Creating Confidence

Mon, 28 Sep, 2020

5 benefits for developing Interpersonal Skills in Kids!

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About Interpersonal Skills Development In Children

Interpersonal skills are the important skills required to communicate and interact effectively with other people in groups or one-on-one. Individuals possessing strong interpersonal skills are more likeable and tend to work well while communicating with other people. Good interpersonal skills can be a mark of a trustworthy personality. 

Surprisingly, the foundation of acquiring this skill starts from the early years. Children take a different approach when communicating with strangers outside their comfort zone. They start learning interpersonal skills at a tender age which they keep molding as they grow older. Communication helps people to create connections, influence, inspire and help each other thrive. A good Interpersonal skills development course often is proven beneficial for a child's personality development. 

The Interpersonal skills of a child can be improved with regular practice and developing the awareness of other people’s reactions, body language, and sensibilities. An extensive Interpersonal Skills development course can help inculcate these skills in kids. Interpersonal skills training aims to bring the child out of their bubble and teach them to build better and lasting relationships with others. 

Interpersonal skills class online with professionals can be the platform for them to be expressive, inspirational, and better communicators. 

Planetspark promises to offer your child the best Interpersonal skills training for them to learn Interpersonal Skills online and make them future communication leaders. 

Who knows, your kids can be the next Oprah Winfrey!  

Book a FREE class NOW!

Benefits Of Planetspark Interpersonal Skills Training.

Planetspark centers around the idea of developing a child's overall personality development. Keeping this goal in mind, the Interpersonal skills course by Planetspark is exclusively designed for the cognitive and self-esteem development of a child. 

The importance of Interpersonal Skills has been seen since childhood. An Interpersonal Skills Training at PlanetSpark vows to help build a positive personality for your child. 

PlanetSpark's Interpersonal Skills development course provides you with the best benefits they can offer. 

  • Live Individual classes online -

Each one of our students here is provided personal attention and guidance to suffice their unique needs. We, at Planetspark, offer online one-on-one interpersonal skills training sessions every day. Our 1:1 live classes really help students develop at their own pace.

  • Qualified and experienced Tutor base - 

Teaching students and helping them overcome their conflicts is always a priority here. Our teachers are highly qualified and experienced to serve the best of your needs. All our teachers have successfully qualified for the PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT) and are pioneers in their fields. 

  • Curriculum designed by Academic Maestro - 

We at PlanetSpark focus on quality rather than quantity. Experts from Harvard, Cambridge, and XLR designed each and every course here. Every program is uniquely curated to suffice the child's needs according to their ability. 

  • Clean and Comprehensive Course layout - 

The Interpersonal Skills Training online course module is specifically designed to cover all the required sections a child needs. The course is designed to enhance all over personality development by nurturing gentle minds and fostering Interpersonal skills in them. 

  • Innovative and Engaging Activities-

Children tend to have a shorter attention span. We at PlanetSpark make sure that the kids do not run out of interest and get bored while learning. Our Interpersonal Skills Training Course is entirely enriched with fun activities like 'Storytelling', 'Debate' and etc to keep your child going in a fun way. 

Book a FREE class in our interpersonal skills courses now and start learning today! 

Curriculum Details Of Interpersonal Skills Development Course 

Interpersonal skills are often associated with social intelligence in an individual. Through proper Interpersonal Skills Training, a child will not only estimate their own behavior but also will be successful in interpreting and interacting with others' actions too. 

The Interpersonal Skills Development Course in PlanetSpark is structured in an organized manner which is easy and effective for a learner to follow. It mainly involves important components of the communication module. 

Here's a quick rundown of the Curriculum structure for our Interpersonal skills training course:

  • Verbal Communication Skills

  • Body Movements and Personal Space

  • Body language (Eye Contact, Facial Expressions, and Hand/Feet movements)

  • Group Discussions, Debate

  • Words for effective Communication

  • Active Listening

  • Storytelling

  • Comprehensive Reading

  • Creative Thinking

Interpersonal Skills Development Activities And Worksheets

Interpersonal skills define the personality of a person. This is something that cannot be learned from textbooks. The Interpersonal Skills Development Training makes sure your kids are steered in the right direction and learn the same. Young people are more absorbent to information and learning while being engaged in fun and enjoyable activities. 

Effective communication helps your kid to be more attentive to the person in front of them. At PlanetSpark, the courses are more focused on engaging, immersive, and interactive sessions.

Here are a few of the fun activities at PlanetSpark your child will participate in as a part of their Interpersonal Skills Training. 

  • Extempore - Helps a Kid to present himself to an audience. This activity develops the present intellect and critical thinking of a child. 

  • Debate - There are a lot of benefits that your child can acquire through debate. They learn to express their opinions, have improved articulation, think quickly, and come to a resolution.

  • Narrative Sharing - This activity helps a child to improve their interactions with their fellow students. This is an effective method to increase a child’s cultural understanding.

  • Storytelling - The best method to instill virtues in a kid. Allowing a child to resonate with a story based on his surroundings enhances their critical thinking and perception.

  • Case Study Analysis - This activity is the best way to encourage students to research. This allows a kid to develop critical thinking and facilitate problem-solving skills

  • Emotional Narrative - Through this activity, your kids are provided a platform to develop a functional and optimistic identity. This encourages a child to develop an emotional identity and the confidence to express themselves

  • Listening Exercise - Apart from helping a child be vocal and confident, Planetspark’s Interpersonal Skills Classes also equally focus on developing the listening skills of a child. This allows a student to communicate effectively, develop a sense of empathy and improve interpersonal relationships.

To make things more interesting, PlanetSpark also has some awesome Interactive house Clubs for your Kids to be a part of. 

  • A Debate Society

  • A Podcasting Studio

  • Writers Guild

  • Comedy Club

  • Theater Troupe

  • Poetry Academy

And many more. Help your Kid bring out the best in them by enrolling them in our Interpersonal Skills Classes. 

PlanetSpark provides the best interpersonal skill course for your child. Book a FREE class NOW and help your child develop interpersonal skills!

Why Are Interpersonal Skills Training An Important Part? 

Society works on the foundation of communication. Thus having the perception and the effort to manifest the Interpersonal Skills in an Individual, takes them closer to their goals. 

Interpersonal Skills Development Course helps an Individual to receive the feedback needed to shape one's personality. Infused with positive elements to help a child explore new sections in his own life, each Interpersonal Skills course promises improvements and brings together the perceptions to see and to be seen. 

Why are Interpersonal skills training important for a child's personality development?

Here are some insights to look at.

  • Interpersonal skills promote effective communication -

 In order to be a good communicator, interpersonal Skills form the foundation. These skills help establish good and long-lasting relationships both on the professional ground and in personal life. 

  • Become an Efficient Listener - 

It is equally important for a person to emerge as a mindful listener besides being a good orator. Listening helps a Child become more attentive and pay close attention to every detail in a situation.

  • Be an Effective Teamwork -

Teamwork is one of the important skills one needs to develop. The Interpersonal Skills Training trains a child to be collaborative and put in the effort to work in a team to achieve a common goal. 

  • Be Optimistic - 

An Individual with good interpersonal skills often pays attention to the positive aspects of a situation. They tend to develop unique problem-solving skills and inspire others to do the same as well. 

  • Allow Continuous Feedback -

A feedback loop is often considered a negative effect mainly in professional life. A person with good interpersonal quality is open to any type of critical feedback required for their own good. 

  • Emerge as a Good Leader -

People fostering good interpersonal relationships and successful in establishing trust often look forward to being Good Leaders. An effective Interpersonal Skills course teaches a person to dive deep into the practical aspects and hone their leadership quality more effectively. 

  • Be Empathetic - 

Empathy is the quality, which the world lacks in the modern age. A crucial characteristic of a good leader is his skill of empathy. Being empathetic not only helps in creating loyalty but also helps maintain a powerful and meaningful connection among all. 

  • Promote Creative Thinking in an Individual - 

Good Interpersonal Skills training enhances the ability of a child to consider and perceive a situation from a new perspective. This in turn helps a person to find solutions to a problem in a unique and more innovative way

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!

PlanetSpark Interpersonal Skills Training Testimonials.

  • “We enrolled our son Liam into the communication skills program to improve his speaking skills. Within just a few weeks we are already seeing an improvement in him. As parents, we are very satisfied with the PlanetSpark classes.”




  • “I enrolled my Noah in Planetspark Public Speaking classes, their teaching staff is really good, they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been really enjoying the Planetspark events.”




  • “The English classes were really helpful to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as 'cool' and as his teacher very much.

Kudos! We're just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy.”





  1. What are the key point factors for the healthy personality development of a child?

           There are two key factors when it comes to personality development. 

  • Temperament - Depends on Genetic factors. Often called ‘Nature’.

  • Environment - Often called ‘Nurture’. This depends on the surroundings in which a person grows up.

  1. What is personality development training?

Personality Development Training is basically a framework for personal Improvement and Self Growth. Interpersonal Skills Development Training is just a part of the whole Phenomenon.

  1. Do early childhood experiences play a role in personality development?

Researchers have concluded a direct relationship between a person’s early stages and personality development. Childhood experiences definitely play a role. Children experiencing numerous ACEs (Adverse childhood experiences) in their early days are at high risk of developing depression, anxiety, and detrimental health issues as they mature into adulthood.

  1. How do you improve communication skills in children?

Communication skills in a child can be practiced in simple yet effective ways. Some of them are 

  • Talking regularly with the children

  • Create the right environment to speak and listen.

  • Paying attention to the details

  • Study their body language

  • Encourage them to develop empathy them

  • Teach Respectful vocabulary

  • Encourage them to maintain journals

  • Let them be outward and expressive. 

  1. How PlanetSpark helps your kids improve communication skills?

PlanetSpark is an online platform dedicated to shaping a child's personality. 

There are a number of online courses for children to learn the art of communication. PlanetSpark helps in making a child's future ready in the best possible way possible. 

  1. What is the age bracket for a child to get enrolled in PlanetSpark?

All of the courses in PlanetSpark are uniquely designed for children aged 4- 14. The courses are divided accordingly

  1. On which platform do PlanetSpark classes take place?

PlanetSpark is an online learning platform with expert teachers and structured curriculums to help children. 

  1. Are there any one-on-one teaching facilities available for my child?

Yes, each and every one of our students is provided personalized guidance. 

  1. Where do I get a free trial?

           To get a free Interpersonal Skills Development Training course trial, visit PlanetSpark’s website and enrol your child right now!

  1. What is the total duration of the course?

            The courses here in PlanetSpark are divided into different segments.

  • The Advanced Certification Course has 30 classes

  • The Pro-Grad Certification Course provides 60 individual classes

  • The Merit Certification course has 165 Classes. 

Book a Demo class now!

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