The art of Public Speaking

Thu, 19 Mar, 2020

4 benefits of English Accelerate Speech Classes For 14-16 years children!

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About English Speech Training For Accelerate Children

Many children from our website take up language courses in a certain phase. But in some cases, there is a need for acceleration. English speech courses for accelerated children have become a necessity in this fast-evolving world. Planet spark offers the best speech class for early year students. Steady progress along with spontaneous responses, the course is designed in such a way that your children would always be one step ahead. By taking this course your kids would get the benefit to learn speech skills online to accelerate from wherever they are in this world.

Teaching in the speech class for accelerate children would be advanced and targeted to be taught as a speech course for 14-16 years children. Our teachers provide the best supervision despite the online mode, bridging the gap between the kids and the internet by efficient and interesting communication. This kind of course's main focus is to make progress rather than focus on the completion of the course. English speech training for accelerate kids will fancy the kids by creating an urge within themselves to excel in it.

Book a FREE class NOW!

English- A Language Taking Over Boundaries

It is true that English ranks first as the most spoken language around the globe. Spanning across different people, cultures and geographical borders. 

Efficiency in English creates a clear vision leading to a lot of innovative conversation and communication which has a positive effect on the acceleration of life, especially among the kid’s life. Speech skill courses for 14-16 years are available on our website.

Incredible opportunities of studying in the US or other English speaking countries abroad, traveling around from the north pole to the south pole, east to west could all be made possible and easier with fluent and efficient English in hand.

In Planet spark, the best part is, instead of having a classroom set up and mugging up vocabulary, learning English is going to be more fun. The kids have surpassed that stage and have upgraded their thought to a better speech practice. Planet spark helps in the speech for accelerate children. 

 We at PlanetSpark offer the best English Accelerate Speech classes for your child. Book a FREE class NOW and start learning today!

Aspects For A Perfect English Skill

Speech skills for 14 years old, Speech skills for 15 years old, Speech skills for 16 years old will inject the needed skills from our accelerate English course among these age groups by boosting their personality from every possible angle. What are the qualities that you can upgrade in your speech is listed below,

  1. Pronunciation

Since preschool age, through years of learning English, to who knows when the English learning journey ends the children always have learned the textbook terms blindly. Speech for accelerate children polishes the already existing knowledge and makes the children shine. Of which the most important thing to progress over is the pronunciation. When in a conference, or a church, or in a family gathering when your kid is asked to read something and if they stammer even through one single word it brings down their own self-confidence, think about it from their perspective.

A person who knows how to enunciate is the boss. He or she will be confident while sharing his/her points while starting a conversion while sharing their views on something.

A person with good pronunciation stands out in a crowd. It helps in grabbing attention from around. Speech training for accelerate students will be proactive and fluent with the pronunciation.

  1. Vocabulary

Expanding vocabulary actively puts your kid on a high-key note. Accelerate speech training understands the importance of vocabulary. Know that vocabulary makes your kid sound professional. They do not have to skim for the right word when needed to express their emotions or views exactly the way they think. 

Lesson plan about speech to accelerate includes worksheets to learn these vocabularies more efficiently. Fun way to memorize vocabulary is taught in Panet spark. Movie dialogues, song lyrics, news and Tv shows are good sources to learn vocabulary from, which will be discussed in depth from the accelerate English speaking course.

  1. Word Flow

Stammering is a mishap that happens with quite a lot of students who speak English. Stamer does not stop only with speaking skills but could also be carried to the writing parts as well. Children of the age between 14-16 would have a good concept in mind, drafted perfectly in their native language but to pull it out through words in a more coherent way is a challenge.

The best part is that the challenge is just a piece of cake with Accelerate speech classes. 

  1. Rhythm

When we speak, the flow of words can not be clumped, it will have certain intervals, question marks, exclamations, pauses etc which can be earned through learning speech for accelerate level. It boosts the overall way we talk paying heed to our emotion, the surrounding, to the audience we direct the speech to and helps in responding back to the feedback we receive.

Everything mentioned above like the pronunciation, vocabulary, word flow, rhythm are interlinked with one another. One thing connects the other, bringing all the beautiful colors together gives us a rainbow, likewise connecting all these dots gives us the perfect English.

Looking for the best English Accelerate Speech classes for your children? Don’t look anymore, book a FREE class NOW with us and start learning today!

Benefits Of Accelerate Speech Classes

  • Personality Enrichment

Speech skills for 14-16 years old helps in developing personality from within rather than creating one and teaching a set of ground rules for students to follow. 

 With good English and communication skills a kid is viewed as an efficient kid with knowledge, innovative thought processes, and a creative person. This doesn't affect him/her outside but brings a change from within. Transforms their personality into 100 times better. Increasing their value in their own life. Make themself believe in themselves.

  • Omnipotent Interaction

Communication is the main root line we are trying to touch each time a language efficient course or a public speaking course is introduced. The overall purpose of accelerate speech classes is to communicate and interact fluently without a negative effect on our personality or having a negative influence on the receiver end.

A person who learns to listen, communicate, write, speak is considered omnipotent. The one who is the power bearer in the room. Your kid’s speech skill training to accelerate will be dynamic and worthy of the time you invest in your kid’s life.

  • Builds Courage

Courage is a weapon everyone needs to sharpen. The courage one gets when one is right can not be measured. It increases your kid’s energy, contacts, familiarity, etc. He/she becomes well known around, but this can be acquired only through speech skill training to accelerate. 

  • Promotes Learning Experience

Learning is like an ocean, even if you empty the whole sea the water would still steep out through the soil. Accelerate English class for 14-16 years children will not only be filled with upgrading oneself but also wrapping with it the importance of learning something interesting gives more joy than the general learning we do in school and the learning doesn't stop anywhere.

Why The Age Group 14-16?

Learning English since grade 1 is enough qualification to upgrade at age 14. From 14 years your kids start to take part in a lot of activities apart from school. They will understand the need for an upgrade in their already existing language skills. The importance of accelerating English and the fast-forwarding world will be understood by them. So it will be a perfect time to introduce your children to learn speech for accelerate children.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. Why are the fees for speech classes for accelerate kids is so high?

The accelerate courses are not like the general English courses that we take up online. The real value of the course is how we get to upgrade our English skills. We learn about vocabulary, articulation and crisp thinking. Hence the price might seem pricey, but it's totally worth it. The value of education is triple the amount of money we spend on certain educational skills. 

  1. What are the 4 types of speech that help my child to accelerate English speaking?

Children learn 

  • Public speaking

  • Art of persuasion

  • Impromptu speaking

  • Interpersonal communication

Apart from the aforementioned pointers, children will learn about the quality of speeches too. Instead of being chatty, they learn consistency. Here the quality of speech is taken into account rather than the quantity of speech. 

  1. Does this speech course to accelerate English come with worksheets and activities?

Yes, the course is structured in such a way that the kids would be flooded with more entertaining activities all throughout. Kindling their interests, encouraging them, and pushing them to give more.

  1. What are some examples of speech for accelerate kids?

Information, entertainment, persuasion are a few of the examples needed to understand the speech.

  1. Is accelerate courses more important than general English courses?

Of course yes, general English courses are basic and let you learn the book terms. But here in accelerate courses your kids explore, thrive and twist to form the better version of your kid’s already existing self.

  1. How are the teachers selected for teaching these courses?

The teachers have to pass an examination called the Planet Spark Aptitude Test to become a teacher at Planet Spark. They will be trained accordingly and will also be briefed about our vision and what kind of education we are willing to provide the kids with.

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