The art of Public Speaking

Sun, 12 Jul, 2020

10 Effective Ways How Parents Can Help Their Class 1 Children in Pronunciation For Proper Communication!

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About Pronunciation Classes For Class 1

Conquering grammatical rules and having a perfect vocabulary might seem enough for your kid. But when the matter is about communicating in English, proper pronunciations are required along with good vocabulary and understanding of the rules of grammar. When your child mispronounces a word, it creates confusion, wrong impression, and misunderstanding. As parents, you can also help your class 1 child in getting better at pronunciation by learning about the following 10 ways.

A woman teaching a kid pronunciation

A good pronunciation implies checking the following three things while your child speaks:

  • Sound: It includes vowels, consonants, and diphthongs

  • Intonation: It is the rising and falling of sounds while speaking

  • Stress: It is a prominence on syllables.

Furthermore, pace, pitch, volume, and pause also play a vital role in making the correct English pronunciation. An English pronunciation course for grade 1 helps your child to learn proper pronunciation. When your child gets support in the process of learning pronunciation, things become easy for them. Trainers at PlanetSpark help your child set goals, mark issues, and solve them. Learning pronunciation becomes fast when you enroll your child in an English pronunciation course for Grade 1 from PlanetSpark.

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Why Does Your Child Need To Learn Proper Pronunciation?

To get success in life, your child must have strong proficiency in spoken English. To have good communication skills, your child must pronounce every word correctly and speak with proper clarity along with perfect articulation and intonation. Teaching your kids pronunciation at an early age assists in grasping things quickly. Pronunciation skills for class 1st students help in avoiding communication breakdowns as well as misunderstandings.

It does not matter whether English is your native language or not, the goal is to learn correct pronunciation. It is very important to build the practice of vocalizing sound in a perfect manner in your child. Wondering why? Because of the following reasons:

  1. Proper Expression of Thoughts

When a kid utters any word inaccurately, people often misinterpret them. If that happens consistently, your child will not be able to communicate with others properly. Their spoken words will either be misheard or misinterpreted because of the way they sound. Even if your child speaks the words perfectly, there might be a problem with language expression. Everyone should speak with proper intonation, pitch, and rhythm. Moreover, based on the stressing on words, the focus and relevancy of a speech are also defined. A pronunciation class for 1st class kids helps your child in learning the best way of delivering speech, opinions, and thoughts.

  1. Development of Social Skills

Good interaction is essential for building good social bonds. Unclear speech can significantly impact how a child is bonding with other children and adults. This results in children not showing interest in attending gatherings or not having good friends, and ultimately getting detached from the whole society. When your child is not able to speak a language fluently, it makes them feel very awkward, and they lose interest in getting involved in any conversation. They start keeping things to themselves. If your child is facing such difficulties, then look for the best pronunciation class near me for class 1.

  1. Preventing Behavioral Issues

Right from being unable to uphold social relations to not being able to engage in complicated conversations, things might get frustrating for your child. They start losing their confidence. Ultimately, it gives rise to some behavioral problems in kids. Such issues start accumulating and worsen with time. So, prevention is better than cure. Make your child learn English pronunciation skills and help them find self-assurance.

  1. Impression Creation

Even though creating an impression on others is not essential for your kids at a young age, when they grow up it becomes vital. When you teach your child to have error-free articulation right from an early age, they will have a reasonable manner of speaking. But, when they do not have proper knowledge of elocution, they will face problems in the future in coping with situations that demand high interactive skills. They will get embarrassed when they cannot deliver good words with the correct intonation. Protect your child from embarrassment and enroll them in the best pronunciation course for class 1st.

  1. Global Communication

English is a global language, and it is vital to make your child's speech and language deliverance understandable and error-free. In addition, it will help them in managing global programs in school effectively. Not only that, when your child travels to another country, speaking correct English is required for effective communication.

In simple words, grammar, articulation, and vocabulary have equal importance as the English language functions as a whole. When your child lacks perfect pronunciation, they will lack social skills and confidence and might create a wrong impression in some situations. 

You know good pronunciation helps in good public speaking skills. Book a FREE class for your child and develop their pronunciation skills today!

How Parents Can Enhance Kid's Word Delivery At Home?

  1. Motivate Your Child

You can't force your child to be good at something if they do not have the willpower for accomplishing it. Therefore, it is essential to motivate your child to work on word delivery. You have to make them understand the importance of making proper pronunciation. So, when they learn, practice, and try to reach an objective they do it very enthusiastically without feeling pressured.

  1. Make Them Understand Some Basic Rules.

Like grammar, proper pronunciation also comes with a specific set of rules. To enhance your child's speech and word delivery, the first step is getting them familiar with the basic rules and knowledge. Rhythm, phonemes, and stress are all critical components of a sentence while speaking. Grade 1 pronunciation training gives equal importance to all of these components of sentences and helps them know all basics when they start learning English.

  1. Emphasis on Understandability

Many times, children get discriminated against because of different accents. But having a different accent is quite normal. Therefore, you must focus on making your child learn to talk with high clarity and comprehensiveness.

  1. Pronunciation and Meaning

When you are teaching your child English, ensure you teach them accentuation as well as the meaning of the word. In this way, they will memorize it better. Also, tell them to focus on how the word sounds more than how the word is spelled.

  1. Teach Them to Listen Carefully

It is important to listen before talking. This is required for your child to have perfect articulation. Make your child listen to some videos, TV shows, and real-life people who are good at speaking. For instance, make your little one watch a movie with subtitles. Next time when they see the same movie without subtitles, ask them to listen very carefully. This helps them in focusing on word pronunciation. English pronunciation for grade 1 also emphasizes the betterment of the listening abilities of kids.

  1. Brush Up

One of the best ways to brush up your child's skills is by reading aloud. Tell your child to read storybooks, newspapers, etc. aloud. This way, they will hear themselves and rectify if anything sounds wrong. In this way, they will practice speaking and identify where they are struggling. Some kids might face difficulty in saying some letters, some might pronounce vowels very long, and some kids face trouble in uttering long words. The 1st-grade pronunciation class at PlanetSpark recognizes where your kids are facing problems, then they customize lessons based on that.

  1. Poetry

Reciting poems and rhymes to your child helps in reflecting the perfect intonation of words and also makes it easy for them to absorb them. Likewise, reading stories and also storytelling from their memory assist your child in picking up some good articulation of words. 

  1. Rectify Bit by Bit

If you want to rectify all wrong things in your child's speech in a single day, it is not possible. Targeting various issues at the same time leads to a wastage of your efforts. Best is moving step by step and aiming at the single problem rather than all at a time. 

  1. Never Rush and Allow Your Child to Go Slow

It is not required for your child to speak fast if you want them to be fluent in a language. Making them speak fast will make your child nervous and make their speech unclear. They will also start mumbling words when they talk. So, go slow.

  1. Self-assessment

Motivate your child to evaluate their improvement. It can be done by listening to their recordings and fixing errors. It also helps them to practice repeatedly. When they are able to solve their problem on their own, it boosts their confidence level as well as enthusiasm.

Activities To Enhance Child Pronunciation

  1. Games

Children always get attracted to thrilling activities. Playing a scored game with your child will assist them in learning the proper articulation of words. You can also try rhyming word games. Here, you need to draw an object and ask kids to come up with words that have a similar sound as that object. Every new word will give them one point. Whispering Challenge can also help them to understand the formation of the mouth and guess the word.

  1. Practice Minimal Pairs

Minimal pairs are pairs of words that are differentiated by only one sound. These words your child can rehearse by stating repeatedly. Create a number of groups and tell your child to read words, then eliminate the odd word from the group.

  1. Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are difficult to articulate, but they are a fun way for practicing uttering words with complete clarity. Make your child repeat it quickly. Mistakes will occur, but rehearsing until they start sounding perfect is vital for achieving a high clarity speech. Kids will learn to differentiate between exact sound words.

Book a FREE class NOW with PlanetSpark’s Pronunciation classes and make your child a confident public speaker!

How PlanetSpark 1st Grade Pronunciation Classes Can Assist Your Child?

  1. Fun and Highly Engaging Projects

PlanetSpark introduces all concepts in an enjoyable and comprehensive manner. Your child will learn things while being entertained.

  1. Exclusive Course Module

PlanetSpark's Pronunciation course for grade 1 assists children in overcoming fears, building up confidence, and enhancing the presence of mind.

  1. Programs Designed by Experts

All courses are unique and are designed by expert trainers from Harvard and XLRI with excellent creative concepts that assist them in their personal and professional journey.

  1. Excellent Trainers

All our trainers are skilled language professionals who have already aced our aptitude test called PlanetSpark Aptitude test. It is an exam taken by more than 1 lakh people across the world.

Polishing the English speaking ability of your child by reading aloud, speaking activities, and listening takes them one step closer to having a perfect speech pattern. The more they practice, the more they will learn. Nevertheless, do not put pressure on your kids to learn something. Allow them to grasp things at their own speed.

For more information, talk to our experts NOW!


  1. Is pronunciation important for my kid?

Yes, pronunciation is essential for your child. When your child develops a clear and acceptable speech pattern, it's easy for them to communicate well with others. Everyone has their unique voice, and it is acceptable to sound a little different as long as the words are spoken accurately.

  1. From what age can I start focusing on my child's pronunciation?

It is pretty confusing for many parents thinking about what age they should start teaching pronunciation to their kids. The right age is around 4-5 years. At this stage, children go through an imitation phase where they will imitate everything that they see or hear. This is the age when they learn new sentences, words, and phrases.

  1. How can I fix my child's mispronunciation?

It's ubiquitous for kids to mispronounce words at an early age. Parents cannot do much in that case. Rather than telling them that they are wrong, repeat the correct word various times, and that will be enough.

  1. How to make pronunciation learning fun?

Based on your child's interest, make him involved in activities that assist him in getting a good grip of words articulation. Reading, playing games, or watching English movies that include speaking activity helps in learning pronunciation. 

  1. How many should parents get involved in the whole learning process?

After children cross a certain age, a lot of parents might get worried if they are overstepping their child's interest. Forcing your son or daughter to work on their pronunciation might indeed put them under pressure. So, the best is to prepare them from an early age in such a way that they can realize how important it is to be good at speaking English in a good way.

  1. How much time in a day should a kid practice for obtaining a better word articulation?

There is no such fixed number of hours for your child to practice pronunciation. Speaking and listening activities are highly flexible, and they can be carried out whenever they are free. But for a timely progression, you can prepare a daily routine for every activity your child will perform.

  1. Is it ok to put pressure on children to say words that they face difficulty pronouncing?

No, putting pressure to do something is terrible. It makes them think that their parents do not understand them, and they start behaving mysteriously and distancing themselves.

  1. Why is my child facing trouble in pronouncing certain words?

Until the age of 7 children make mistakes in their speech patterns, and that is quite normal. All errors go away as they grow up. But when these problems exist even after a certain age, then your kid may be having articulation disorder. In such cases, you should see a speech-language therapist.

  1. How is PlanetSpark different from others?

PlanetSpark offers courses that are powerful, fun to learn, and highly interactive. The course curriculum is highly comprehensive and prepared by alumni of Harvard and XLRI.

  1. Do you provide online classes?

Yes, we provide online classes for every course. All our online classes are highly interactive and nothing less when compared to physical classes. Our expert trainers leave no stone unturned in making all classes the best and most fruitful.

  1. Can I book a free trial class before enrolling my child?

Yes, you can book a FREE trial class before you enroll your child. Book class as per your convenient timing. In this free trial class, you can easily judge the quality of service we provide, and if it satisfies you, you can go for enrollment of your child.

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