Parenting Guide

Mon, 15 Mar, 2021

6 ways to build positive self-esteem in kids!

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How to Build Positive Self-Esteem in Kids?

Positive self-esteem needs to be worked for from an early age. A child must see themself as competent in doing big things in their lives. They should feel excited about their opportunities and make the best of them. Parents play a crucial role in building positive self-esteem in kids. When parents encourage their children to achieve important things and support them with the belief that their kids can excel in anything if they set their minds to it, children gain confidence in themselves. If your child is introverted and struggles to express the best of themselves, you must take up the responsibility to support them so that the kids can land on their feet.

Here are some ways to improve self-esteem in kids- 

  • Worrying for them is good, but don't get overprotective.

Worrying about your child is only natural. But it should not get unhealthy for them. If you become too protective of them, it could have negative impacts. Children should be given independence at an early age as they are in their growing years. Pampering and worrying will coddle them, and they will never be able to make decisions for themselves and become confident in their lives. Give them a chance to figure out their problems independently, and guide them in the process but don't solve those for them. Let your kids be responsible for doing their things like organizing school bags, uniforms, and assignments on their own to realize their independence.

  • Support them in their choices.

It is good if your child wants to do something, even if small risks are involved. Believe in them and show full support. Children should be allowed to make decisions to learn from their own experiences. As parents, you should be there for your child no matter what. Let them make goals for themselves, and as they strive hard to achieve success, it will help build positive self-esteem in kids.

  • Make them feel responsible for some chores and activities.

It is important to give responsibilities to your children, however small. It might be watering the plants or helping you around the house. Appreciate all their efforts when they fulfill their responsibilities. Don't expect perfection. Encourage your child to get better eventually if they do it more often. Feeling responsible for something will give your child a sense of self-worth. The fact that they can fulfill a responsibility will build positive self-esteem in children, and they will work with more enthusiasm the next time. 

  • Express your love every day.

Your love is the most important thing for children, and they value it the most. The child must realize that their parents love them to think positively about themselves. If a child receives complaints and insults most of the time during childhood, it will affect their future relationships with people and fill them with self-doubt. So, parents must show their love to their children every day and praise them for their efforts.

  • Involve games and fun activities in your routine.

Playing games is a crucial part of every kid's childhood. When you play with your kids, they realize their worth in your lives, showing that you love them very much. It helps build positive self-esteem in children and boosts their confidence to develop social connections later in their lives. Indulging in fun and recreational activities will also lay a positive impact on you. It'll relieve your stress and give you quality time to spend with your kids. 

  • Remember not to overpraise your child. 

Praising children for their efforts is crucial so that children can feel a sense of self-worth. But if you keep praising them for every little thing, it might hinder their growth. Make sure that your child doesn't misuse your praise and settle for small things. Appropriate praise is valuable in building self-esteem in kids, but overdoing it might stop your child's growth. They will feel reluctant to make bigger and better goals. So, ensure that your comments appreciate their efforts but at the same time leave some scope for them to work hard and improve.  

Want to learn more about such tips and tricks? BOOK a FREE Session NOW!

The courses at PlanetSpark focus on the overall personality development of a child. We equip students with skills to boost their confidence to tap into their unlimited potential and achieve all their goals and targets in life. Get your kid enrolled now!

What are the benefits of PlanetSpark's Courses for building self-esteem in students? 

  • Various activities to boost confidence

PlanetSpark has a highly activity-based curriculum that involves various worksheets and activities to give ample opportunities to the students for their practice. When students participate in activities, they get a chance to practice their skills and record their performance to improve the next time. We all know how important consistent practice is to become proficient in a particular field. The more we practice, the more we gain confidence in ourselves. So, our course helps build positive self-esteem in students with consistent practice. Experience it by booking a FREE Class NOW!

  • Active learning

At PlanetSpark, we have created an active learning environment for every student. When you are making efforts on your own to learn new things, you are learning the best and acquiring great skills for life. When students strive to learn by doing things themselves, they feel a sense of self-worth, and it helps build positive self-esteem in children. So, we promote maximum student participation to give them better control over their learning. 

  • Individual Problem Solving

Every child is equally important at PlanetSpark, and we value all their doubts. Raising doubts is a sign that they are learning. So, instructors guide them personally and clarify their doubts simultaneously. Sometimes students feel shy to ask doubts in the class because they fear judgment from their teachers and fellow students. But the instructors at PlanetSpark are very supportive, and they guide students via one-on-one training. Valuing students' doubts and opinions is also necessary for building positive self-esteem in students.

  • Dynamic courses for overall development

At PlanetSpark, we have designed our courses considering the dynamic needs of contemporary times. We believe that learning should feel like a fun adventure, so we use simplified and innovative teaching methods so that students don't feel overwhelmed by the course's curriculum. So, our comprehensive curriculum aims to equip every student with new-age skills to boost their confidence and prepare them for a successful future. With enhanced skills like public speaking, storytelling, fluency development, and many more, the students feel confident. So, why delay! Click here to Enroll NOW!

  • Voice modulation and training

Often students lack confidence while speaking in public because they are not comfortable talking in English and are unaware that they can use their body movements to attract their audience. The spoken English course at PlanetSpark is all-inclusive. We aim to develop child’s fluency in English, enhance their basic communication by teaching them daily conversation skills, and work on their body language for effective communication. Besides these skills, the students are also trained to use their voices effectively while giving a speech. They learn about various voice modulation techniques to change their pitch and tone. Other essential aspects like pausing and stressing are also taught to the students.

Moreover, the course aims to produce influential orators like other courses at PlanetSpark, and the spoken English course helps in building positive self-esteem in students by reducing their shyness. They get ample opportunities to participate in various activities and learning projects to practice amply to sharpen their skills.

To know more about the course, Book a Free Trial NOW!

Frequently asked questions 

1. How does building positive self-esteem in kids help them be great in English communication?

Sometimes students are not comfortable with English, which develops a fear of speaking in front of people. Instead of getting excited about the opportunity of speaking in public, they get anxious and shy away. Once they are confident, they will express their ideas with a bold voice. The courses at PlanetSpark aim to boost confidence in learners and boost their overall personality to make them effective speakers.

2. Why is professional training required for improving communication skills?

When students are shy, they cannot express themselves effectively. Even if they have great ideas, they struggle with openly discussing them among friends, teachers, and other people. So, students need to get professional training to develop fluency in English and boost their confidence so that their potential doesn’t get wasted 

3. What is the qualification of instructors at PlanetSpark?

At PlanetSpark, we are very selective about our instructors. Considering the importance of a teacher in the learning journey of our students, we pick our instructors very carefully. Before joining our team, the instructors have to qualify for our PSAT exam, and then they go through rigorous training to become the best instructors for our students 

4. Where are the classes conducted?

The classes are held online and can be attended on any compatible device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. The learners can attend these classes as per their schedule. 

5. Can we get a free trial before enrolling in the course?

Yes, you can get a free trial in a few simple steps. Click here to get your Free Trial now!

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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