5 Oi Sounds With Jolly Phonics

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It is not possible to forget the fact that learning English is essential for everyone. This is because it is the language spoken in all countries across the globe. The language is used for both education and business. Companies having operations in multiple countries use English for communication. This is why you must teach phonics level 7 sounds to your children. It will help them learn the language faster. They will learn both pronunciation and usage of letters and how they must be written. Our course can make your children highly proficient in English.

Young kids find it difficult to learn a language, especially when it is not their mother tongue. That is why ESL students must be taught English in a very systematic manner. This will help them master the language and remember what they have learned forever. Our English language course has individual coaching for phonics which is one of the best ways to learn any language. We teach all phonics levels to ensure that students become proficient in both spoken and written English. When your children learn English phonics level 7 skills, they are making themselves confident English speakers.

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Understanding Phonics With Phonics Level 7 Sounds Training Online

Before you enroll your child in our course, it is best to know more about phonics and how this method helps kids learn English quickly. It is always better for children to start their primary education with a good knowledge of English and how to use the language to their benefit. It has been proved that when they have a strong foundation in English, they can surge forward in their education without any hiccups. Teaching your children phonics sounds skills for phonics level 7 helps them be proficient in English before entering their primary school.

Phonics is one method of teaching kids English using the sounds of each letter and in combination with others. We use the Jolly phonics group 7 worksheets for kids to teach the level 7 stage of phonics classes. These worksheets have been created to make learning English easy and interesting for children. Phonics is a method of teaching children the different sounds of each English letter and how they sound when combined with vowels or other consonants. The Jolly phonics method has seven levels having different letters and combinations. This level has words containing letters from the other six levels.

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Popular Phonics Methods Used For Teaching English To Children

Phonics is used in different ways to teach English to children. You can get the children to learn the ou sound using the synthetic phonics method. This is a very popular method used everywhere around the globe. In this method of teaching children how to read, the sounds associated with a particular letter are pronounced separately and then blended or synthesized. Even single-syllable words are taken apart, and the sound of each letter is taught. In analytical phonics, children are asked to analyse similar sounds in a set of words. This makes them experts in those letters.

In the analogy method of phonics, children learn words with similar phonograms or rimes. For example, they are taught words that contain “ake” like cake, make, take, etc. The children also learn ar sound words like car, tar, mar, etc. In this way, children learn words with the same ending. Words are taught in families with similar rimes. Embedded phonics is a method that differs from all the other three. In this method, words are always taught in context with literature and not systematically. Children learn words as they appear in a song or prose.

Learning Oi Sounds With Jolly Phonics

Jolly Phonics is a very popular method of teaching English to young kids. When you enroll your children in our course, we will be using this method to teach them English. We will teach them the sounds of letters first, like the ue words. The teaching is done in the following systematic way: 

  • Children learn the letter sounds first

  • The next step is to learn the letter formation

  • This is followed by blending

  • Then they identify sounds in words

  • The last step is to spell the tricky words

In our course, children learn the most important 42 letter sounds. Instead of teaching just the letters, we teach them the sounds. Groups of single and combined letters are formed into sets to teach sounds to the kids. Jolly phonics associates each sound with an action so that children can remember them well. The teacher writes the letter, and the kids are asked to read them with action. Once the kids are familiar with the sound, the actions become unnecessary. In the next step children learn to hold the pencil correctly and form the letters.

In blending, the kids produce the individual sounds in a word and then say them all together to form the word. Children identify the Jolly Phonics group 7 sounds in different words and practice pronouncing the words in the next level. This practice is done with interesting actions like tapping the fingers. The last step is to teach them the trick words like “laugh,” “said,” etc., where the sounds are not easy to identify. Once they finish this step, the children become experts in reading and writing the words. They will be ready to enter school and shine better than other students.

Frequently Asked Questions On Jolly Phonics Group 7 For Children 

  • What sounds of “ou” are taught in Jolly Phonics?

In the phonics level 7 sounds, children learn the four sounds of “ou” like “ow,” “o,” “oo,” and “uh.” Different words to explain these sounds are given to the students to say and write.

  • What is Jolly Phonics?

Jolly Phonics is a method of teaching words to children and helping them learn the English language faster than normal. In this method, children learn word sounds at different levels ending in the phonics level 7 sounds.

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