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Tue, 12 Feb, 2019

6 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Phonics Course for Class 5 Children!

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About English Phonics Course For 5th Grade

Learning English phonics

It is indeed exciting for parents to see their children growing. Their excitement touches the seventh heaven when a kid takes the first step and even higher when they utter the first word. Learn the 6 benefits of PlanetSpark's phonics course for Class 5 children, designed to help them learn phonics in an interactive and engaging way. Get ready to help your kids achieve success in phonics!

And in no time, a kid learns to chat and babble a lot, and you will be seeing him/ her off to school. 

Your child must learn to read to acquire knowledge and perform great in academics at this stage. The only way, as science has also proved, is to teach your child phonemes to spark the skill of reading. 

5th class phonics training online uses scientific strategies to clarify your child's letter-sound connections in the English language. 

Once they gain familiarity with these sound structures and how any change in letter order results in a new word with new meaning, they become better at reading and comprehension, and writing. 

PlanetSpark's phonics course for class 5  children employs a thoughtfully structured curriculum for effective phonics instruction to young kids. 

How strong your kid's phonics skills determine the child's abilities in reading and other areas of communication such as writing, speaking, and even listening. 

 Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits of PlanetSpark English Phonics Course For Class 5 Children

While explaining the benefits and importance of phonics, it is difficult to overstate. These abilities are critical and lay the foundation of a child's success in life. Therefore, parents and guardians should not overlook the need to teach children phonics as they learn to make sense of whatever word is written in front of them. 

PlanetSpark's phonics course for class 5 children employs a scientifically structured and upgraded plan to develop phonics understanding in little kids. They get to relish the following benefits while learning on PlanetSpark. 

The phonics class near me for class 5 utilizes multi-sensory and systematic approaches to make sessions more interactive for young learners. 

When they learn English phonics skills, they tend to read faster and better with understanding. No one can deny that children who read better perform better in academics and other extra-curricular activities. 

Phonics skill for class 5 students loads the reading armamentarium of children with the knowledge of phonics that helps them read without stuttering and effectively. Through thorough training in the best phonics course for class 5 children, your child can experience the real joy of reading and accessing new knowledge. 

  1. Seasoned and qualified professionals

PlanetSpark trainers are qualified doyens who specialize in communication, language, and related fields. They have a PG degree in their subject and experience of at least 10 years. When taught by the right teacher who wields apt strategies and activities, a child becomes more interested and focused on the subject. 

  1. Highly nuanced and upgraded curriculum 

Phonics is a foundational, practical subject taught to kids who usually have a low attention span. Thus, the curriculum and lesson plan about phonics is designed to expedite their learning pace, and trainers ensure that they do so with interest through engaging activities. 

  1. Systematically structured modules

The modules of the best phonics course for class 5 children are organized such that your child enjoys learning phonics and thus, develops an interest in reading and writing. The comprehensive program and strategically divided sections ascertain that your child learns to read accurately and quickly. 

  1. Expert-curated phonic teaching program

Top professionals from Harvard and XLRI craft the elaborative course structure. At their core, the course ensures that while enhancing their grip on phonics, the child also improves reading, vocabulary, and other language abilities. 

  1. Robust assessments

Assessment is necessary to gauge the progress, improvement, and weak points hindering learning in a child. Whatever assignments, tests, quizzes, etc., are given to children are rigorously evaluated by trainers. Teachers then follow appropriate strategies to help children improve their shortcomings. 

  1. Regular material revisions

Whatever is taught in 5th-grade phonics classes is revisited after an optimum interval. This is done to strengthen the study material further in their memories, so they can retrieve it quickly whenever they read or write. 

Book a FREE class with a phonics course for class 5 children and get the above mentioned benefits NOW!

PlanetSpark's Phonics Course for class 5 Children Curriculum

English phonics being learned by a girl along with her mother

PlanetSpark's English phonics for grade 5 course uses games, body movements, role play, music, and so forth to make phonics classes interactive and engaging. This works wonders for even the most hesitant kids who show active participation in the class and learn with attention and interest. 

PlanetSpark's phonics course for class 5 children is based on a multi-sensory, synthetic, structured, and systematic approach that facilitates children learning how to read. 

The curriculum of PlanetSpark's Phonics Course for Grade 5

  1. Fun worksheets & activities

Several exciting worksheets and printable material is provided to kids learning phonics at PlanetSpark. These activities encourage children to learn more and read more, directly impacting their academic performance and confidence. 

  1. Understanding English Spelling Standards

Phonics follows a certain set of rules taught to children to learn phonics for the class 5 course from PlanetSpark. They are not made to cram the rules; instead, get familiar with them in a fun way. 

  1. Reading fluency

As their understanding of phonics increases, they find reading easier and thus, develop better vocabulary and comprehension skills. The more they grasp phonics, the more they will enjoy reading, further boosting fluency.  

  1. Personalized phonics classes

Keeping in mind the unique abilities and aptitude of children, PlanetSpark courses are delivered in a personalized format. This assists your child to learn with interest and give remarkable performance. 


Phonics Classes for CLass 5 Worksheets & Activities

Teaching phonics to class 5 children encourages them to get familiar with the sounds of letters and how words are spelled and pronounced. Having knowledge of phonics on their side will give your child an edge over other kids in writing, reading, spelling, and listening. 

You can't force kids to learn anything, so engaging them in fun and enticing activities is the best way to teach them. 

Here are some cool phonic activities and exercises for your kid that will increase phonics awareness. 

  1. Sound-erasing game

Your creative kid will surely enjoy this game. Here, you need to draw a picture on board, write different letters, and now your child will identify and remove the items whose names begin with that letter. 

  1. Mystery Bag

To play this game, you need to keep three items in a bag: a crayon, candle, and car (toy) for the letter 'c.' Now your kid has to name each object and then find out the mystery letter common to each of them. 

  1. Say two words

Another fun phonics activity! Here you need to utter two words that start with the same sound. And kids have to stand up quickly as soon as they hear the words if they begin with the same sounds. 

They should remain sitting if the words begin with distinct sounds. If any child does, he or she is eliminated for a round or two of the game. 

  1. Sound Cups

You need to prepare 26 cups that feature different letters. Now, collect some objects and ask your kids to organize and put those articles into correct cups as per their names. 

  1. Alphabet Ball

In this game, a person utters a letter, and a kid then says a word that starts with that letter. This is followed by the person passing a ball to the kid, who then gives him or her a letter to say a word that starts with it. 

The series goes on and hence, the game. Instead of throwing the ball, you can choose to kick it or even chase one another. Whatever you do, the game won't fail to entertain your kid while teaching phonics simultaneously. 

  1. Phonics Hopscotch

Take your kids out on a playground or an open space. Now draw hopscotch squares on the ground and etch different letters in each square. Now ask the kids to land on different letters while they utter their phonics before hopping into other blocks. 

Looking for an online phonics course for class 5 children? Visit PlanetSpark and book a FREE class NOW to make your child fluent in English reading!

Importance of Phonics Classes for Class 5 Kids

A child needs to learn to read to acquire knowledge, which further relies on grasping vocabulary. However, the story doesn't end here, as building vocabulary requires a grip on phonics. 

Phonics involves teaching children about letter-sound connections as letters in the English language stand for certain sounds. Reading requires turning the words scribed in a text into proper sounds and further making sense of them. 

The PlanetSpark's grade 5 phonics training intends to instruct children on the sounds of each letter and how a single alteration in the letter order can change the way it is pronounced. 

Ignoring the order of letters in a word a child is likely to mis-read, such as 'pat' can become 'tap' or 'pit' could become 'tip.' And in case such blunders continue as the child grows up, he or she will show poor academic performance and lose opportunities in life. 

A study on the importance of teaching phonics to children demonstrates that compared to meaning-based methods, the phonics technique is far more effective in enhancing the reading abilities of young children. 

Since children understand deciphering the respective letters a word contains, they won't have to hem and haw whenever they encounter an unfamiliar word. 

By acquainting the kids with 44 sounds of all the letters in the English language, they can read new words themselves even if they have never encountered them before. 5th class phonic training encourages children to connect their spoken knowledge and unfamiliar words they come across. 

Some words in the English language often do not adhere to typical sound-letter rules, such as an island, yacht, etc. 

However, scientific findings on the subject reveal that children can still pick such words by cracking certain parts of a given word while abiding by their spoken vocabulary knowledge to support the learning. 

Phonics training near me is crucial for children as it paves the way for strong reading, comprehension, communicating, listening, and writing abilities. PlanetSpark's phonics class for class 5 students is necessary to enhance vocabulary, fluency, and reading skills which are primary requirements for gaining knowledge. 

Without these abilities, a child can have difficulty learning and will lag in academic, social, personal, and later professional space. 

Teaching phonics to kids boosts a child's creative writing abilities and perks up speaking skills. PlanetSpark's phonics training for class 5th children proved personalized training to children on phonics through fun and engaging methods. When taught phonics in the early years in a well-planned and structured way, going from simple to complex sounds, children effectively acquire reading and comprehension skills. 

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What age groups do you teach?

PlanetSpark's Phonics courses for class 5 children are available for children of age groups 4-14 years. The course features live interactive sessions one-on-one classes delivered by experienced and trained professionals. 

  1. What is PlanetSpark, and what do they do?

PlanetSpark is a digital platform that aims to build diverse skills in young kids through its enhanced and comprehensive courses on new-age skills such as Public Speaking, Phonics Learning, Creative Writing, Poetry Writing, Communication Skills, Vlogging, and more. 

  1. What is the total course duration and fees?

The overall cost of PlanetSpark's phonics course ranges from INR 13 K to INR 39K, where your kid is instructed on phonics through personalized and interactive sessions and is taught by qualified experts.

  1. How will parents know if the child is progressing well?

After taking phonics classes for class 5 from PlanetSpark, your kid will show obvious improvement. It would be noticeable in their improved reading, pronouncing, and comprehension skills. 

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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