The art of Public Speaking

Mon, 25 Feb, 2019

5 Stages of Phonics Course for Early Years kids!

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What Phonics Course for Early Years Kids Covers

English phonics is being learned by a girl

English is a complex language with irregularities in spellings, pronunciations, and grammatical expressions. Usually, a three-year-old child is not able to understand the phonetic difference between simple words like “do” and “go” based on their spellings. Learn the 5 stages of phonics course for early years children with our fun & interactive online activities.

Hence, a phonics course for early years kids becomes mandatory as they are tutored to go beyond the spellings of words and explore the element of sound in each word.

Phonics classes for 3-4 year children help to build up phonemic awareness and instill analytical qualities among these little fellows right from their budding period so that they prosper in their respective fields in future. Many parents have the notion that phonics training for early year children is rather easy and doesn’t necessarily require a professional touch. 

However, it is quite the contrary. Although the initial learning processes begin at home, children must gradually be introduced to expert learning techniques because these methodologies are more structured and customized according to the requirements of the students. 

Professional phonics course for early years kids is conducted through several stages. In the initial stages of learning, educators focus more on the 44 graphemes and phonemes where children are taught sounds through structured, systematic, and explicit lessons. 

As a child displays progress, the teachers gradually shift focus to building words by blending the phonemes. Each stage is an essential stepping stone that creates a perfectionist in every child.

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Stages Of Phonics Course For Early Year Children

  1. Analogy phonics

This involves getting acquainted with the unfamiliar words based on the rime segments decoded from a familiar one. For instance, if a child is familiar with the term “kick”, he or she would be able to read out the word “trick” by connecting it with the “-ick” rime pattern.

  1. Analytic phonics

This requires analytical skills as it involves analyzing the relationship between letters and words so that the sounds are not pronounced in isolation. Here, the process is more complex because the familiar words are broken down into phonemic sounds.

  1. Synthetic phonics

In this technique, letters are converted to sounds and then the words are formed with the help of the decoded sound. Here the words are more explicitly structured. In the synthetic stage, the phonemes are taught in isolation. 

When a kid becomes well-versed in the single-letter (a,b, and c) and double letter phonemes (“at”, “ing”, and “it”), then he or she is enabled to form simple words like “hat”, “ring”, and “sit” by blending the two forms of sounds.

  1. Embedded phonics

This is a more advanced stage of learning where words are picked up from passages while reading a given text and then the phonemes and graphemes are decoded. This offers exposure to more and more unfamiliar words making the child more competent and polished in his skills.

  1. Phonics via spellings

Some words are taught with the help of phonemes. Words are segmented and broken down into letters that correspond to their respective phonemes.

To see the transformation in your child’s speech, you can now avail a free trial of PlanetSpark’s phonics course for early year kids! Hurry up, time’s running out!


What is Phonics?

Phonics refers to the technique of learning the alphabetic language simply with the aid of phonemes or sounds and graphemes or letter patterns. With just 26 alphabets, the English language comprises around 42 to 46 phonemes. 

To utter an unfamiliar word perfectly, a kid requires to identify and connect the graphemes to their respective phonemes. An easy method to spell out words correctly is to break down the word based on its phonemes and then connect it to its corresponding grapheme.

Phonic sounds are helpful in the preliminary stages of learning because it helps children to unravel the pronunciation of different words by identifying the sounds that constitute their alphabets. 

For instance, the vowel “u” sounds distinctly different in “bundle” and “unicorn”. Therefore, the main focus of a phonics course for early years kids is levied on individual and combined sound patterns that make reading easy for these little children.

Phonics should ideally be taught systematically and explicitly. This should be followed by extensive practice. On one hand, systematic teaching would help children to develop an idea of the relationship between letters and sound with the application of logical sequence while on the other hand, practicing extensively would help them to inculcate and automatize the technique, even with the unknown terms. 

This is best done under the guidance of professional educators as they enable children to develop clarity while decoding words through their sounds. Once the identification process becomes automated, kids can gradually enhance their comprehensive abilities in reading. 

They become capacitated to decode words and their meanings. However, this process is quite laborious and requires constant monitoring and close supervision as in the initial stages children lack fluency in uttering words or reading passages and they often falter.

Benefits of PlanetSpark Phonics Course

In the modern world of cut-throat competition, there’s no space for flaws or mistakes even when it comes to children. Although the expression “to err is human” holds true, none would want to be derided for their weaknesses or shortcomings in front of the public eye. 

Children are no exceptions. When a child stammers or makes pronunciation mistakes in front of the class or even in a friendly gathering, they’re ridiculed. Overcoming these weaknesses is therefore crucial so that children can present themselves to society with utmost confidence and self-esteem. 

The Phonics course for early year kids not only aids children in mending their flaws but also helps to instill and enhance essential skills that will eventually shape a bright future for the young generation. Check out some of these long-term and short-term benefits of PlanetSpark phonics training for early year kids that can create a star out of your kid!

  1. Helps In The Recognition Of Symbols To Sounds

Each child comes with unique learning capacities. An phonics course for early year kids enables kids not just in identifying whole words by their sounds and sight but also in building up their comprehensive abilities. 

Enhancing phonemic awareness helps early years children to identify as well as manipulate the letter symbols just by implementing the hearing faculty.

  1. Helps In The Identification Of Unfamiliar Sounds With Ease

Once children learn how to identify familiar sounds, it becomes easier for them to pick up the unfamiliar ones because they have already mastered the art of identifying sound patterns through the analytical and synthetic stages of the early year phonics course

They gradually become acquainted with the process of creating new patterns that makes identification easier. For instance, when a child knows the word “trim”, he or she can easily deal with similar but unknown terms like “brim” or “grim”. 

On the other hand, when children are not aware of the phonemes, they would mostly falter or mispronounce as they come across unfamiliar words. They can never be confident readers or speakers in the public domain.

  1. Improves Reading Skills

It goes without saying that when a child excels in identifying both familiar and unfamiliar sounds, their reading skills improve automatically. With phonics training, children know how to pronounce each word with perfection. 

However, attaining fluency in reading or speaking requires a great deal of practice. Right from a reading of Aesop’s fables to presenting one’s own speech, the correct diction, voice modulation, and other elements need to be focused on. 

A child must know which syllable requires more stress and also where to use muted pronunciations. This cannot be achieved with a day’s practice as it requires perseverance.

  1. Creates Better Spellers

Science has proved that the human brain is the most receptive during its early stages because brain development occurs from the time of birth till the age of five. In fact, a baby starts learning from the womb! 

So, it is actually not surprising that although a baby cannot express its thoughts and feelings through well-constructed sentences or words, it observes its surroundings carefully and tries to mime the familiar surrounding sounds. A baby utters its initial words without the consciousness of alphabetical vowels or consonants. 

However, as they grow up, they become exposed to more and more sights, symbols, and sounds. Phonics classes for 3-4 year children offer early years kids the scope of familiarizing with a plethora of words and their corresponding sound patterns which makes them instinctively better at spelling.

  1. Builds A Strong Grip On Language And Vocabulary

When a child’s mind becomes receptive to more sounds by reading different texts, he or she can learn more words. Vocabulary is directly enhanced when a child is acquainted with the techniques of decoding phonemes of both familiar and unfamiliar words. This is achievable through rigorous phonics training for early year children.

  1. Boosts Concentration

Regular practice and focus on sights and sounds directly impact concentration among kids. During the training procedure, the mind becomes conscious of and occupied with the different phonemes in a given text and consequently, it automatically steers clear of distractions.

To have a hands-on experience of the benefits, try out the best phonics class for early year children customized for the needs of each child by team PlanetSpark! Book a FREE class NOW!

What Makes PlanetSpark Curriculum Stand Out

A little girl learning phonics

PlanetSpark offers expert training with a faculty comprising over 3000 mentors and educators. The phonics course for early year children is crafted in such a manner that little children find the activities engaging and interesting. 

The exercises are designed keeping in mind the skills and ability of each child so that they don’t end up feeling overburdened or pressurized with bulky vocabulary lists. The phonics courses largely depend on the age of the child. 

For instance, phonics for a 3 year old child would differ in the difficulty and engagement levels from that of the phonics for 4 year old. The educators design the lesson plan about phonics according to the progress exhibited by each student. The problem points are addressed and corrected so that children imbibe the flair in their speaking skills. 

PlanetSpark’s modules are prepared in interesting small sections so that any child can absorb new ideas and methods effortlessly. The new concepts are uniquely built on the basics as well as the earlier lessons. The videos and gamified versions of learning at once appeal to early years kids and they work out the activities with enthusiasm. 

PlanetSpark believes that education or learning shouldn’t be forced. Therefore, the early year phonics training courses are curated bearing in mind the age group and interests of the students.

Now PlanetSpark’s classes are available online! You can check out our phonics classes for 3-4 year child right from your child’s desk.

PlanetSpark offers the best phonics course for early year students. Don’t wait anymore and book a FREE class NOW!

How PlanetSpark Makes Learning Fun And Interesting For Early Years Kids

PlanetSpark’s teaching methods are completely unstereotypical. The educators put in lots of effort to curate the most effective materials suited to the needs of the students. Moreover, special attention is directed at making the coursework fun and interesting for little children so that they take an active interest in the entire learning procedure. PlanetSpark’s courses are modeled on -

  1. Worksheets

The worksheets are crafted addressing certain factors such as the age group, intelligence quotient, retention capacity, and level of engagement of the children. Worksheets are filled with easy-to-solve puzzles, riddles, and other interesting exercises that make the learning procedure more appealing to the children.

  1. Interesting Tasks

Small, simple tasks in phonics training for early year children help students to have a practical experience of the acquired knowledge. You can also try out some interesting tasks like taking out your child on grocery shopping and making him or her read aloud the grocery list.

  1. Videos

Videos and gamified versions of learning are the most fascinating techniques that help children to learn even the most difficult lessons in a simplified manner. Little children are likely to become bored of bookish language, but what if these lessons are presented in the form of games or videos? Learning becomes fun and exciting!

Online Phonics Training for Early Years Kids via Public Speaking Classes

Learning English Phonics

In today’s world, there’s no place for the mediocre. Cut-throat competition ensues in every field and more so in the field of education with the ranking and gradation systems. Modern parents do not want to settle for anything less than the best for their children lest he or she falls back. 

Now, it’s not just enough to be the class topper. Children are expected to be perfectionists in every field. It needs to be realized that all children do not possess the same talents. 

However, identifying the talents becomes a major task for parents that must be undertaken from the initial stages. The push in the right direction is necessary for the growth and future success of a child. Nevertheless, inculcating some skills is vital irrespective of which field a child pursues. 

Reading and public speaking skills are two of the most important skills that stimulate progress be it in the field of academics, sports, media, and others. Developing reading as well as speaking skills from the early stages is vital for every kid as it enables him or her to face the world with gracefulness. To ace these skills, an early year phonics course is recommended.

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Why It is Necessary to Enroll in Phonics Course for Early Years Kids

Can you imagine the rap god, Eminem stuttering while belting out his iconic ‘Guilty Conscience’ in a live concert? It would definitely be a real heartbreak for millions of his fans but, at the same time, the stage failure can be pretty damaging for his career. 

However, a star like Eminem or Drake is conditioned to make their way out of adverse situations. For a youngster who has just begun his or her journey, even a little error displayed in front of the audience is enough to shatter their confidence to pieces. 

Oftentimes these youngsters develop an aversion to facing their monsters and as a result, they choose to drop out rather than mend the minute flaws. Hence, it is essential to prepare your beloved right from the early years of childhood to open up to opportunities and failures with a straight face. Here’s where phonics comes in!

As mentioned earlier, the advantages of teaching phonics to your early years kid are pretty endless in terms of both short and long-term benefits that it brings along. The question is why is phonics necessary at such a young stage. 

The esteemed expert educator, Jim Rose has mentioned in his ‘Independent Review of the Teaching of Early Reading’ that “Despite uncertainties in research findings, the practice seen by the review shows that the systematic approach, which is generally understood as 'synthetic' phonics, offers the vast majority of young children the best and most direct route to becoming skilled readers and writers. 

When thinking about phonic work, what most people have in mind is the teaching and learning of reading. However, phonic work is also essential for the development of writing, especially spelling. The teaching of beginners must lead them to understand how reading and writing are related.”

To sum it up, phonics forms an indispensable part of growing up. Here’s a gist of why children should enroll for early year phonics training.

  • Phonics enhances cognition skills among early years kids when the brain is most receptive to ideas.

  • Imaginative powers are also improved when children are enabled to visualize scenarios through different texts.

  • When a child speaks with finesse, it directly ensures personality development as he or she is capacitated to present opinions in a well-constructed manner in front of society.

  • Academic progress is sure to follow when a child’s senses and concentration powers are sharpened with constant practice and hard work.


  • “I enrolled my Noah in Planetspark Public Speaking classes, their teaching staff is really good, they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been really enjoying the Planetspark events.”

Mrs. Emma Thobe

Mother of Noah

United Kingdom

  • “I am so happy and satisfied that I have enrolled my son for the Planetspark class. The curriculum is structured and completely designed for children. Each concept is paired with a fun activity that kids love to do and in turn learn the concept thoroughly.”

Bittu Gope



  • “The change in Derin is remarkable. His level of confidence has improved. He started taking initiative in classes for speaking. All these changes are due to your selfless training and continuous guidance.”

Sumita Bahal



For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. How to teach my early year child phonics?

The best way to teach phonics to any early year child is by enrolling him or her in an early year phonics training course because these professional courses train children by addressing both their potentiality and weaknesses where homeschooling mostly fails.

  1. How much experience do PlanetSpark teachers have to teach early year kids?

PlanetSpark holds its pride in its world-class faculty where the educators are professionally trained to teach early year kids. Teachers show their expertise by catering to the needs of each child with exclusivity. They toil to improve the overall personality of all the students.

  1. Why should my early year child join PlanetSpark for the phonics course?

PlanetSpark’s phonics course for early years kids not only focus on teaching phonemes and graphemes to preschoolers but is designed to ensure that each child excels in speaking fluently from a very young age. When the fear of speaking publicly is nipped in the bud, success is sure to follow.

  1. What is the purpose of teaching phonics to early years kids?

Phonics training for early year children is necessary as its main purpose is to help children augment their reading and speaking skills. An early year phonics course prepares a child by teaching him or her the basics of application of the preliminary knowledge of phonemes and graphemes in their speech.

  1. Can phonics be taught at home?

Of course, you can teach your child phonics at home but homeschooling comes with its limitations. However, this impediment can be removed by availing PlanetSpark’s online classes that provide the benefits of learning from the comfort of your home.

  1. When is the ideal time to begin phonics training?

Phonics training should ideally be initiated right from the kindergarten years. Learning letters and sounds of words is the most effective when the young learners are exposed and acquainted with a variety of sounds with proper training.

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No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


No matter what type of learner your child is, PlanetSpark helps set your child up for success by providing online classes with a curriculum that's designed to develop essential skills to make your child future-ready.


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