
Fri, 20 Sep, 2019

10 Benefits of PlanetSpark’s Poetry Classes for Class 3 Children!

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About The Poetry Course For 3rd Grade

Poems and poetry are among the most beautiful forms of English literature to exist today. Not only does it light up a spark within our hearts, but it also makes us happy and warm. Your child is now growing up! Not only have they started talking and making sentences, but they have also started writing sentences in fluent English with proper grammar.

 a little girlwriting poem

How about giving your child the opportunity to light up their imagination power and create poetry? Not only does the poetry course for 3rd grade increase their thinking capabilities, but it also makes them inquisitive. These classes allow children to view the world from various perspectives. As a result, they become kinder and more compassionate towards all animals and human beings. Look at the 10 benefits of our best poetry classes for your child.

Through PlanetSpark, your child can learn poetry skills by investing time in some of the best poetry and poem works from the most renowned personalities. Watch them indulge in their artistic side and excel in everything they do through creativity and passion.

 Want your child to learn the art of Poetry Writing? Book a FREE class NOW with us and start learning today!

Benefits Of Learning Poetry Skill For Class 3rd Students

Here are the top benefits your child receives when they learn poetry skills with PlanetSpark:

  1. Personal Classes And Attention For Every Student

We give individual and undivided attention to every child enrolled for the 3rd class poetry training online. Each session is conducted by an expert who has to pass various criteria before joining PlanetSpark as a mentor and guide to the students. Each child receives a personal teacher who teaches them everything they need to know about poetry and improves their thought process. Through sentences and verses, your child learns to express themself better.

  1. Exciting Approach

Many parents look up ‘poetry class near me for class 3 children as they want to see their child gain the best enriching experiences while they are in the childhood phase. PlanetSpark gives the children just that. Out will the old, traditional ways of teaching; PlanetSpark makes learning fun and an exciting approach for your children through games, stories, and other types of interactive media. Through role-plays and acting, children understand poetry much more deeply than before.  

  1. Lessons Are Compiled By The Best Experts In The Educational Industry

PlanetSpark's 3rd class poetry training online course is curated by XLRI and Harvard experts. Our professionals used insights from child cognitive scientists to create the most effective teaching techniques and curriculum. We use PlanetSpark's STEPS (Spark, Think, Explain, Practice, and Share) to instruct your child in creative writing. This strategy entails gradually developing abilities, which helps children retain them for a longer period of time. 

  1. Enhanced Creativity In Writing

When your child writes text such as poetry, short stories and poems, their inner artist comes out. The course shines a light on their creative side and helps them explore this new discovery. What’s more, the more the child dives into the world of poetry, the more they learn from some of the most famous individuals and great minds who have walked this planet. They learn other essential skills such as new words, improving their grammar, how to twist words in the English language creatively, among other aspects. 

  1. Increased Imagination Power

Improving vocabulary, grammar and language through poetry and poems also helps children in increasing their imagination power. They think about various scenarios in their lives or through videos and movies they see and try to imagine better endings or pathways for those scenarios. Eventually, it helps them create exciting stories to share with their friends and family.

  1. Positive Impact On Memory

It is not just about writing poetry with PlanetSpark. The poetry course for 3rd grade encourages children to learn them word by word (and what it means) and recite it for their class. Not only does this have a positive impact on memory, but it also improves their public speaking skills. This improves their vocabulary and has a massive positive impact on their confidence as well. In short, poetry helps children come out of their shells and become confident future leaders no matter what industry they go to.

  1. Improves Socialisation Skills

Poetry allows kids to connect with one another and form their communities of like-minded individuals. PlanetSpark teaches students in their poetry classes how to tell stories from their life using symbolic language and metaphor to express their experiences. Poetry also teaches children how to breach grammar norms and discover a voice and a community. Through these experiences, children learn about the type of people they want to associate themselves with. This assists them in creating and setting themselves on a path for the long run.

  1. Work Through Emotions More Effectively

Through the online English creative training for class 3, children learn about the different emotions displayed in poetry. Poetry dives deep into various feelings such as happiness, anger and sadness. This helps in improving the mental health of the children and it teaches them how to work through their emotions.

When they find creative outlets to work through their emotions effectively, they become compassionate and better human beings. This helps them not only in school and college, but also helps them in learning various important lessons throughout their life. 

  1. Speech Development

Poetry consists of many types of unique words. These words have various interesting patterns and rhymes for the children to follow. By learning the poetry course for 3rd grade, children improve their vocal cords which leads to speech development.

  1. Children Interpret And Decipher Better

Every poem and poetry has many deep, hidden meanings that are waiting to be discovered by the reader. PlanetSpark's best poetry classes for class 3 improve the child's interpretive abilities and their capacity to dig beyond the surface meaning of the words. The children can comprehend what the poet is attempting to express deeply from a small bit of literature. They hone their talents as readers and writers to a high degree.

Book a FREE class NOW with our best Poetry classes and make your child learn the art of poetry writing today!

Importance Of The Poetry Course For 3rd Grade Students

  1. Children Gain A Creative Outlet

All children between the ages of 6-11 are highly energetic and are capable of multitasking through various things at once. As they are full of life and energy, they need an outlet to channel this energy. Say, something more exciting than scribbling around or doing something that is unconstructive. How about signing them for a poetry course for 3rd grade that is not only constructive but also productive at the same time? It is essential for children to learn these creative aspects to cultivate a positive attitude towards life and the people around them.

  1. It Is Therapeutic And Helps The Children Relax

Just like how things with an aesthetic appeal tend to calm and relax adults, poetry has the same wonderful effect on children. Calm children think more clearly and are able to function in a much better way. Hence, we at PlanetSpark highly recommend the poetry course for 3rd grade students.

  1. Children Improve Their Thinking Capabilities

Many artists and individuals think critically and have strong opinions about events around the world. This is great for your child as well as it helps in improving their cognitive capabilities. By introducing your child to poetry, poems and classic English literature, children learn to form their own opinions. Before the move on to Class 4, they will be equipped with lifelong, versatile skills such as confidence and a fair idea of which path they wish to choose. The poetry classes for class 3 also assist children in identifying problems and solving them without any assistance. Children also learn to become independent thinkers.

  1. Develops Reading Habits

Reading habits instilled in children at a young age between 6-11 years last for a lifetime. We all know that when children read, they tend to learn new things and gain plenty of knowledge that can help them in their lives. It makes them better individuals who wish to see their family, their surroundings and their country progress by grasping the necessary leadership skills.

Online Certification Details

  1. Advanced Certification (__ Classes)

  • Curriculum: 

  • Activities: 

  • Achievements: _____________ Certificate

  1. Pro-Grad Certification (__ Classes)

  • Curriculum: 

  • Activities: 

  • Achievements: 

  1. Merit Certification (__ Classes)

  • Curriculum: 

  • Activities: 

  • Achievements:

For more information, talk to our experts NOW! 


  1. What are the different age groups of children that can enroll in this course?

This course is specially curated for children in class 3, in the age group of 8-9 years old. Every child has different learning styles. Hence, we recommend you enroll your child in the grade-specific course to gain maximum results by being around other children their age.

  1. What exactly is PlanetSpark and how does the company help my child?

PlanetSpark is an online EdTech platform that utilizes the latest technologies created to educate your child in the best possible manner. Through these classes, the child learns everything they must know about the English language, but they also learn very important life skills that can help them in the long term.

  1. How will parents know whether their child is making progress?

It is now very easy for parents and guardians to track their child's progress after they enroll for the online English creative training for class 3. All they have to do is log in to the app and track their growth. Additionally, PlanetSpark also sends parents and guardians regular updates to keep them informed about their child’s progress.

  1. What poetry will my class 3 child learn?

Through this course, your child will get introduced to some of the most famous poets and writers. The children will also learn about the various art forms they can inculcate into their written creations through interactive videos and games.

  1. Why should my child invest time in learning poetry?

Learning to write poetry at an early age offers several advantages. Children learn to express themselves healthily and how to be constructive while doing so. They are exposed to various cultures and kinds of literature that aid in their general cognitive development. Poetry enables children to comprehend numerous elements of life. It arouses their emotions and allows them to express themselves freely. It also assists them in discovering their inner voice. 

  1. What is the duration of this course and how much does it cost?

The poetry classes for class 3 students are conducted online through interactive personal sessions. Here, every student is given personal attention through the mentor assigned to them. These classes are self-paced. However, the general duration of this course lasts for approximately 3 months. To get information related to the pricing and other related queries, we request you to first book a free trial or directly get in touch with our team.

  1. What skills can the child learn from poetry?

There are various benefits to enrolling your child in the best poetry classes for Class 3 by PlanetSpark. Some of these benefits are:

  • Improved cognitive function.

  • Children discover the inner voice that helps them regulate and channel their emotions in a positive way.

  • Children become self-aware as well as gain a heightened awareness about their surroundings.

  • Poetry inspires children to become better human beings and role models for society.

  1. What role may poetry have in students' future careers?

Reading, researching, and writing poetry can help students enhance their capacity to conceptualize a word and connect with it through presentations or writing. They also acquire an intense feeling of empathy with the assistance of poetry. This will make them kinder to nature, animals and their fellow beings.

  1. What are popular poetry forms to learn in the 3rd class poetry training online course?

There are various kinds of poetry the child can learn that can enhance their creativity. Some of the most popular styles include:

  • Haikus: A haiku is a three-line poetry form from Japan. The first line contains five syllables, the second line has seven, and the third line has five again.

  • Free Verse: Poetry that lacks a constant rhyme scheme, metrical pattern, or melodic structure is known as free verse poetry. Children usually prefer this poetry style since it is easy to understand as it does not contain any specific rules.

  • Sonnet: A sonnet is 14-line poetry that is generally (but not always) about love. Sonnets include internal rhymes inside their 14 lines; the exact rhyme system varies depending on the form of the sonnet.

  • Ballad: A ballad is a type of narrative poetry that can be lyrical or musical by form. The story is described through a melody.

  1. How do I know that my child has a qualified mentor?

All the teachers hired at PlanetSpark have to pass a series of tests designed by PlanetSpark itself. These tests are referred to as PlanetSpark Aptitude Test (PSAT). This ensures that the teachers are highly qualified and have relevant experience so that they can only teach your child the best.

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