
Fri, 22 Mar, 2019

6 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Poetry Course For Advance Kids!

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About Poetry Course For Advance Kids

Self-expression is vital and an integral urge faced by humans. It facilitates becoming aware of our individuality and making connections with the world out there. Of countless means of self-expression that man has invented since time immemorial, poetry is another unique way. There is a common misconception that poetry is all about rhymes and sophisticated words & phrases thrown on the blank sheet. However, the truth is that art extends its role and reality beyond mere rhythms and rhymes, which are just a part of the whole. Learn about 6 benefits of our poetry course for advance kids in the following blog!

 A poem written on a page.

Poetry for advance children is a remarkable way to nurture and encourage creativity in them as they learn to discover, create, and paint ideas with words. Poetry training for advance kids doesn’t solely include making children aware of different poetry forms, figurative language, and other general rules to support poetry writing. Instead, they are equipped in the best poetry class for early year students with the needed knowledge to imagine freely and write freely by unleashing all their creative potential. 

When your kid opts to learn poetry online for advance kids, they get an opportunity to pick the tools of a masterful poetic composition. Having an awareness of methods facilitates experimentation in the arena. Poetry training for advanced kids helps your child revitalize his perceptions and language usage in surprising ways. The poetry course for 11 year children familiarizes your children with prolific poets of different ages such as TS Eliot, Emily Dickinson, Robert Browning, and more. 

Meeting these big names through their training process in poetry class for 12 years kids will acquaint them with elements that make great poetry. Furthermore, poetry class for 13 year kids will instruct them on reading and understanding poems. 

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Benefits Of PlanetSpark Poetry Course For Advance Kids

A good poem gets everyone swaying their heads and leaves everyone wondering at the incredible imagination of the poet. Children, too, love to listen to poems, especially those featuring rhythm and rhyme. Writing fiction, essays, and other forms of writing apart from poetry is no less important; instead, children should be taught to scribe correctly, clearly, and coherently. However, learning poetry for 11 year olds focuses on nourishing and boosting the curiosity and creativity in children and thinking independently. 

Here is a list of benefits offered by PlanetSpark’s advance poetry classes for student:

  1.  Upgraded curriculum to facilitate understanding of poetry

Professionals design the course structure to promote the interest and awareness of children aspiring to become poets. They will be introduced to famous poets, their splendid creations, literary rules, figurative language, and other techniques used in poetry. These advance poetry classes for students will aid your child to wield the tools and strategies with maximum effect as they create their poems. 

  1.  Fun activities to introduce poetic devices & techniques

Several interactive poetry activities are assigned to children in advance poetry training classes from PlanetSpark, such as creating acrostics, poetry mashups, slam poetry, poetry escape room, etc. These activities are a great way to build their fascination for entering the world of poets and poetry. 

  1.  Interactive sessions with expert instructors

Live face-to-face and interactive poetry classes for 11-13 years old encourage children to participate more in the lessons. And in case they face any queries or simply want to share their creative ideas with the trainer, they can do so with ease. Furthermore, correcting the weak points and mistakes in person is an effective way to help them improve. 

  1.  Flexible class schedule

PlanetSpark’s advance poetry training offers a flexible schedule to children, which will help them overcome different time constraints. Poetry class online for advance encourages children to continue their poetry learning wherever and whenever they find it convenient. 

  1.  Experts-curated assignments & modules 

The course prompts and assignments are created by experienced professionals. The poetry course for advance kids is structured such that it steps up the learning process. The notes are comprehensive and easy to understand, which will come in handy anytime they wish to write something. The modules aim to gain mastery over diverse aspects of poetry such as finding one’s voice, understanding poem forms, editing poems, etc. 

  1.  Regular and non-generic assessments

Sincere critique and reviews are a crucial part of learning poetry as it shows a mirror to the person, where they can spot and improve their flaws. Expert instructors at PlanetSpark evaluate the assignments rigorously and pass honest comments on the progress. Poetry courses for advance trainers do not use generic marking as it does no good to poetry writing but degrades the abilities slowly over time. 

 Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s best Poetry Course for Advance Kids and get all the benefits mentioned above!

PlanetSpark’s Poetry Course For Advance Kids Curriculum Details

Poetry is way more than simple rhyme. PlanetSpark’s poetry course for advance kids endeavours to simplify, explain, and teach the nuances of poetry to children. They are given an introduction to poetry, its forms, literary devices, rhyme, rhythms, poem revision strategies, etc. 

The curriculum of poetry for age 11 involves sharpening and developing the poetry writing armamentarium with well-planned modules and consistent practice. 

The curriculum of poetry classes for advance kids

  1. Completely online lessons

The classes of poetry for 12 year olds are conducted solely on quality digital platforms. This delivers an opportunity to refine their poetry writing and understanding abilities to every child residing in any part of the world. They get top-class instructors to hone the skills needed to craft a remarkable poem. 

  1. Regular & rigorous assessments

Instructors allocate fun yet challenging assignments to children so they can stretch their imaginative and creative potential. The evaluations are done meticulously, and the weak points and mistakes are pointed out constructively, so children are encouraged to enhance their poetry skills. 

  1. Well-planned & well-spaced practice classes

As much as interactive classes are crucial to involve children in the course, so is their being well-spaced. Experts have assorted the material and modules of the course strategically to expedite and add efficiency to their learning process. 

  1. Frequent revisits to already taught lessons

To strengthen the knowledge on different subjects of poetry, instructors consider regular revisions of the lessons. These revisits help gain a better hold on simple and complex topics involved in learning poetry writing. 

 PlanetSpark offers the best poetry writing course for advance kids. Don’t wait anymore and book a FREE class for your child right NOW!

Poetry Course For Advance Kids Activities & Worksheet

Learning poetry requires a willingness from a child since it’s more about heeding the nuances of language as well as its subject matter. And you can never succeed in teaching it to them unless they develop an interest. The best way to accomplish this is starting with patient steps and fun activities and prompts instead of dragooning them to cram rules of poetry. Here are some perky activities in which you can engage your child so they can develop their rhyming & observational skills. 

  1. Fun spin time!

You need to prepare a spinning wheel with diverse literary and poetry-related questions. Now kids need to spin the wheel and initiate discussions on where the needle halts. This activity will help your child mushroom his literary awareness, thereby bringing him or her closer to the field. 

  1. Try out Haiku!

Haiku poems have a queer yet fascinating 5-7-5 structure that will engross your child. Haiku is a great tool to enhance the poetic skills of your child, so let them try their hand at it. 

  1. Let’s play poetry bingo!

Bingo is known for its versatility, as it can be adapted to almost any field. And thus, not leaving poetry behind, bingo appears to enhance poetry skills and knowledge. It involves vocabulary terms and reviews of literary devices. 

  1. Host a slam poetry event

Invite and gather all your acquaintances for a cool slam poetry event. Organize activities like freestyle rhyme battles, poetry recitals, poetry games, etc. You can arrange the event in person and through virtual meeting platforms like Zoom. The event is loved by every poetry lover regardless of age. The activity will also give your kid the confidence to perform on stage.

  1. Give acrostics a try!

Acrostics are compositions such as poetry or word puzzles where particular alphabets in each line make a word. The activity was even used and relished by a famous author Edgar Allen Poe to produce splendid writing pieces. 

  1. Poetry Mashup

For this activity, take three jars, where the first one contains chits of forms of poetry, the second one holds kinds of figurative language, and the third jar should have slips of diverse sound elements. Now pass these jars to each child where they need to pick one from each jar, and then they have to craft a poem based on their chosen slips. Play the game, have fun with your students, and see how they surprise you with incredible poetic pieces. 

With these fun assignments, you will see your kid transforming into a pro-poetry person and maybe will end up etching the masterpieces. 

Book a FREE class NOW with Planetspark and make your child a budding poet with our Poetry Course for Advance Kids!

Importance of Poetry Course For Advance Kids 

Learning poetry of all the things in the world might occur as a quaint idea to many. However, had you known the scope that opens after taking a poetry course for advance kids, you wouldn’t have slid it aside so easily. Whenever a good poem is sung to a child, he or she activates the imagination to visualize the ecstasy, colours, and a whole new different world. This encourages children to push their imagination, collect expressions, generate images, and create their fantastic rhymes. 

The manoeuvre of poetry for age 11 helps raise their critical and abstract thinking abilities and lays a foundation for advanced literacy abilities. Furthermore, since poems are shorter than other forms of literature, they appear less daunting and appeal more to children. Poetry training for advance kids involves teaching them diverse literary elements like narrative structure, new vocabulary, characters, metaphors, images, and more. 

Poetry courses for advance kids encourage children to read more where they consciously work to improve their comprehension abilities. Furthermore, as children recite poems, they learn about pitch, volume, voice, and inflection. Although these are integral elements of speech, they are substantially important to learn reading. Children, while engaging in an advance poetry course, get to learn about speech patterns. 

The art of poetry writing requires the ability to pack more in fewer words while entertaining the reader. This pushes the child to collect better words and build vocabulary apt for producing ideas poetically on a paper. Therefore, while perusing poetry for 12 year olds, children mushroom the vocabulary and hog unique and beautiful words into their memory. 

The raw and active imagination of children is applauded by Picasso when he said, “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” Here,  the veteran indicates the richness of a child’s imaginative capacities where he or she forges surprising connections between words and objects. Poetry is a subjective art, and it can either have a nonlinear form, narrative structure, or free verse style. The versatility of poetry writing still needs acquaintance with works of other big poets, literary forms, and techniques. This quips your child with tools to experiment and create a personal poetry style. he 

Grasping the nuances of language is a central component that children acquire by learning and understanding poetry. Furthermore, the students of poetry build new perspectives while respecting those of others. Poetry teaches a child to utter more using fewer words. They become aware of the potential of language in their real sense. 

Moreover, it has also emerged as a great way of self-expression in a healthy way that supports mental health. Reading and writing poetry is positively correlated to enhancing mental health, and they can find their voice. 

 For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1.  Which types of lessons are included in poetry for advance?

The Advanced poetry course for kids includes an introduction to poetry and further hone the skills of aspiring poets. The curriculum is designed to instruct children on poetry forms, editing poems, understanding literary figures, and devices, etc. 

  1.  Why is the poetry for advance course fee so high?

Poetry for advanced courses involves the recruitment of highly qualified and distinguished professionals. Furthermore, children are trained using top-notch modules and assignments on the best virtual platforms. All these and other factors together make the course fees high. 

  1. Does this course come with live teacher support? 

PlanetSpark’s online poetry course for advanced kids is conducted one-on-one, so a child gets strong live teacher support. They can enjoy the facility to settle their doubts and queries easily. 

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