injected with these qualities at the right age will be better than adults. Our storytelling class for 5th class students makes it an easier task for the kids since they get to know about a lot of emotions through character analysis from our courses.

  1. Increases Verbal Proficiency

People tend to understand stories only if it is clearer. It should have rhythm, spaces, and fillers, but the end goal is for the people to understand the story. 

Kids may tell a story for a whole 5 minutes, but if people miss out on understanding even a single word, the story collapses. The audience will not be able to grasp it. Storytelling for grade 5 teaches the kids about verbal proficiency, which has a direct effect on their language skills as well.

  1. Exploring Different Culture

Stories create scenarios, and the kids' creativity tends to brighten pertaining to that by slowly taking part in our course. Our storytelling courses for 5th-grade children teach them to understand different cultures, people, traditions, geographical boundaries, etc. Which has a direct effect on their quality called empathy. They would be taught to read a lot of books. Reading books helps them remove their gray glasses and makes them see the world in a whole new light.

  1. Character Analysis

Learning people’s characters is part of the training. Storytelling courses for 5th grade help the kids to analyze human emotions, their characters, and the way they process and exist. Between the chaotic misunderstandings in the world, the kid's ability to understand everyone around will be a perk quality. Character analysis plays a vital role in making them survive the toughest.

  1. Enhances Listening Skills

Speaking out is not the only skill that is acquired through storytelling. Listening is key. The more your kid listens or pays attention to the surrounding, the greater they can create something out of it. 

Being a speaker has its own set of rules, but it takes great effort to be a listener, especially a good listener. Storytelling skills for 5th grade open enormous opportunities for your kids by opening up their listening skills.

  1. Encourages Imagination

Imagination is the door that we are trying to unlock through storytelling class for 5th grade. Focusing on the practical world would help us stay grounded, but with imagination, your kids could fly. The world without creativity or a creative person would be frantic and dry. There would not be fire. There would not be the invention of the wheel. Without imagination, we wouldn't have evolved, staying as a monkey.

  1. Keeps Mind Engaged

With the lockdown in full swing, all the kids were stuck to television boxes or smartphones. By learning the art of storytelling, the kids will know to engage well. They will start implicating the skills learned in their practical life. 

They will find attraction towards living human beings rather than machines. This storytelling course for class 5th is an essential course, especially post-pandemic. Though we are not completely relieved from the pandemic, it will be a step towards transition.

  1. Mode Of Entertainment

Kids, instead of playing games, or watching cartoons by ruining their eyes and health, will now start reading books as a source of entertainment and fuelling their knowledge.

Are you looking for an online storytelling course for your class 5 children? Don’t look anymore, book a FREE class NOW with us and start learning today!

Course Curriculum

  1. Language Development

Kids learn to grab onto new things that sound different to them. Storytelling would be interesting for them because it is new, unique, and different. This is where the language skills act as a very strong folder for the kids. With storytelling, they learn new vocabularies, dynamics, styles, and phrases that flings out beautiful meanings if used in the proper order. Storytelling for grade 5 helps children map out this.

For example- 

A normal kid would say, 'That is a beautiful butterfly.' 

But a storyteller would describe it as 'The bluish-green butterfly had black patterns on its wings. The texture of the butterfly wings looks creamy. Its eyes look big. It is stranded upon a long sleek body which seems like the body is crushed between the two wings of the butterfly. With every flap of its wings, the butterfly looks poised.

Children learn to describe stories rather than tell them.

  1. Observation skills

Learn storytelling for class 5 as it alerts kids on voices, tones, and non-verbal communication of another person. Non-verbal communication is when we communicate with a person without any words but through eyes, hand symbols, body movements, or even gestures. Kids learn to pay attention to details, helping them in understanding the environment, the people around them, or even certain situations.

In the storytelling course for grade 5, they learn to become speakers, listeners, observers, dreamers. Everything becomes infinite and limitless in our course, including their thinking which breaks off-limits.

  1. Creativity

Adults find creativity stressful. But kids are learners, they want new things, and their creativity is not conditioned to certain limits. They currently do not have responsibilities to scrutinize to. 

All they have got right now is time. Time to dream, time to envision, time to create. Letting them think and create things will help them determine what they want to choose as their career in the near future. 

5th-grade storytelling class allows kids to dream, create, and flourish with creativity. The course lets kids not suffocate about life, instead allows them to fish through the memories and knowledge to make something out of it. To paint a beautiful portrait that no one could paint.

Online Certification Details

  1. Advanced Certification (30 Classes)

  • Curriculum: Communication basics, Art of storytelling, body language, articulation.

  • Activities: Storytelling exercises (Facial expressions, hand gestures, eye contact) and, listening exercises, reading exercises.

  • Achievements: _____________ Certificate

  1. Pro-Grad Certification (60 Classes)

  • Curriculum: Communication basics, the art of storytelling, contextual response, speech delivery, public speaking, articulation, character analysis, active listening, and pronunciation.

  • Activities: Narration, reading, creative stories, extempore, vlogging, and using emotions to communicate differently.

  • Achievements: Pro-Grad Certificate and Course Marksheet.

  1. Merit Certification (165 Classes)

  • Curriculum: Pronunciation, speech rhythm, tone, articulation, emotional access through speech, communication basics, voice modulation, speech delivery, public speaking, the art of storytelling, body language, and project work.

  • Activities: Varying pitch and pace, storytelling using story elements, storytelling to an audience, creating stories with certain objects, changing the end, and vlogging.

  • Achievements: Certificate of Merit, Course Marksheet, Child’s Own Live Project, and Online Grad Ceremony.

Make your child learn the art of storytelling by booking  a FREE class in our storytelling course for class 5 children!

Tips For Your Kid To Be A Better Storyteller- 4Ps

  1. People 

A good storyteller focuses primarily on the audience. The need to tell a beautiful story is to capture the audience. Keeping in mind their age, their gender, their social circle a story should be weaved. Storytelling courses for class 5 students help kids in understanding about the target audience the way they have to talk to them. 

  1. Place

A story always influences the audience based on its surroundings. Though people enjoy listening to children telling stories, the kids should understand the environment. This is a positive perk for the kid by boosting their confidence. With the 5th class storytelling training, the kids learn the importance of being aware of their surroundings.

  1. Plot

The main focus is the plotline. The more engaging the story is said, the more invested the audience will be. The kids will be taught about tone, accent, articulation, and rhythm. The way they set the tone for a horror story or a motivational story highly impacts the plotline. It is an essential factor that will be taught as a part of grade 5 storytelling training.

  1. Purpose

The overall goal of a story is a purpose, the need to tell the story. Knowing the purpose and making sure the audience receives it is important. The main conclusion or the things we intend on conveying to the audience must be concise and conveyed. Some stories inspire others, some talk about life; some explore a certain person’s life. Our storytelling class for class 5th students will be an eye-opener for the kids.

 For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What age groups do you teach?

Planet Spark offers courses for kindergarteners to 12th grade, covering an age group of 4-year-olds to 16-year-olds. According to the age groups, we cover a lot of language skill courses, starting with English courses to Storytelling courses for 5th graders. 

  1. What is PlanetSpark, and what do they do?

PlanetSpark is an online forum where your kids get to invest their time to learn amazing language skill courses. The kids get to attend courses online and do a lot of activities as part of the course. They can enjoy as much as they learn with PlanetSpark. Learning is not a duty but a basic need.

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

Client filler space

  1. How will the parents know if the child is progressing well?

Children’s approaches towards certain things change. Learning to appreciate the small changes they exhibit would motivate the kids. This will encourage the kids and push them to do more new things. You will see your kid being efficient, confident, bright, and energetic. These signs would reciprocate that your kid is progressing. Online English creative training for 5th graders is designed for this purpose. To change, transform, and grow.

  1. Amidst public speaking courses or leadership courses, what is the purpose of storytelling courses?

Leadership courses are to induce the underlying leadership qualities from within your kids. Whereas a storytelling course searches for your creative side. The left hemisphere of the brain helps in logical thinking, while the right hemisphere of the brain is for creative thinking. Activities involved in the storytelling class for 5th class kids will provoke their right side of the brain, keeping it alive and active. Leadership courses are all about responsibility, teamwork, self-confidence but here in storytelling courses. We teach the kids to think out of the box and not to confine themselves to small spaces. We teach them to structure things and tell them that it's okay to dream big or the impossible. Because one day, anything can be possible.

  1. How do I make my kid build an interest in storytelling?

Kids are not adults. We take time in deciding something for us, tabulating the pros and cons of how and in which way it would create an effect on our lives. But that is not the case with kids. Once they are in, once they get aware of the activities and different learning processes, they have the willpower to focus their whole mind on the course. Just provide them with the right motivation so that they attend the class once they are in. We are sure that they will upgrade to a better version. They will notice the change.

  1. If my kid talks a lot, should I join him for a storytelling course?

Storytelling courses are not confined only to talkative children. Even shy children can take up the courses because creativity is a skill every individual should learn about. Some kids could be good speakers, some good listeners, some both, and some neither. Our mission is to turn every children’s weakness into their strength.

  1. If my kid invests in a storytelling course, what future beholds them?

Stories are everywhere. It is there in our lives, in the books we read, in the movies we watch, in our neighbors' lives. It's Everywhere. We should remember that the 5th class storytelling training online is not to pick a profession out of it but to make a better version of your children. Your kid learns survival. We have always pressured our kids with academic knowledge but have failed to teach them basic skills. It is high time we understand the true value of these courses that would help kids in transforming themselves.

  1. How do I identify the best course for my children?

Prioritize your kids first. Even if they are 5th graders or 8th graders, always learn to prioritize them. Talk to them about what they want. Then slowly, instead of forcing them about the course, inform them about the storytelling course for 5th-grade kids or any other course for that matter. Trigger their interest in a way they themself start pestering you for joining the course.

  1. Will storytelling skills taught to a 5th grader stay with them even after becoming an adult?

Of course, yes! Academic knowledge can be forgotten in a few years. It may last long according to your kid’s knowledge, but skills stay. It stays as long as they live. Learning it at a young age makes the process easier. This is the time when kids have spare time because once they are adults, they are always running to achieve something or to earn money. Storytelling skills for class 5th students are one such step from our side to drift your kid to another new version.

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