
Wed, 21 Nov, 2018

6 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Poetry Skill Course for Class 4th Students!

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About Poetry Course For 4th Grade

The development of language and literacy skills is of supreme importance in the early learning years. That is the reason we emphasize introducing poetry to young kids. It is believed that reading and writing poetry can help augment language skills.

Children are exposed to endless possibilities of language that help in shaping expressions. Grammar and punctuation take a back seat, so kids are not intimidated to express themselves. Learn about 6 benefits of our course by the following blog.

A little girl writing poetry

Be it a child or adult; poetry has a great impact on mental health. It allows people to express their emotions in a controlled way. By giving them a free form of communication, we allow kids to spread their creative wings. 

We at PlanetSpark aim to introduce a poetry Course for class 4 kids through a comprehensive course structure. The faculty here have the best in-house training and can help in the overall development of your child.

We try to identify the child’s interest and proceed with the curriculum accordingly. One little spark in the child is enough to take it along the path of learning. 

Our Best poetry Course for class 4th allows the child to think and come up with ideas of their own. They are allowed to reflect upon their understanding of the world around them. 

Poetry has a positive impact on the emotional and social wellbeing of the kids.

PlanetSpark offers the best poetry skills class for your class 4 child. Book a FREE class NOW and get the benefits of our course right NOW! 

Benefits Of PlanetSpark’s Poetry Course For Class 4 Kids

One of the important elements in the literary curriculum in the early years of your child’s education is reading and writing poetry. Children are natural and spontaneous when it comes to expression.

Some children, though they may have all the qualities in mind, may fail to express them due to fear of criticism. Kids must be allowed to think freely and express themselves. Poetry helps here as it allows the child to access their emotions and let go of their feelings.

Providing plenty of inspiration in the world around you opens a sea of opportunities to the child. This can help in bringing the poet in your child to the forefront.

Thinking, recollecting from memory, and putting them in creative words is how they should be encouraged to start writing. Online English creative training for class 4 offers the following advantages.

  1. Live 1:1 training

This is the most exclusive strength of the 4th class poetry training online classes. Personalized attention is given to each child. Teaching methodologies are curated to match the needs of each student. This way, the course tries to identify the strength of each child and caters to their needs accordingly. Kids are able to learn poetry skills in an easy and confident manner through the training methodology.

  1. Engaging methodology

At PlanetSpark, we use an engaging methodology to instill interest in the minds of children. The courses are aimed at the cognitive development of kids. We introduce the thinking and learning experience to make the content more engaging.

Children are encouraged to think and create poems on their own. They are given more practice to hone the skills acquired. Children are allowed to reflect upon what they have learned in the 4th class poetry training.

  1. A program created by experts

The 4th-grade poetry classes are created by a team of industry experts alumni of XLRI, Harvard, and Google. The course developers also concentrate on public speaking skills by preparing the kids for poetry slams. All the instructors at PlaneSpark undergo rigorous training and qualify for the PSAT examination before they can take up the course tracks.

  1. Fun and engaging approach

Learning poetry for class 4 at PlanetSpark has been carefully created to include a fun learning approach. There is no hard and fast rule to learning. Roleplay, games, and various activities are part of the training.

For younger children, reading of fun, visual and rhyming poems are done, and then they are encouraged to try on their own. 

Older children are motivated to reflect and record their experiences in the form of poems. They will be allowed to try with gentle support from the trainers so that they develop confidence in creating poems on their own.

  1. Comprehensive course module

Children are supported to overcome the fear of expression through the exclusive course module at PlanetSpark. To express yourself, you should be confident and have clarity in your thoughts. By the end of the course, the kids will be ready to take up any poetry challenge.

  1. A holistic approach to training

Grade 4 poetry training at PlanetSpark, unlike other courses, is not rigid and stagnant. It tries to analyze each child's abilities and learning styles and delivers its course accordingly. 

Due to the one-to-one approach followed here, children are able to get their doubts clarified easily and can also point out any difficulty.

Book your FREE  class now! Make your child a part of poetry training for class 4th children to see poets bloom in your garden!

Importance Of Poetry Class For 4th Class Kids

  1. Improves language skills

Learning to write poetry can help to develop the vocabulary of kids. They are exposed to many new terminologies. They also learn literary devices like similes, metaphors, alliteration. Through Poetry course for grade 4, the kids also learn to perform live, such as in slams. In this way, their public speaking skills can also be enhanced.

  1. Ignites creative thinking

People who write poetry are very creative. They have a unique way of expressing things. Through 4th-grade poetry classes, children can develop their creative thinking abilities. Kids can create poems with a flow and purpose. Various aspects that influence them can also be delivered in the form of poetry.

  1. It helps to channel feelings.

Writing poetry is a healing activity. It creates a channel to express the feelings and thus is therapeutic. With the help of the best poetry classes for class4, children know how to express their feelings constructively.

  1. Creates awareness

Poetry helps to create awareness about the self and also about the external environment. It creates an opportunity to express the thoughts of children in matters that have an impact on them. They can also know more about their interests and likes through creative expression of thoughts.

  1. Improves speech development

Poetry involves playing with sounds and rhymes. This helps develop the vocal apparatus in the mouth, and thus, language and speech development happens.

  1. Develops interpretation skills

Poetry skill for class 4th students helps them to improve their interpretation skills as they are inspired to look more beyond the words. Children have a deeper understanding of the words used and the choice of words in certain places.

  1. Fluency in reading

Poetry is an excellent tool to develop reading fluency in kids. With the help of online English creative training for class 4, the kids become confident readers and pay close attention. This, in turn, helps them in comprehension, another essential skill.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How do you teach poetry to children?

PlanetSpark’s Best poetry Course for class 4th employs a comprehensive and holistic approach to teaching poetry. Children are motivated to create poems of their own without any inhibition. Free thinking ignites creativity.

  1. What is the class strength of the poetry classes?

All classes at PlanetSpark are created as live 1:1, wherein each child is given complete attention. We try to understand the abilities and limitations of the child in the first few classes and curate the lessons accordingly. Individual attention for holistic development is the motto at PlanetSpark.

  1. What age group do you cater to?

PlanetSpark’s speaking and creative writing classes are for kids of 4-14 years. Learning poetry for class 4 is targeted at grade 4 students who are 8-9 years old. If you have a child with an interest in learning poetry but do not know how to get started, this course is for you.

  1. How will parents know about the progress of the child?

PlanetSpark is always open to interactions with the parents. We assess your child’s progress and record the same. This will be communicated constantly along with feedback, if necessary.

PlanetSpark is not rigid and allows ample time to let the child learn through fun activities and worksheets.

  1. What does the online English creative training for class 4 include?

We at Planetspark introduce new words slowly to kids. They are encouraged to use them in their writing. 

Not only writing, but kids are also trained to express their poems through speech. This way, we prepare them for poetry slams organized across the world. 

Children lose their inhibition and become confident speakers.

  1. What are the creative components of poetry?

Poets use many poetic devices in their poems. These can be a simile, metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, imagery, hyperbole, personification, etc. We introduce through our poetry for grade 4 these devices one by one and explain their usage in writing poems.

  1. What is a poem style?

A poem has a set of rules that should be followed in the rhyme scheme, structure, rhythm, and meter of the poem. In our specially curated poetry skill for class 4, we have dedicated sessions to explain each of these.

  1. Is learning poetry an important skill?

It is important to learn poetry skills, as it sparks creativity. It also helps in a better understanding of the world around us. 

When children learn to understand other people’s perspectives, they become better adults.

  1. How do you introduce poetry?

As already mentioned, we at PlanetSpark accommodate the speed of the child. 4th-grade poetry classes start with writing a simple poem on ‘I am.’ There is no restriction on the number of lines or the style. 

  1. What are the benefits of reading poetry in the classroom?

Reading, listening, and speaking skills are enhanced through grade 4 poetry training. It increases vocabulary, inspires writing, and helps to reinforce concepts across the curriculum.

  1. How can I know about the classes at PlanetSpark?

Search for poetry class near me for class 4, and you can find all information about the classes at PlanetSpark. The details of curriculum, activities, fees structure are mentioned clearly.

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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