3 benefits of Conversation expert course for Accelerate!

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Conversation Expert for Accelerate

Whether it is a small child still developing his conversational skill or a teenager on the precipice of starting his adult life, engaging in conversation with other people can be a gruelling task. This stands especially true for those children who are not very confident in their English-speaking skills. Therefore, to lend a helping hand to such children, who are hesitant in their conversing capabilities, there is a need for an English conversation expert skill class to accelerate children. This course is expertly designed for children between the ages of 14-16 years. Children this age are at a crucial point of their lives where they need to be confident and have properly developed language skills to talk to other people. These skills are essential to ensure that these children can face formal or informal interactions with other people, including interviews. The course focuses on teaching them how to converse, start a conversation, respond to questions, and focus on their grammatical capabilities, vocabulary, and much more.


An English conversation expert skill Class for accelerated children is necessary today, especially because we live in a society where multilingualism is very desirable to companies. It makes an individual stand out, and those who are confident and comfortable with other languages are considered more employable. This is large because companies are establishing their presence globally and require employees who can interact with clients and employees of other regions. This course is also extremely attractive for those who wish to explore different cultures across the globe as it helps in understanding the local customs and traditions in a better way. Those who have a stronghold over English and understand how to engage in conversation with others find themselves more confident, which is the key to success in life.

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Benefits Of PlanetSpark Classes 

While many platforms offer this course, the reason why PlanetSpark outperforms them all is that PlanetSpark focuses on creating an immersive education experience for children. At PlanetSpark, simply having lectures or classes is not where the story ends. By enrolling in these classes, your child gets access to much more. He gets personalized training in Accelerate English conversation expert skill classes; he gets to join clubs and even participate in competitions organized by PlanetSpark.

Some of the various benefits of conversation expert for Accelerate course offered by PlanetSpark are: 

  • Live 1 on 1 interactive class: PlanetSpark conducts live one-on-one classes that are very interactive to ensure that the child is continually engaged in the learning process. There are multiple benefits to having a one-on-one class. The child gets a safe space where he is not judged for making mistakes. Secondly, the teacher gives their undivided attention to the child and is thus able to identify his needs and draw us their lesson plans and teaching methods accordingly. Third, since the classes are interactive, your child is learning while having fun, and all the activities planned are made so that the child can retain new concepts better. 

  • Experienced Teachers: To accomplish everything mentioned above, the platform understands the need for hiring experienced professionals who have worked with children long enough to understand the different learning patterns of different students. This is needed to provide a personalized learning experience to students and ensure that they grasp everything properly. 

  • Customized Curriculum: The course curriculum is customized because it is not one course taught to all children. The course is designed with different levels of difficulty to suit the learning needs of different children. The curriculum has been curated by experts who understand the field well and know how to best churn the child's mind to develop his cognitive abilities and the learning process.

Want your child to become a great public speaker? Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark;s conversation expert course and start their journey today!

Curriculum Details (Duration and Price)

An English conversation expert skill Class for accelerated children comprises many things and hence is a comprehensive curriculum. To cover this entire course completely and become proficient in conversing in English, the child should enrol for the full course, which stretches over 1 year or 165 classes. This allows enough time for the child to understand all the intricate nuances of conversing in English and practice them under expert guidance. 

However, it is up to the parents who can also choose to enrol the child for a shorter duration, and they even have the option to extend their course when it is about to end. The course consists of various aspects of English conversation, including building a strong vocabulary, clarifying grammatical rules, teaching the child the importance of tone and body language, and much more. 


The curriculum designed by PlanetSpark for conversation expert skill for 14-16 years old includes: 

  • Basic Communication skills:  Building strong communication skills in children between the ages of 14-16 is extremely important. This is because during this time, your child may come across many different people, and he would have to be armed with the tools required to engage in relevant conversations with them. By allowing them time to learn the basics of communication, they are empowered to communicate better and build stronger social and personal relationships, lasting a lifetime.

  • Voice Modulation: Voice modulation is essentially how a person modifies their tone throughout a conversation to make what they are speaking much more impactful. This course teaches the relevance of voice modulation and how to control it. It is important to change your tone as you speak; it is also important to know not to overdo it. Striking the right balance can be tricky, and hence, this course focuses on that aspect. 

  • Body Language: The movement of your hands and legs, your facial expressions, your hand gestures, your posture all contribute to your conversation skills. Thus, learning to use your body language towards an effective and fruitful conversation is also very important. This course focuses on elaborating the importance of body language and how to control it. 

  • Public speaking: Public speaking is a skill most of us are afraid of, even though we should not. Usually, the reason stems from a lack of confidence or a traumatic experience we may have had as a child. To combat these apprehensions and become confident public speakers, we must first learn to be good conversationalists. As such, building confidence and learning how to speak in front of a lot of people also becomes an essential part of conversation expert skill for 14-16 years old

  • Vocabulary: The curriculum includes relevant words that children between 14 and 16 can use in their daily conversations. This is because vocabulary plays an important role in engaging in fruitful or intellectual conversations. The children are taught these new words and then required to use them in sentences to fully understand how to apply them in their daily conversations. 

Conversation expert skill for beginners' activities & worksheets

A course on conversation expert skills for 14-16 years old children needs a lot of practice to get them in the habit of actually using the concepts taught in class. Activities and practice worksheets are the most effective method of achieving this. Activities and games allow teachers to create hypothetical situations and see how the child responds to them. The teachers can ask questions, start an engaging conversation, and gauge how the child participates. This allows them to retain new information and learn how to apply the different things to real-life situations. 

PlanetSpark has designed its curriculum to allow children to be constantly engaged in activities and learn through games and activities. Some of the most common activities used by PlanetSpark include: -

  • Storytelling: Storytelling is an art that requires focus and patience. This activity allows children to use their imagination and come up with stories. How they construct the story and deliver it using the various parts of speaking effectively shows how much of a hold they have gotten over conversing in English. This also helps in tracking their progress. 

  • Speech delivery: Debate competitions are a common school activity for children between 14-16. However, since many students are afraid of speaking in public, they do not take part in such activities. By enrolling in this course, they develop the confidence to structure their thoughts and construct relevant arguments. This also helps build confidence in their ability to speak well in front of people. 

  • Sentence formations: This exercise is used during classes when new words are introduced to children to teach them how to use them in everyday conversations. Children are asked to come up with sentences using the newly learned words, which gives them an idea of how they can include the word in their conversations

PlanetSpark offers the best conversation expert course for your child. Book a FREE class NOW ad make your child fluent in public speaking!

Importance Of Conversation Expert Skill For Beginners

Conversation expert skill training for accelerated kids is an important course for young children for various reasons. Some of the reasons why this course is essential for every child between the ages of 14 and 16 years of age are: -

  • Confident Public Speakers: Public speaking is an essential life skill. But while it is a common occurrence at various times in our lives, we are still often underconfident or hesitant to participate in activities that require speaking in front of the public. To prevent our children from being hesitant, there is a need to establish confidence in speaking from an early age. 

  • Boosts Confidence: Becoming good at conversing with other people in English is directly responsible for boosting a child's confidence. Once a child feels confident about himself, he becomes more open to trying new things and taking more risks. This goes on to have an impact on every aspect of their lives.  

  • It helps develop strong communication skills: Teaching children how to engage in conversations teaches them to become good at communicating their thoughts and feelings to other people. Developing good communication skills has a lifelong impact on the child's life to build stronger social and personal relationships. They can communicate their ideas better, which ensures that they are understood. 

  • Improves Mental Strength: In a course on becoming an expert in engaging in conversations, the children are taught a lot of new rules, concepts, and words, all of which they have to remember and apply as and when required. This exercises their brain muscles, thereby improving mental agility and cognitive development. 

PlanetSpark Public Speaking Course Testimonials

  • "I enrolled my Noah in PlanetSpark Public Speaking classes; their teaching staff is really good, they make every session fun, they always come up with new activities.

Noah had been enjoying the PlanetSpark events."




  • "The English classes were really helpful to my child, Moksh. He describes PlanetSpark classes as 'cool' and as his teacher very much.

Kudos! We're just so happy to see Moksh learn with such joy."




For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. What are the total course duration and fees of conversation expert skills for Advance?

The maximum course duration for the conversation expert skill Course for advanced kids is 1 year or 165 classes. To know more details or book your free trial, visit the PlanetSpark Website. 

  1. What are the 4 types of conversation expert skills that help my child accelerate English speaking?

4 types of conversation expert skills that help children to accelerate English Speaking include: Reading English texts like books and novels, watching English TV shows or movies, listening to English music, and conversing in English at home and with friends.

  1. Does this conversation expert skill course come with worksheets and activities?

Yes, this course is accompanied by many activities and worksheets to help children retain the concepts they are taught, practice what is taught, and have fun while learning. 

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