Writers Guild

Tue, 05 Jan, 2021

7 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Descriptive Writing Course for Class 2 Kids!

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About Descriptive Writing Course For Class 2 Children 

a person writing on a paper

Descriptive writing is one of the effective ways to encourage a child to utilize their imagination and creativity on paper. Unlock your child's creative potential with PlanetSpark’s Descriptive Writing Course for Class 2 children! Discover 7 empowering benefits now!

The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a situation in a picturesque manner. Penning down an event through descriptive writing involves the minute attention of the writer to the details. Descriptive writing is one of the core language skills which is very important to be inculcated in elementary school students. 

Writing is directly involved with a child's thinking process. Teaching a class 2 kid to write down descriptively improves their thinking process along with their writing. It also encourages a child to be more interested and engage more effectively with the language. 

An extensive descriptive writing course for class 2 children helps in broadening their thought processes. It makes way for a kid in elementary school to express their views, and understand and analyze their writing expertise. 

Descriptive writing makes way for the writer to observe and analyze a topic as they want and add details to their writing without the feeling of going overboard. And practicing this form of writing has its own share of benefits as well. 

Descriptive writing is the form of language, which is beyond 'right or wrong'. Rather it comprises different perspectives on the same idea, on paper. It is fairly incorporated in every genre and the best phase to introduce your child is from their early years.

Many children often struggle to put their observations and feelings on paper. A thorough descriptive writing course for class 2 students is the best solution for your elementary school kid to start training. 

Give your child creative freedom and see them evolve as their favorite storyteller! Book a FREE class NOW! 

Benefits Of PlanetSpark's Online Descriptive Writing Course For Class 2 Children! 

Descriptive Writing is one of the basic skills that your child will learn in their early years, and reap the benefits all through their life. PlanetSpark's Descriptive Writing Course for Class 2 kids, focuses on your child's needs according to their ability. 

The Descriptive Writing Course focuses on the basics and gradually scales up the learning process. PlanetSpark emphasizes the best learning experience for your kid. 

Here's what your child gets to enjoy here at PlanetSpark : 

  1. Live Individual Classes

Planetspark emphasizes personal guidance. Each of our students here is provided personal attention to ensure a perfect learning experience. We prioritize your child's needs here at Planetspark. 

  1. Professional and Experienced Teachers

PlanetSpark brings you the best-handpicked Training faculty members. All our teachers are pioneers in their respective fields. All our teaching faculty members are successful qualifiers of the PSAT examination. We guarantee a quality teaching experience!

  1. Exhaustive Course Work. 

The Online English Creative writing training for class 2 is specifically designed for your children in elementary schools. All of our courses are structured from a learner's point of view and focus individually on each of our students’ needs. Our students get the best learning experience here at PlanetSpark. 

  1. Curriculum Designed by Experts.

Academic Masters from reputed universities like Harvard, XLR, Cambridge, and so on are the backbone of our extensive Course Work. Our curriculum is designed minutely to cater to all our students' needs and check their progress at the same time. 

  1. Flexible Schedule

All our students and parents can access our classes from anywhere and everywhere. All of our students are provided with flexible class schedules at their convenience. We make sure none of our students are left behind. 

  1. Exclusive Planrtspark Study Materials

Learning is never hard work when it comes to PlanetSpark Classes. PlanetSpark Classes are extensively backed up with expert-designed resources. Your Child gets access to a plethora of Study Materials to help them practice their classwork/homework and better understanding. So no pressure on missing out on any part of the course. 

  1. Innovative and Playful Learning Experience. 

PlanetSpark classes are always a bit different from the traditional classes. All our courses are assisted by fun and engaging activities and worksheets to keep your child motivated. We here at PlanetSpark believe in the scientific approach of an innovative learning gateway. 

Let your little one Learn Descriptive Writing Skills with the best of the best here, at PlanetSpark. Book your FREE Trial Session Soon! 

An Overview Of The Descriptive Writing Course For Class 2 Children Curriculum. 

A person writing on a paper

The Online Creative Writing for class 2 focuses on the basics of the language and provides tools to develop descriptive writing skills through extensive modeling and practicals. PlanetSpark's Classes help the students to enable clear understanding and polish their creative writing skills. 

Some of the key points that the descriptive writing course for grade 2 students curriculum focuses on are listed below: 

  • The course focuses on developing a unique voice and fresh perspective of the writers. Young minds are trained to develop their unique approach to a common Idea when it comes to creative writing. 

  • Encourage the young Children to stimulate Out -of box thinking and approach. Alongside developing a critical appreciation for different writing styles.

  • The course is exclusively designed for young learners. The students are provided a chance to interact in a free range of discussions to fuel their understanding and enhance artistic and creative expression.  

  • The course solely focuses on the needs of a class 2 kid. Encouraging them to express their thoughts clearly, unleash their imagination, and help them write constructively. 

Descriptive Writing Course For Class 2 Children: Activities And Worksheets

A compelling descriptive writing includes clear, vivid details to provide a clear idea of the topic and appeal to a reader. PlanetSpark believes in the practical implementation of theoretical ideas. To keep your child encouraged to unleash their creativity, here are some of the interesting activities that your child gets to experience in the descriptive writing course for grade 2 : 

  1. Picture composition 

The best way to teach a second-grader how to write what they see and feel. Through this simple yet effective activity, a child learns to implement their thought process constructively on paper. 

  1. Generating and Collecting Ideas

Group Discussions are a great way to develop a number of interpersonal skills in a kid. The more they are allowed to interact, the more they are prone to new ideas on which they can work. 

  1. Organizing and structuring Ideas into Constructive writing

The creative writing training for class 2 assists your kid to enhance their understanding and thinking process into a plausible structure. This helps the kid to pen down an organized descriptive writing piece. 

  1. Paired-up Writing

Collaborative writing is an effective way to pique their interest. Pairing up with a classmate will allow them to understand the tone, voice, and diction, and how it affects the meaning. They are allowed free interaction and bring out their own best creative self on paper. 

  1. Letter Writing

A fun activity to learn how to express one's thoughts and feelings. Descriptive writing is all about the clear and structured reflection of the writer's mind. Allowing a student to draft an informal letter to friends or family members on a given topic is an effective way to practice the skill. 

  1. Diary Entry

The best place for a child's experience-based writings. Encouraging an elementary school kid to journal is beneficial in the long run. With regular journaling, they can pick up the skill quite confidently. 

  1. Reading Books

The more a child is encouraged to read, the more they develop a clear and structured writing style. Reading helps in identifying their unique styles and examining writing strategies. A child learns faster with a direct practical implementation which a storybook can offer easily. 

  1. Comparing different genres 

A child can develop a variety of writing styles from the different genres of the language. A biography is structured in an entirely different style from fiction. Likewise, fairy tales, mystery, or comedies have their own unique tone and style. Comparing texts allows a child to differentiate the different styles and develop their unique writing style. 

  1. Create interesting stories, Poems, Blogs

Allowing a child to write freely is the best way they can develop good writing skills, with proper training to use precise and figurative language. 

PlanetSpark offers the best descriptive writing course for class 2 children. Book a FREE class now to enjoy the benefits today!

Descriptive Writing Course For Class 2 Children- Importance

a person writing on a paper

Descriptive Writing provides a gateway for the readers to visualize the picture that the writer wants them to see. This skill encourages an individual to furnish a detailed description of a particular personal experience, allowing them creative freedom. Creative writing helps a student strengthen their perception skills and develop an organized writing style. 

So, why should you consider signing up for a Class 2 descriptive writing training for your elementary school kid?

Here are some of the reasons why grade 2 Descriptive writing training for your elementary school kid is needed for their future : 

  1. Develop a Unique Voice and Perspective 

Each student is unique in their own way. Descriptive Writing allows a kid to learn to use their words in the best way possible to express themselves. Good creative writing training encourages a student to develop fresh perspectives which aid in forming their unique writing style. 

  1. Helps in Good Grades 

As a student is trained to articulate their thoughts and expressions clearly, Descriptive writing helps a Student to interact more effectively. A good rapport with their classmates and teachers is definitely beneficial for their outstanding academic careers. 

  1. Enhance Creativity and Artistic Expression

Descriptive Writing is so much more than just details and words. Descriptive writing is more about identifying and highlighting the parts to form a way for the readers to easily relate to. It provides them the creative freedom to explore their minds through words and phrases. 

  1. Clear Expression of One's Thoughts

Thinking is a spontaneous phenomenon, and so is the process. The descriptive Writing course for class 2 trains the class 2 students to be elaborative yet precise in their thought processes. Creative writing training helps a kid to write exactly what they feel or perceive in a more structured manner.

  1. A great way of Communication

By mastering descriptive writing, a student can learn to communicate more effectively. They will develop a better understanding ability to hear and perceive others and interact accordingly.

  1. Enhance Vocabulary

Descriptive writing allows a student to explore the language. It broadens their learning bandwidth and makes them more open to various new information. Creative writing is a great way to enhance their vocabulary and learn the correct usage of the same. 

  1. Develop a Compelling Writing structure

Any write-up without description is flat and unappealing. Descriptive writing allows a writer to form a comprehending and extensive writing style. A great description creates a sense of immediacy and allows the reader to build a complete idea of the writing. 

  1. Develop Critical Appreciation 

Descriptive writing heightens the observational skill of an individual. With better practice, the students develop their own critical understanding and the ability to differentiate the tone, style, and diction. 

Book a FREE class NOW!

Testimonials For PlanetSpark’s Descriptive Writing Course For Class 2

  • “We enrolled our son Liam into the communication skills program to improve his speaking skills. Within just a few weeks we are already seeing an improvement in him. As parents, we are very satisfied with the PlanetSpark classes.”

Mrs Daisy Fetch


  • “The English classes were really helpful to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as 'cool' and as his teacher very much.

Kudos! We're just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy.”

Mrs priya Malich


  • “PlanetSpark not only helps in conceptual learning but also helps kids to understand the ‘why’ behind the concept.” 

Vinita Tripathi


  • “I enrolled my Noah in Planetspark Public Speaking classes, their teaching staff is really good, they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been really enjoying the Planetspark events.”

Mrs Emma Thobe


  • “I am so happy and satisfied that I have enrolled my son in the Planetspark class. The curriculum is structured and completely designed for children. Each concept is paired with a fun activity that kids love to do and in turn learn the concept thoroughly.”

Bittu Gope


For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What is Descriptive Writing?

Descriptive Writing is a style of writing which allows the reader to form a picturesque idea of a given topic. The writer provides detailed and vivid descriptions to capture a reader's attention.

  1.  How can I teach descriptive Writing to my kid in class 2?

You can start teaching your elementary kid to write small pieces on any topic they like. Then have an open discussion about the topic and your views on it and encourage them to narrate their own views on the same topic. 

  1. What are the four elements of descriptive writing?

The four elements of descriptive writing are :

  • Sensory Description

  • Figurative Description

  • Correct and Precise Wording

  • Careful Structuralisation. 

  1. What are the characteristics of descriptive Writing that should be focused on for a class 2 student?

  • Focus on sensory details - The five senses i.e sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste, plays a significant role in the description. 

  • Usage of figurative language - The correct usage of figurative languages like analogies, similes, metaphors and etc enhances the quality of the descriptive Writing

  • Precise Language-Specific wording format provides a clearer picture of the description

  • Organization - A descriptive piece needs to be carefully structured and organized chronologically, spatially, and in order of Importance. 

  1. How can I make my class 2 kids practice Descriptive Writing at home?

You can encourage your elementary school kid to practice Descriptive Writing in various formats like 

  • Diary writing / Journaling

  • Travel writing

  • Story writing

  • Poems

  • Essays

  • Nature Writing

  1. Which is the best descriptive Writing course for class 2 kids online?

PlanetSpark is the best platform for your kid to learn. It is an online platform that provides flexible classes. The PlanetSpark Descriptive Writing course for class 2 is one of the most recommended courses you can find online. 

  1. How can I enroll in Planetspark's course?

Enrolling in PlanetSpark is a cakewalk. Simply log into PlanetSpark's official website and sign up! 

  1. Is there any one-on-one class at PlanetSpark?

Yes! One of Planetspark's uniqueness is the Individual interactive sessions. Each one of our students is provided personal guidance as per their needs. 

  1. How can I get a Demo class in PlanetSpark? 

Log in to the PlanetSpark Official website and complete the registration process to sign up for a free Demo class

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