Grammar Fanatic

Tue, 15 Dec, 2020

7 ways to deal with Mispronunciation in Children!

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Several schools reports in the news show how children pronounce a word or say a name can affect their grades and futures. Although English is the most common language globally, there are many mispronounced words and phrases in English because many people find it challenging to learn and pronounce, starting with children. 

If you search for words commonly mispronounced online, you will be shocked by the revelations of your pronunciation. Finding and correcting mispronounced words for kids and children is expected during their early age of learning that needs redressal at the earliest. Consistent English mispronounced words for kids can cause memory issues for a child without success in academics.

The first time a child mispronounces a word, they will likely hear his teacher correct it. However, continued mispronunciation gives rise to more serious attention than usual. If the child repeatedly uses commonly mispronounced words in English due to poor pronunciation, they will begin to pick up problems. Picking up is one of the most common mispronunciation issues that can be disruptive, especially in kindergarten.

 At PlanetSpark, we have designed a fun-learning and activity-based curriculum to strengthen your children's fluency roots and make them confident speakers. We understand how commonly mispronounced words for kids can become a severe speech issue in the future. We provide individual attention to each student to understand their challenges and provide customized solutions. Take A Demo Session With Us To Know More! 

What Are The Impact Of Commonly Mispronounced Words On Kids?

If your child consistently uses the most commonly mispronounced words, they might struggle with speech fluency and understanding. When teachers have asked him to speak in front of the class, his pronunciation has been embarrassing for them and everyone around him. As an additional obstacle in solving this communication issue, your child may lack confidence in their voice and self-esteem in their ability to speak.

Besides disfluency and embarrassment, speech problems can cause stress, bad grades in school when unclear about what they're reading and learning. No positive effect on relationships as that could make a peer uncomfortable. Identifying the top 50 mispronounced words is not necessary, and finding how your kid is performing. All you need is a little attention and time for your kid to understand their problem with pronunciation. And, we are here to lend you a helping hand and correct all the mispronounced words by toddlers.

Connect with us to explore the possibilities of making your kid a fluent and confident public speaker! 

What Are The Implications Of Commonly Mispronounced Words in English?

Children often pronounce words a certain way because of how their parents pronounce them. For instance, if some children use commonly mispronounced words for kids, like interpreting "sit" as "stay," their parents might attempt to correct this. However, suppose these children are in formal situations and need to understand what a particular word means for tasks like reading comprehension.

In that case, it may be too late to correct the words or pronounce them correctly. If a child is forced to read and pronounce "Kuh-liep" as "kye-lup," they may have a more difficult time with reading skills. Instead of telling them the 50 mispronounced words and correcting them, it is important to pay attention to their speech from an early age. Let's talk about the implications of commonly mispronounced words in India on kids:

1) Commonly mispronounced words for kids may lead to poor academic abilities if children are forced to read and attempt to pronounce difficult words they hear. 

2) If children speak English, their fluency will likely be affected by commonly mispronounced words when reciting or fact-checking a textbook or essay.

3) Poor speech is often viewed negatively by those assessing others' language skills. 

4) Commonly mispronounced words in English come with a negative stigma in communication. 

5) Children who regularly use the most commonly mispronounced words are more likely to have problems comprehending the message of their teachers and friends. 

Don't let commonly mispronounced words for kids ruin their language and communication skills. Connect with PlanetSpark to provide them top-notch learning experience for the best fluency and speaking skills. Get in touch with our expert educators by booking a FREE Class with them NOW!

 What Are The Major Problems Related To Commonly Mispronounced Words?

As a parent, you need to understand how commonly mispronounced words can damage your kids' entire personalities. There have been many studies where the most commonly mispronounced words have ruined the language base of many children who suffered laid-back academic results. These are crucial problems that are associated with commonly mispronounced words in India. 

  • Poor Articulation Or Emphasis On Sounds and Words

  • Increased Pitch Or Pitch Problems

  • Rhythm Or Timing Problems

  • Repeat, Prolongation Of Sounds

  • Reduced Fluency

  • Decreased Speech

  • Self-Consciousness And Withdrawal

  • Decreased Naturalness And Grace Of Speech

  • Increased Anxiety

  • Impaired Cognition And Memory

  • Articulation Disorder

  • Daydream

  • Dyslexia

  • Hearing Loss

  • Social Deprivation

  • Sleeping Disorders

  • Speech Impediments

  • Temper Tantrums

You may find mispronounced words funny when spoken by your toddler or kid, but little do you know that a bit of fun today can be devastating for your child's speaking skills. Don't let commonly mispronounced words take away the chance of your kid to speak confidently. Allow PlanetSpark to create a difference in your child's personality with substantial adjustments to their fluency and pronunciation. Don't wait! Enroll Your Kid Into the course.

 Commonly Mispronounced Words By Kids You Should Know

Our children mispronounce words in many different ways. Sometimes, children will deliberately try to fool their listeners into thinking they are saying a word that sounds like what they are saying. Others use commonly mispronounced words or tend to be influenced by cultural influences surrounding language.

Here are some of the common mispronounced words examples:

1) Ask: Kids often find different asking variations like akks, axe, askk, and more, which is just a huge mess. It is ranked among kids' top 50 mispronounced words and seen in their toddler days. 

2) Clothes: Clothes is among the most commonly mispronounced words as kids tend to confuse it with close.

3) Garden: Kids often say gangad for the garden; this pronunciation is pronounced with a different accent that both sound similar. It is important to correct these commonly mispronounced words so that your kid doesn't have to face embarrassment when they grow up.

4) Small: Little is sometimes mistaken for a confusing scientific term for kids who don't have that much interest in science yet. It is commonly categorised in the southern mispronounced words.

5) Boy: Some kids will get excited to pronounce boy as bww instead of the b-w sound.

 6) Hour: Children also make a common mistake as they will tend to say hauar instead of the hour. It can be called the king of all commonly mispronounced words for kids.

Don't let these commonly mispronounced words ruin your kids' future.Connect with us to make your children confident speakers!

Why do kids mispronounce?

The ability to speak and read a language accurately is incredibly important. There are many reasons why commonly mispronounced words in India happen. It can lead to problems in social interactions, reading comprehension, and future academic success. Looking at how you talk with your child will help them articulate the difference between sounds they understand versus the ones they find confusing. Want your kids to be aware of correct pronunciation? Enroll them with PlanetSpark NOW!

Here are the primary reasons why most commonly mispronounced words happen at an early age:

  • Poor Phonics Base: Your child hears you speaking and imitates what he sees to his best ability. Because language has so many letters and sounds, it is difficult for young children to distinguish one letter from another. Due to poor phonics, children often use commonly mispronounced words creating an inferior language foundation.

  • The Case of Black and White: Research has shown that babies of both genders seem to learn how to talk in the presence of a parent who is also speaking at the same time. For example, an extra pair of ears may impart more clarity to the husband and wife's exchange, as they automatically direct their successive conversations towards each other.

  • Home Logic: Children who spend fewer than 24 hours with their parents generally learn less efficiently. They speak less frequently but are not as likely to remember language. So, your kid is using those most commonly mispronounced words because they are not getting enough time around you.

Allow us to take away the pain from correcting the commonly mispronounced words of kids. Get your child enrolled in our session today!

How to deal with Mispronunciation in Children?

Most parents understandably list learning how to pronounce words and effortless speaking as a top priority for their kids. Mispronunciation can cause a child not to be considered well-spoken and avoided by potential peers. Parents should participate in correcting their child's most commonly mispronounced words before other children do to prevent social exclusion. Parents should also establish clear naming conventions for schools and communities to establish nonverbal behaviors.

Research has consistently shown that children who can speak well tend to excel in school with greater success in language arts and more fluent conversations. Approximately 30 % of speech-language disorders can be directly attributed to mispronounced words by toddlers issues, so kids need to be taught a variety of techniques that could help them improve their diction on the go now.

Here are the measures to be taken while dealing with mispronunciations in children: 

1) Set clear pronunciation standards: Setting standards will help children make good progress in pronunciation. Use the examples of your child's own commonly mispronounced words and that of family members to correct his pronunciations. 

2) Communicate clearly: Children need to develop a sense of communication that can be understood across various contexts and within earshot cues. When communicating with your child, you will have to use hands-on words, gestures, facial expressions, and spoken or signed language fluently. 

3) Self-monitoring: By monitoring the way you speak, a child will be able to correct their pronunciation when something's wrong. You can simply point out that their first pronunciation should be correct. 

4) Multiple attempts: By trying repeatedly, a child will have enough practice to produce a successful pronunciation and avoid the commonly mispronounced words in India. For example, if they hesitate to say a word, you could try it and repeat it several times before feeding them an appropriate term. 

4) Consonant and vowel callouts: A super helpful approach is to point out the individual sounds of letters or their connection between each other when forming syllables. If your child cannot put together a precise pronunciation yet, it is important to invite them to repeat each word component orally. 

5) Overlapping sounds and language dynamics: More than one sound could often represent the same lettering. For example, earlier terms' s, sh, and ch were pronounced basically the same way. Sound learning and memorisation are what skill development tries to achieve.

6) Leisurely, even sporadic: When your child is learning a script or recognition of letters, specific discipline and rehearsal must be employed. Dwelling on the difficult points is unnecessary. Reflection exercises, along with ample benefits, can start with methods like games: different ways of challenging deficient skills and optimally channelling students' energies.

7) Focusing on one element at a given time: For example, simply exert on vowel /a/ for 5 minutes and then pay attention to /a/ for 10 minutes. Or to work out the connective sounds (ay /e/ /ī/ /ō/) for 15 minutes max. Also, emphasise sentence patterns (which can be scrutinized in comprehension class). Don't go overboard with oral rehearsal materials and review; 25 seconds is probably enough time.

 No need to struggle with your kid to correct their 50 mispronounced words. Just connect with PlanetSpark, and we will make your life easier and your kids' learning experience smoother. Click here to connect with our Expert NOW!

Why Choose Planet Spark Course For Correcting Commonly Mispronounced Words For Kids?

When your child can't seem to pronounce a certain word or doesn't know how to spell it, this is referred to as a missed or mispronounced syllable. Sometimes, the words are mixed up, making it even more confusing to work the word.PlanetSpark's course is the most efficient way of teaching your child how to read by ear, which is still considered one of the fastest ways for children to become independent readers. As your child corrects the most commonly mispronounced words, their fluency and comprehension will continue with their progress.

Here are five reasons you should enroll your kids on our pronunciation course:

  • Experts and teachers across the world use this particular fluency method. It assists children in developing hearing, memory and reading skills while enhancing their pronunciation skills simultaneously.

  • Children can correct commonly mispronounced words in English independently and regularly practice every day with their educators and parents at home.

  • Unlike alphabet posters purchased from grocery stores, we use activity-based interaction to build their fluency foundation strong. These fluency course ideas can benefit your child in the coming years, making them confident speakers.

  • This makes a huge difference for your child's confidence levels as they will gradually improve their overall fluency – especially in the reading and writing types. By the time your little one learns to read on his own, he will never forget all the words he aims to say again!

  • Batches are assigned to a teacher for live instruction/workshop for each child. We don't just enroll your kids into a course but strive hard to understand their pain points and design a plan to best improve their IQ skills in reading and writing.

Thus, we are always ready to address your concerns with specific teaching adjustments on the fly while also addressing your time constraints. So, no more correcting commonly mispronounced words in India for your kid, and only fun-learning and activity-based fluency courses that make your kid confident. Book A Demo Class To Know Our Prowess! 


What are the most complicated words to pronounce?

Some of the most complicated words to pronounce and commonly mispronounced words for kids are penguins, colonel, bison, squirrel, topiary, sixth, choir, and even for adults, there's Worcestershire and rendezvous.

 How do you teach plural?

Teaching plural is very challenging: they will struggle with words and pronouns. Playing with the plural is a great way to stimulate children with words and pronouns. It provides a good basis for their learning.

 What isPlanetSpark, and what do they do?

PlanetSpark is an online learning platform for children where we focus on public speaking and creative writing. We have curated courses around your children intending to improve their reading, comprehension, fluency and confidence with special attention to addressing the commonly mispronounced words.

 Is pronunciation the most mispronounced word?

As funny as it may sound, pronunciation is among the top 50 mispronounced words. Well, that means it is not fully understood most of the time.

spelling ability and vocabulary are given to kids in this class.

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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