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Mon, 05 Apr, 2021

12 Important points to remember about Pronouns for a Class 3 student!

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Pronouns for class 3 are an important part of English grammar. Every skill related to English, whether it is speaking, writing, or communication, includes pronouns to increase the quality of sentences. But what are pronouns? Let's have a look at them.

The words which are used in the position of nouns are known as pronouns. Some common examples of pronouns are- I, me, we, us, are, it, her, she, their, his, him, them, he, they, your, you, etc.

Nouns can be repeated many times in reading and writing, which decreases the quality of it. Pronouns enrich the sentence by eliminating the repetitive use of nouns.Want your child to delve into the nitty-gritties of English Language? BOOK a FREE Class NOW!

Pronouns For Children's Examples

Let us understand pronouns for class 3 by looking at some examples.

  1. Rita likes to eat pizza. (the word Rita is a noun. We can use she in place of Rita.)

  2. Arjun went to the park. (the word Arjun is a noun. We can use he in place of Arjun.)

CBSE class 3 English pronouns

Here are some examples of pronouns for children.

  1. Priti says that SHE like oranges.

  2. HE is an actor.

  3. She likes HER dresses.

  4. I am a student.

  5. SHE is Sheena. SHE is MY sister.

  6. Karan and HIS mother came today.

  7. This is a chair. IT is made of wood. PREETI sits on IT. HER one leg is broken.

  8. This is Suraj. HE is holding a bag.

  9. This is a cat. SHE has many kittens.

  10. This is my mother. SHE is a teacher.

  11. The horses are in the field. THEY are jumping.

  12. A giraffe has long legs. IT runs fast.

 Rules And Types Of Pronouns

 The rules and types of pronouns are given below.

  1. Personal pronouns

These pronouns substitute a person's name. There are two types of personal pronouns - subject pronouns and object pronouns. Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject's name. Object pronouns are used to replace the names of the object.

Pronouns for children example of these two types are-

  • Subject pronouns- I, you, he, she, it, we, they- THEY went to school.

  • Object pronouns-me, your, her, him, it, us, them- Come sit with US.


  1. Possessive pronouns

The pronouns that show ownership or control over a noun are possessive. Possessive pronouns replace a noun with apostrophe 's'. There are two types of possessive pronouns- possessive determiners and independent possessive pronouns. Possessive determinants have their function as pronouns. Independent possessive determinants refer to nouns that are stated previously.

  • Possessive determiners- my, your, our, her, his, its, their- HER job is exciting.

  • Independent possessive pronouns- mine, yours, ours, hers, his, its, theirs- the decision is MINE.

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  1. Indefinite pronouns

The pronouns that do not refer to any particular nouns are called indefinite pronouns. They are used when a specific identification of an object is not needed; they are of three kinds- single indefinite pronouns, plural indefinite pronouns, and single or plural indefinite pronouns for singular nouns, plural nouns, and indefinite nouns, respectively.

  • Singular indefinite pronouns- anybody, each, one, somebody, someone, something, nothing, everybody, everyone, anyone, little much, etc.- NOTHING is too hard.

  • Plural indefinite pronouns- both, few, many, several- BOTH sound good.

  • Singular and plural indefinite pronouns- all, any, more, most, none, some, such- MORE can fit at the table.


  1. Relative pronouns

Pronouns that are used to connect a phrase or a clause to any noun or pronoun are called relative pronouns. They are used to add more information. They are of two types: definite relative pronouns and indefinite relative pronouns.

  • Relative pronouns- who, whom, which, whose, that.- Find the man WHO stole the money from the old woman.

  • Indefinite relative pronouns- whoever, whichever, whatever, whomever- WHICHEVER gift you choose will be great.


  1. Interrogative pronouns

Pronouns that are used to ask a question are called interrogative pronouns. They have the same form as relative pronouns.

  • Interrogative pronouns-who, whom, which, whose, what-WHICH class is this?


  1. Reflexive pronouns

A pronoun that is used in the object's position in a sentence when it refers to the same person or item is called reflexive pronouns. Reflexive pronouns follow verbs in the sentence. They can also follow some prepositions. They can be identified, which end in 'self' or 'selves'.

  • Singular reflexive pronouns-myself, themself, yourself, yourself, himself, herself, etc.- You should buy YOURSELF an ice cream.

  • Plural reflexive pronouns- yourselves, ourselves, ourselves- We gave OURSELVES plenty of time.


  1. Intensive pronouns

The pronouns used to emphasise intensified nouns and pronouns are known as intensive pronouns. They are also known as emphatic pronouns.

  • Intensive pronouns- myself, themself, itself, himself, herself, themself- I MYSELF like to travel.


  1. Demonstrative pronouns

The pronouns used to take the place of a noun already mentioned in a sentence are known as demonstrative pronouns.

  • Singular demonstrative pronouns- this, that, none, neither, such- THIS is my favorite movie.

  • Plural demonstrative pronouns-these, those- THOSE are my best friends.

 Class 3 English Grammar Pronoun Rules

Some rules of pronouns for class 3 are given below. 

  1. A personal pronoun can be used only when it applies to the noun which it replaces. For example- THAT a woman is my teacher. Do you know HER?

  2. An adjective cannot be placed before a personal pronoun. A personal pronoun, a subject, should have an adjective after the work. For example- SHE looked BEAUTIFUL.

  3. Apostrophe signs cannot be added to possessive pronouns such as ours, theirs, hers. For example- The red bag is HERS, and the yellow bag is mine.

  4. MY is not called a pronoun. A pronoun is used to replace a noun. My is a possessive determiner. For example- Joey sold HIS sandwich.

  5. You should not put yourself first in a sentence. It will be better if you put the other person before you, for example- THEY took Ross and ME to the coffee house.

Some Fundamental CBSE Class 3 English Pronouns Point To Remember

Class 3 English grammar pronouns have many important points to remember that are given below-

  1. Pronouns are the words that are used to replace nouns.

  2. The words like I, he, she, it, you, we, they, etc., are used so that the nouns are not repeated.

  3. Subject pronouns are used in the place of names of people, things, or a place.

  4. I, he, she, it is used only when we are talking about one person.

  5. 'This' is used for objects which are nearby, and 'That' is used for objects which are far away. (one object)

  6. 'Those' are used for objects far away, and 'These' are used for nearby objects. (more than one object)

  7. ‘Me’ is used to introduce ‘I’ in any sentence.

  8. ‘Us’ is used to introduce ‘We’ in any sentence.

  9. ‘Him’ is used to introduce ‘He’ in any sentence.

  10. ‘Her’ is used to introduce ‘She’ in any sentence.

  11. ‘It’ is used to introduce ‘Object’ in any sentence.

  12. ‘They are used to introduce ‘They’ in any sentence.

 CBSE Class 3 English Pronouns Exercise

  1. SHE went to the market with Anuj.

  2. Five of US had to fit into this tiny car.

  3. Every Wednesday, Neha goes to the mall with THEM.

  4. At the store, the man gave HER some money.

  5. When the sun goes down, HE comes from work.

  6. I enjoyed seeing THEM at the concert.

  7. Have YOU hung the painting yet?

  8. If I eat all of THESE fruits, the mother will let me go to the part.

  9. We played with a dog.

  10. Have you seen the aeroplane WE built?


Class 3 English Grammar Pronouns play an important role in building the concept of pronouns. In simple language, pronouns are words that take the place of nouns in a sentence or paragraph. They are important as they help to avoid the repetition of nouns. There are many rules and types of pronouns which are essential for learning. Want to learn all of them in the easiest way possible? BOOK a FREE Class NOW! The quality of sentence writing or speaking is improved when pronouns are used. Some pronouns for children examples are given above. CBSE class 3 English pronouns are very important to build a basic understanding. A pronoun is also a part of speech where it refers to any person, place, thing, or action. Some examples of pronouns are she, he, it, they, them, hers, his, themself, himself, ourselves, etc.


  1. Define pronouns in one sentence.

A word that is used to take the place of a noun and does its work is called a pronoun. 

  1. Give some examples of reflexive pronouns.

Some examples of reflexive pronouns are himself, itself, herself, and ourselves. 

  1. Give some examples of personal pronouns.

Some examples of personal pronouns are he, she, it, we, they, etc.

  1. Are pronouns part of speech?

Yes, pronouns are a part of speech as they replace nouns.

  1. Which part of speech comes after a pronoun?

Prepositions come after pronouns in a part of speech. 

  1. You should put yourself first in a sentence. True or false? Why?

False; you should always put the other person first and yourself last in any form of writing, as it raises the quality of the sentence.

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