7 Key Factors of Voice Modulation Course for Advanced Kids At PlanetSpark!

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About English Voice Modulation Course For Advanced Kids

Kid practising voice modulation with teacher

People who have stage fear or are afraid of speaking in public mostly have one common thing. They express things in a monotone, thus failing to gain the audience's attention. Learn the 7 Key Factors of Voice Modulation course for advanced kids with PlanetSpark. Get your kids ready to take their vocal skills to the next level!

Voice modulation is significant while speaking or giving a speech to a group of people.It is a skill that must be instilled in children right from a young age. English voice modulation course for advanced kids helps them grow with much confidence as they gradually move from recitations in class to debates and public speaking.

A normal voice means a level of voice that has good clarity and is not very loud or very feeble to annoy others or make the listeners struggle to hear. Therefore, voice modulation plays an important role in communication and is one of the necessary skills.

Voice modulation is everything about controlling your voice while speaking. It implies tweaking the pitch or tone of voice. Kids usually get delighted and start shouting very loudly when excited or want someone to hear them. But they do not realize that telling things in a normal voice also works.

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Benefits Of Best Voice Modulation Course For Advance Kids At PlanetSpark

voice modulation skills

Public speaking is one kind of skill that is helpful in every sphere of life, whether it is education or career. Voice modulation is like a strong foundation of public speaking.

Here are a few benefits your child gets by enrolling in an English voice modulation training for advance kids with PlanetSpark:

  1. Online 1:1 Classes

The crucial step in voice modulation is listening and understanding various pitches and tones. So, assist your child in recognizing and understanding the differences between different tones with a voice modulation class for advanced children. 

The 1:1 classes help teachers and students get accustomed to each other. The teachers can understand the course of action to take better.

  1. Course Curated by Experts

One of the best ways to ensure the child retains what is taught to them is to think from their perspective. Experts and child psychologists are brought in to help us curate the course so advanced kids can grasp the concept with ease.  

When you give importance to some specific words, you will not only draw the audience's attention but also convey the perfect meaning of your entire speech. English voice modulation Course for Advance kids at PlanetSpark teaches children how giving importance to specific words can have an impact on what the speaker is communicating.

  1. Vocal Exercises 

Vocal exercises easily enhance the tone of your child's voice and its strength. Our teachers make these exercises fun yet impactful with games. Training for Advance children. Some of the best vocal exercises that you can follow at home as a part of their voice modulation training journey are

  • Allow your child to recite the same story or poem with various tones as well as emotions each day

  • Tell your child to change the voice for each word and discuss how it completely changes the meaning of any line

A low tone does not sound confident, and a loud tone does not sound pleasant. Therefore, it is vital to generate a balance and speak at a pitch that is neither loud nor low. Voice modulation for age 11 teaches your kid to speak very clearly with full confidence by letting them practice varied tones in varied scenarios.

Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s best voice modulation course for advanced kids and get the above mentioned benefits today!

The Curriculum Of English Voice Modulation Training For Advance Children At PlanetSpark

PlanetSpark is a platform that makes use of powerful technology to offer live online classes to children. It offers

  • Live skill-dependent content

  • Best technology

  • Teaches by knowing the detail 

Key Factors Of Voice Modulation Course For Advanced Kids At PlanetSpark

  1. Emphasis and subordination

Is your child facing trouble in conveying the message across in their speech? Worry not, as the voice modulation classes for 11-13 year old children at PlanetSpark will make them try to explore the whole concept of efficiency through emphasis and subordination. 

This helps your kids to give heavyweight to the required word. Your child will learn to emphasize a specific word for waking up their audience.

  1. Change of pitch

Here a child learns how to moderate the pitch and also the  vocal tone. The pitch fluctuates in between low, medium, and high tones. Based on the need of the sentence children speak, they have to change the pitch. 

  1. Change of pace

This part of the voice modulation curriculum at PlanetSpark makes your child learn efficiently through a change of pace. Never allow your child to go fast. When you want to enhance your skills and immune yourself to all kinds of trouble, then practice efficiency and change of pace.

  1. Pause and power

Pause is one of the important effects of speech that you will find at sentence end or wherever you will take a break. With a pause, the audience gets time to absorb. So, your child will learn the importance of the pause.

  1. Inflection

Inflection will teach a child on giving importance to keywords as well as emotions and assist in conveying the exact meaning to their audience.

Your child's voice has a huge range and power to convey meaning to the audience. A voice modulation course for advanced kids enables your kid to be a strong communicator.

  1. Importance of Body Language

When someone is speaking, their body language says a lot of things about their attitude. The thing is the same for kids as well. It is a factor that is vital while deciding whether the speaker is worth listening to or not. 

It is important for kids to learn various body gestures that can communicate their attitude. In short, voice modulation Class for advanced kids. Your kids will learn how to enhance their speaking voice in synchronisation with their body language.

  1. Talking With Pauses

If your child speaks continuously without taking any breaks, then they might end up confusing the listener. So, make your kids know how pausing while speaking is important. In addition, advanced voice modulation training teaches your child the use of full stops and commas.

Public speaking is one of the important skills that have a huge role in your child's success journey. Therefore, it's important to keep in mind all tested voice modulation tips.

 For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How are teachers in PlanetSpark selected for giving training on voice modulation?

Teachers at PlanetSpark are smart and qualified. In any PlanetSpark program, the trainer gets trained and certified by PlanetSpark.

  1. What is the perfect age for kids to start voice modulation training?

Voice modulation is one of the important life skills. Children as young as 4 or 5 years old can be introduced for voice modulation training.

  1.  What is voice modulation for kids?

Voice modulation is everything about controlling voice while speaking. It involves the pitch and tone so that the message is communicated clearly.

  1. How does the tone of a voice impact children?

It influences a lot. It has an influence on the way they are going to obtain a message. When a sarcastic voice is used, children usually stop listening.

  1. What is voice modulation in communication?

Voice modulation is fine-tuning the pitch or tone that assists the audience in hearing clearly and understanding what speakers are saying.

  1. Is voice modulation vital for communication?

Yes, voice modulation is one of the important aspects of communication that one can make use of it while giving a speech.

  1. What are the different aspects of voice modulation?

There are four important aspects of voice modulation. They are

  • Pitch

  • Power

  • Pause

  • Pace.

  1. Do you provide a trial class?

Yes, we do provide a trial class where you can judge whether the course is good or not.

  1. What is the fee for the course?

The fee of the course varies, and it all depends on the curriculum and facilities available during training.

  1. Can I opt for an online class for my child?

Yes, PlanetSpark offers online live classes that offer equal benefits as any physical classes. Your child will learn all essential things on voice modulation sitting in the comfort of your home.

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